Importance of an EC meter


Well-Known Member
Shit, I was wondering where you were. All this time I was like, "where the hell is Raven?"

Believe it or not, I'm a pretty good natured guy, and I agree that growing a cannabis plant, like any other, is an uncomplicated process. But here in LA pot culture, the quality has been driven so high, that what's good shit in someone's basement in the UK or Texas, isn't even worth looking at here. This is the environment where I strive to compete, so when others who are trying to grow for quality are being told that my advice to monitor their dissolved solids is hogwash, I take notice.

And I know how many promises I've made to you (and in general) that I would play nice from now on... But I'm like a pit bull sometimes. Once I latch on, I'll just bite harder and harder until the limb tears off. Some people are entertained by me, while others despise me... What can I say? It's the story of my life.

Now after all this, is it possible to inject something constructive? I don't know, but hydro growing and soil growing are two completely different things. I think someone from a hydro shop commented earlier that he advises beginners interested in hydro to grow in soil? That's like a beginner going to the scuba shop and being advised to try rock climbing. One really has little to do with the other.
I'm here, new jobs just been kicking my ass, still not used to having a morning schedule. The new grow has also been taking its toll, first hydro grow, and I, in my unwavering wisdom, said fuck it, why not start with 5 strains. :roll: And I still haven't gotten a meter yet, was supposed to last week, but didn't get a chance, hopefully I'll pick it up this next weekend. To top it off, 2 of them are unstables, so in just one strain I have one looking perfect, and another showing signs of burning. †LOL† Fortunately, I eat stress for breakfast. :p

Honestly Jin, I'm not to worried about it, I know your nature by now. Like I said, your a perfectionist, its why I keep up with your grows. Your a good guy, and an excellent grower, you just let your temper get the best of you. Relax. Stop tearing off limbs. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for cannibalism, but lets be honest, you were just ripping it off, you had no intentions of eating it. Waste is bad... :p


Well-Known Member
went through two or three pages of flames, fuck it, may as well answer the original posters question.

No, you dont need it. At all.

Even if you go from town A to town B... who cares, do a little homework to find out what's up with the tap water, and then just rock it. I just take the chart and start any strain at half strenght (GH nutrients) if they need more, easy, if they need less, easy.

Easy. I have two tri-meters and 2 EC meters collecting dust, if you want one, I'll send it to you free. But you don't need one and I'd have saved the money if I figured that out earlier. mentioned you have 2, huh? ;)
Best buddy, best pal, guy I've never met... †LOL†


Well-Known Member
I'm here, new jobs just been kicking my ass, still not used to having a morning schedule. The new grow has also been taking its toll, first hydro grow, and I, in my unwavering wisdom, said fuck it, why not start with 5 strains. :roll: And I still haven't gotten a meter yet, was supposed to last week, but didn't get a chance, hopefully I'll pick it up this next weekend. To top it off, 2 of them are unstables, so in just one strain I have one looking perfect, and another showing signs of burning. †LOL† Fortunately, I eat stress for breakfast. :p

Honestly Jin, I'm not to worried about it, I know your nature by now. Like I said, your a perfectionist, its why I keep up with your grows. Your a good guy, and an excellent grower, you just let your temper get the best of you. Relax. Stop tearing off limbs. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for cannibalism, but lets be honest, you were just ripping it off, you had no intentions of eating it. Waste is bad... :p
I wasn't gonna eat it... You're right. I'm sorry.

And growing different strains is tempting indeed. I did it a couple of grows ago. I had trouble with the different strain/pheno requirements, though.


Well-Known Member
Remember, go for the fat ones, and low heat over a long time is they key... :twisted:

I've been having a bitch of a time keeping a permanent dealer, so I'm going all out. Want to have a variety since I want to be my own source. :D Originally I was going to do 12/12 from seed, but I've decided to veg out some mothers to clone from. Definitely being a bit of a pain in the ass, each one having their own needs.


Well-Known Member
Remember, go for the fat ones, and low heat over a long time is they key... :twisted:

I've been having a bitch of a time keeping a permanent dealer, so I'm going all out. Want to have a variety since I want to be my own source. :D Originally I was going to do 12/12 from seed, but I've decided to veg out some mothers to clone from. Definitely being a bit of a pain in the ass, each one having their own needs.
Well you know I'll be praying to the Ganja Gods on your behalf.


Active Member

Easy. I have two tri-meters and 2 EC meters collecting dust, if you want one, I'll send it to you free. But you don't need one and I'd have saved the money if I figured that out earlier.

Ill take it and pay the shipping and whatever other costs are incurred during the transaction, seriously. I love your pay-it-forward can do attitude. So can I send you my address?
i grow in a dwc and use my ec meter to check if the plants droop/claw i know ive fed them too much... if they droop and the ec is good i know i have other issues and i can leave the ec alone.

after this grow i dont plan on using the ec meter again unless the plant gets into some kind of problem. im currently just logging down the amount of food and water i put in week by week. next time around im using the lucas formula.