why don't people have fur?


Well-Known Member
No, thousands have worked on it, trying to find real flaws. It's held up so well that calling it a "theory" is an insult that usually conceals religious dissent. cn
There's plenty of scientific evidence that actually support the Earth being 10,000 years old. It's hard to be refuted, too.

I don't know what to think yet, but I have some ideas.


New Member
josae....................... patience hunting? chasing something till it falls over is not very patient.........i dont believe theres many animals u could chase until they collapse without losing em .......... pretty much everything is faster than us

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
They did, actually. If you read Dawkins, "The Greatest Show on Earth", he shows, step by step, how evolution can be established beyond reasonable doubt with ZERO reference to the fossil record. cn
I havnt seen it yet....sounds good. Didnt they find a lost race of pigmy people thought to never exsist in central america or somehting?


Well-Known Member
Why don't you guys just except the fact that we're all here from Aliens....and the little human seedlings we once were didn't need fur like the animals they planted did. Theres not much use for fur where theres no sun....we probable evolved backwards by having more hair has caveman in the first place ,than our original, somewhat hairless, Alien realitives did. We're just clones of them in a way, with alittle evolving for the earths apnessphere:bigjoint:...lol