How Do/Did You Speak to Your Parents?

When I was young I used to never stop talking to my parents now I can ride 9 hours in fucking car and say shit to them but I'm getting better with that.


Well-Known Member
I could tell my parents almost anything, Im an introvert and i like to keep to myself usually, but when it comes to my parents its different there just so chill and down to earth. Well, I don t really talk to my dad about alot of shit but more with my mom, like i could deffinately last an hour of talking to my mom haha not my dad though, even though he still cool.


Well-Known Member
Don't mind at all. I'm not really sure to be honest, I'm in a weird sort of transitional stage in my life, realizing my age, the age of my family members and their health. My dad's smoked for damn near 35-36 years, is about to turn 55, is overweight, eats like shit and gets no exercise. Been realizing he's not going to be around forever and how much he as a person and what he's taught me as his son means to me. Not really problems between us, just circumstantial economic and financial events neither of us really have control over (we do but to change them it would require an unrealistic sequence of events he feels he's too old to change now) that lead to frequent bouts of depression. I feel like I can deal with that better than he can because I'm on the internet all the time reading about the world, this shit is affecting everyone, not just my family, and I think he feels like he's failed his family when it's actually the world, the system that's failed. It's a tough cycle, nobody expects their life to turn out like this.

All this has been making me realize what I value.


Well-Known Member
My mom's died from her taste for pills and heroin. She shot a hot dose of fentanyl. I never really got to know her. But, I still grieve for her. I blasted a rose tattoo for her on my inner bicep. If I had the chance to make it right between us I would of liked to, but it is pretty impossible now.

"What did you talk about? How did it make you feel?"

If I had the chance to say anything to her now I guess it would be to say I am sorry for being such an unworthy shit. She worked very hard to keep me fed when I was a young teen and starving. She deserves my respect. Because gods know my pops never bothered to make that happen...

This whole thread makes me feel kinda weird.


Well-Known Member
Goddamn.. me too, man. Been shedding a lot of tears the past few days. I think this is the beginning of the end for my old man. We have some tests to take on Friday, but he can barely fuckin breathe, I can barely keep it together. This is the weakest I've ever felt in my life.
Thanks for that, bro. Means a lot you would say that out in the open. Feel like we grew up a lot the same. Wish you the best for your old man.
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Well-Known Member
Wow those posts made me choke up a little Pinworm and Panwanbater. Make people think about how fortunate they really are to have their parents still around and to be able to still do what you couldn't. Hope you don't mind the comment. Just hit me when i read them. Sorry about your loss Pinworm and best wishes to you Panwanbater.


Well-Known Member
Wow those posts made me choke up a little Pinworm and Panwanbater. Make people think about how fortunate they really are to have their parents still around and to be able to still do what you couldn't. Hope you don't mind the comment. Just hit me when i read them. Sorry about your loss Pinworm and best wishes to you Panwanbater.
Yeah man, reminds me to be thankful to still have mine.

Some peoples parents just doesn't deserve half the respect they get. Like Frank in shameless.


Well-Known Member
My mom taught me things maybe only a mother really can.
Ive always treated her with respect and as a superior. For example ive never cursed or used slang around her. I speak intelligently and with intent. Help her in any way that i can.
Maybe her wisdom fell out the other ear most of the time.. but she taught me imo how to really treat people. How i should carry/view myself.. and its gotten me endless pussy, thank you momma
Another example, as a man do you feel your not supposed to have emotion? Are you uncomfortable telling another male you love them in a non sexual manner ..maybe have take it to the extreme..say a dying brother or someone you haven't seen in years. Most people seem to have a very skewed idea on what makes a man, a man.
Or a father, a dad.. or whatever

I say this also as i grew up without a dad
My mom had a small surgery a day or two ago. First time weve really talked in a while

I should have a good bit more time with her. But the past decade weve kinda went on our own paths. I havent talked to most of my family in years

Anyway i think im rambling

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Originally with respect and love. Now, my mother and stepfather really can drop dead and I'll feel nothing about it. In case anyone feels the need to judge me, believe me, I've a totally solid reason for the only grudge I've ever held in life.


