How Do/Did You Speak to Your Parents?


Well-Known Member
What I mean by this, do/did you speak to them like you would a friend, a teacher, a sibling?

Show more respect? Is most of it casual "hi, how was your day?" "my stupid friend did _____, it was hilarious!", do you get into very deep conversations? How long do they last, a minute, 5 minutes? Have you ever had a conversation, 1 on 1 with one of your parents last longer than 30 minutes or an hour? What did you talk about? How did it make you feel?


New Member
nahh i just stole all their shit, pwned it off for weed, sold out of their house, forged checks knowing they wouldent press charges, trashed house, had parties, punched holes in walls, fell throu ceilings


New Member
What I mean by this, do/did you speak to them like you would a friend, a teacher, a sibling?

Show more respect? Is most of it casual "hi, how was your day?" "my stupid friend did _____, it was hilarious!", do you get into very deep conversations? How long do they last, a minute, 5 minutes? Have you ever had a conversation, 1 on 1 with one of your parents last longer than 30 minutes or an hour? What did you talk about? How did it make you feel?
never knew my dad..he emailed me thanks to his sister a year ago, ask about my kids...i emailed pics and stuff, he never emailed back... my mom always lived 15 min away and i never saw her much. I have trust issues and should probably be in a ward somewhere ;)


Active Member
last time i checked parents were people like everyone else, so i talk to them like everyone else.


Well-Known Member
last time i checked parents were people like everyone else, so i talk to them like everyone else.
Come on John..

"babies are people just like everyone else.."

Are you going to speak to a baby like you would an adult?

Do you have the same kind of sense of humor you do with your parents as you do with a best friend? Tell the same jokes? Or is there a more respectful or formal kind of tone?

Have you ever had a conversation 1 on 1 with a parent that lasted more than an hour?


Well-Known Member
I get along well win both parents. It almost was not this way, but I did grow up and become responsible and gained the respect. Most of the time it's just interactions along the lines of bullshiting. If I'm talking something serious it's more likely with my mom. I'm not really sure why, but although my parent are aware of my smoking and most things I do, there are still things I wouldn't share. Again I don't know why, I trust my parents and know they would give the best advice they know. But some things I share with no one. Hah I even bounce grow ideas off my dad, as he grew when he was In his twentys. Lol he thinks I'm crazy though, growing was less of a science back then. Sorry if this sound like I'm rambling, just stoned and faded and tryptophaned out a bit.

Padawanbater, I have a question for you if you don't mind. I've noticed you post a lot of family/parent related topics. Is this just because of the holiday and you wish to get some deep thinking and life assements done by the community, or are you having family issues and want to gauge how others interact with family/parents?


Well-Known Member
nahh i just stole all their shit, pwned it off for weed, sold out of their house, forged checks knowing they wouldent press charges, trashed house, had parties, punched holes in walls, fell throu ceilings

i have massive respect for my parents and would do anything for them if they asked. if it wasnt for there examples there is no way i would have grown into the man i am today and i for one am very proud of the person i am today. i doubt i will ever be half the man my dad was as long as i keep trying im headed in the right direction.

and i guess to answer the question no i didnt speak to my parents the same way i do everyone else i mostly watched and listened and learned. way too much respect for my oldies.


New Member
I get along well win both parents. It almost was not this way, but I did grow up and become responsible and gained the respect. Most of the time it's just interactions along the lines of bullshiting. If I'm talking something serious it's more likely with my mom. I'm not really sure why, but although my parent are aware of my smoking and most things I do, there are still things I wouldn't share. Again I don't know why, I trust my parents and know they would give the best advice they know. But some things I share with no one. Hah I even bounce grow ideas off my dad, as he grew when he was In his twentys. Lol he thinks I'm crazy though, growing was less of a science back then. Sorry if this sound like I'm rambling, just stoned and faded and tryptophaned out a bit.

Padawanbater, I have a question for you if you don't mind. I've noticed you post a lot of family/parent related topics. Is this just because of the holiday and you wish to get some deep thinking and life assements done by the community, or are you having family issues and want to gauge how others interact with family/parents?
what the fuck kind of buzz killer is this shit?!


New Member
yea and "what kind of house do you want to design" and all the "Rage against the macine" "political" shit... and the av... yea.. are you on the brink dude????


Well-Known Member
Padawanbater, I have a question for you if you don't mind. I've noticed you post a lot of family/parent related topics. Is this just because of the holiday and you wish to get some deep thinking and life assements done by the community, or are you having family issues and want to gauge how others interact with family/parents?
Don't mind at all. I'm not really sure to be honest, I'm in a weird sort of transitional stage in my life, realizing my age, the age of my family members and their health. My dad's smoked for damn near 35-36 years, is about to turn 55, is overweight, eats like shit and gets no exercise. Been realizing he's not going to be around forever and how much he as a person and what he's taught me as his son means to me. Not really problems between us, just circumstantial economic and financial events neither of us really have control over (we do but to change them it would require an unrealistic sequence of events he feels he's too old to change now) that lead to frequent bouts of depression. I feel like I can deal with that better than he can because I'm on the internet all the time reading about the world, this shit is affecting everyone, not just my family, and I think he feels like he's failed his family when it's actually the world, the system that's failed. It's a tough cycle, nobody expects their life to turn out like this.

All this has been making me realize what I value.


New Member
Don't mind at all. I'm not really sure to be honest, I'm in a weird sort of transitional stage in my life, realizing my age, the age of my family members and their health. My dad's smoked for damn near 35-36 years, is about to turn 55, is overweight, eats like shit and gets no exercise. Been realizing he's not going to be around forever and how much he as a person and what he's taught me as his son means to me. Not really problems between us, just circumstantial economic and financial events neither of us really have control over (we do but to change them it would require an unrealistic sequence of events he feels he's too old to change now) that lead to frequent bouts of depression. I feel like I can deal with that better than he can because I'm on the internet all the time reading about the world, this shit is affecting everyone, not just my family, and I think he feels like he's failed his family when it's actually the world, the system that's failed. It's a tough cycle, nobody expects their life to turn out like this.

All this has been making me realize what I value.
why say 35-36? for the purpose of the story why not say one or the other?


Well-Known Member
I can feel that padawanbater, my mom recently got laid off from a high paying job she had for 30 years and now my parents are going into bankruptcy and I'm trying to help out. For me family is very important. Unfortunately my mom has let her health decline a bit as well. With her new job it's like she is a little depressed. My dad on the other hand turned it around and became a straight up body builder. It's curious that my dad is that way and my mom is way out of shape. It's sad for sure, but it's like my dad stay with my mom just to keep the family unit in tact. I have much respect for my dad, a normaly soft spoken man. But I can also talk to him like a friend, and watch football together.

I didn't mean to pry or anything g, just noticed a theme with some posts you put up lately. I've been thinking similarly last too, so I just got curious.


Well-Known Member
Padawanbater, you sound like a wall made out of bricks of idealism!

It depends what I`m talking to my parents about. I`m not in the same country anymore so I get to see them once or twice a year.

My mother I would talk to constantly, the most relaxed person I can talk to. Talk about anything... drugs, politics, news, science, life, art and soooo on. Shes a journalist.

My father went through a bit of a midlife chrisis. All he would talk about was how bad my mother was, so not much :) Still hot on topics of science though, they may last for a while :)

I would average 1-2 hours with my mom daily I think, lol


Well-Known Member
Why did is my post gone???What did I say so bad? do mods delete things like I told my dad to go fuck himself and shove his letter up his ass in court last time we talked...the last time ever.

I said good things about Mom.