Well-Known Member
with respect always, unless I wanted my ass kicked by one or the other. they taught me everything about life in their own way both bad and good. my father retired in 2010 and after a long time in the drivers seat he had not really planed/saved much for retirement and ended up having to move in with me. talk about life altering lol anyways cheers everyone time for a dab.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Well, with respect to you and yours, mine taught me everything I know I never want to be, especially as a parent. My mother's definitely got undiagnosed Munchausen's by proxy, and she would definitely have no problem poisoning me for the attention she would derive from it. I owe them nothing. And I'm an adult. I earned my right to call myself a man and have plenty to show for it. I did it alone. I'll be damned if their seniority and the fact they gave me a life, which I had to make for myself, gives them the right to be cruel and disregard my basic human rights. My own parents fucking stole 1200 dollars from me after I sent 300 dollars a month home during my entire Army career. I've got more respect for Hajj than my mother and stepfather. Enemies are supposed to hate each other. Family's supposed to be the one thing you can rely on to have your back, not plant a knife in it, especially when they know you're at your weakest.


Well-Known Member
Well, with respect to you and yours, mine taught me everything I know I never want to be, especially as a parent. My mother's definitely got undiagnosed Munchausen's by proxy, and she would definitely have no problem poisoning me for the attention she would derive from it. I owe them nothing. And I'm an adult. I earned my right to call myself a man and have plenty to show for it. I did it alone. I'll be damned if their seniority and the fact they gave me a life, which I had to make for myself, gives them the right to be cruel and disregard my basic human rights. My own parents fucking stole 1200 dollars from me after I sent 300 dollars a month home during my entire Army career. I've got more respect for Hajj than my mother and stepfather. Enemies are supposed to hate each other. Family's supposed to be the one thing you can rely on to have your back, not plant a knife in it, especially when they know you're at your weakest.
True. Blood is suppose to thicker than water no doubt.


Well-Known Member
My mom taught me things maybe only a mother really can.
Ive always treated her with respect and as a superior. For example ive never cursed or used slang around her. I speak intelligently and with intent. Help her in any way that i can.
Maybe her wisdom fell out the other ear most of the time.. but she taught me imo how to really treat people. How i should carry/view myself.. and its gotten me endless pussy, thank you momma
Another example, as a man do you feel your not supposed to have emotion? Are you uncomfortable telling another male you love them in a non sexual manner ..maybe have take it to the extreme..say a dying brother or someone you haven't seen in years. Most people seem to have a very skewed idea on what makes a man, a man.
Or a father, a dad.. or whatever

I say this also as i grew up without a dad
My mom had a small surgery a day or two ago. First time weve really talked in a while

I should have a good bit more time with her. But the past decade weve kinda went on our own paths. I havent talked to most of my family in years

Anyway i think im rambling
Not rambling just making a good point.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
With respect, consideration, and deference.

I've never had a good talk with my dad. But we have worked side by side, silent stretches of labor where we both leave sweat and blood in the soil we work. No words need to be spoken, we toil together. He appreciates me, but likely couldn't verbalize the sentiment.

My mother is my hero, the epitome of everything I aspire to. We talk for hours, her insight is invaluable to me.

They're both getting older, which solidifies my own aging process... My mom looks tired all the time, my dad is slowing down, not as strong as he once was.

It's all part if life I suppose, I move up to take over where they left off.

I have so much to learn from them.


Well-Known Member
Hi panda..

I lost both my parents, daddy in 2002 and mama just last year. I spoke to them with respect but also as if they were my friends. They raised me and my brothers to be respectful and caring of others, and they led by great example. I wish they were still here, I'd love to be able to talk to them again. I hope whatever you are going through/dealing with is resolved and you'll remember this. Our parents don't live forever, they aren't super beings, and they have their faults like everybody else. Don't waste a moment that you don't have to, stay in touch with them and speak to them about anything/everything because once they are gone you'll wish they were still here. Not one day goes by I don't think about something or see something I'd like to talk to them about or share with them.

Life is fleeting...

My mom's died from her taste for pills and heroin. She shot a hot dose of fentanyl. I never really got to know her. But, I still grieve for her. I blasted a rose tattoo for her on my inner bicep. If I had the chance to make it right between us I would of liked to, but it is pretty impossible now.

"What did you talk about? How did it make you feel?"

If I had the chance to say anything to her now I guess it would be to say I am sorry for being such an unworthy shit. She worked very hard to keep me fed when I was a young teen and starving. She deserves my respect. Because gods know my pops never bothered to make that happen...

This whole thread makes me feel kinda weird.
love u Pinny
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