List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

And your point being what

wow talk about double standards there heinsberg've certainly changed your tune since you posted this about olly it was only yesterday you were bashing me for calling olly mentally retarded lol
Beef meet Oly, our resident fundie without a clue. He has been told about Russell's teapot before, and just about any other critical thinking concept you can imagine. I would suggest when you read his posts you just shake your head and move on without reply. His only goal is to use your reply, no matter how succinct or articulate, for a springboard to the rest of his diatribe, which he borrows from fundie mentality without actually understanding himself, so it comes across as a mentally challenged 5 year old girl. Oly has to sit at the kids table and not participate with the adults until he learns how to properly conduct himself. Unless you enjoy poking a retard with a stick, you shouldn't waste your time.​
Last edited by Heisenberg; 10-04-2011 at 09:22 PM.

ps ive been on this forum many years before you and dont need telling whats acceptable here by you , especially when you trash talk with people as and it when it suits you .
91 pages, has anyone changed anyone else's mind? Didn't think so.

I'm a Christian, if anyone has a problem with it, then it's your problem to deal with, not mine :)
91 pages, has anyone changed anyone else's mind? Didn't think so.

I'm a Christian, if anyone has a problem with it, then it's your problem to deal with, not mine :)

...evolution does not preclude a deity (hey beef, that's a choprism :lol: ). Anyway, I like that. I don't see any point in trying to change a person's mind. We're at where we're at. Seems possible to respect that, don't you think? (you=everyone in this case)

Imagine if our legs were like this sub-forum. With all the cooperation going on we'd get nowhere pretty fckn fast. :)
wow talk about double standards there heinsberg've certainly changed your tune since you posted this about olly it was only yesterday you were bashing me for calling olly mentally retarded lol
Beef meet Oly, our resident fundie without a clue. He has been told about Russell's teapot before, and just about any other critical thinking concept you can imagine. I would suggest when you read his posts you just shake your head and move on without reply. His only goal is to use your reply, no matter how succinct or articulate, for a springboard to the rest of his diatribe, which he borrows from fundie mentality without actually understanding himself, so it comes across as a mentally challenged 5 year old girl. Oly has to sit at the kids table and not participate with the adults until he learns how to properly conduct himself. Unless you enjoy poking a retard with a stick, you shouldn't waste your time.​
Last edited by Heisenberg; 10-04-2011 at 09:22 PM.

ps ive been on this forum many years before you and dont need telling whats acceptable here by you , especially when you trash talk with people as and it when it suits you .

Eh.... Oly has actually progressed his views somewhat since that discussion took place.

In this case; both you, (TSH) and Oly are acting childish, and bantering about things that have nothing to do with the theism/atheism debate or anything in between. Debate is one thing, and it can even get somewhat personal; but when debate turns into "fuck your mom", "you suck at boxing", and "you're retarded", we've gone beyond anything that can be defined as useful.

So, with that being said; would both of you mind steering the conversation back to a more useful topic, and attempt to refrain from blatant personal attacks?

That'd be awesome!
wow talk about double standards there heinsberg've certainly changed your tune since you posted this about olly it was only yesterday you were bashing me for calling olly mentally retarded lol
Beef meet Oly, our resident fundie without a clue. He has been told about Russell's teapot before, and just about any other critical thinking concept you can imagine. I would suggest when you read his posts you just shake your head and move on without reply. His only goal is to use your reply, no matter how succinct or articulate, for a springboard to the rest of his diatribe, which he borrows from fundie mentality without actually understanding himself, so it comes across as a mentally challenged 5 year old girl. Oly has to sit at the kids table and not participate with the adults until he learns how to properly conduct himself. Unless you enjoy poking a retard with a stick, you shouldn't waste your time.​
Last edited by Heisenberg; 10-04-2011 at 09:22 PM.

ps ive been on this forum many years before you and dont need telling whats acceptable here by you , especially when you trash talk with people as and it when it suits you .

I think most of us can see the distinction between this and trash talk. This is an example of me speaking out about the same issue as I am with you. Notice that I wasn't suggesting we should all insult oly's mother and call him a douchebag for pages at a time. There is a difference between disrespecting someone and insulting someone for kicks. Oly's conduct was contemptible, and that is what I attacked, not his intelligence or his choice to believe, certainly not his family. Oly is now acting like an adult and engaging in serious discussion, with the exception of the times you throw mental rocks at him and make him angry. I give oly more respect now because he has earned it. He earned it by giving us proper respect, and pretty much everyone on this board now takes him more seriously than before. It's my opinion that you could learn a lesson from oly instead of worrying about score keeping. I took a stand on oly, emotional I admit, for the sake of demanding standards of conduct. You do your best to bring out the worst in oly just so you can point and laugh at him, and admit it is for no other reason than personal sensationalism. There is no excuse for oly responding to your goading the way he did, which is why I was cautioning both of you.

I think we are all guilty of acting this way. When I fist stumbled onto skepticism I acted a lot like you. The things people believe are astonishing, maddening, and the urge to mock them is almost intuitive. I had a much different attitude when I first came to these boards and part of what improved that attitude, and the productivity of my posts, came from seriously listening to the opposition. People like Brako and karri0n didn't just see my words as opposition, but as serious thoughts, and gave me serious thoughts in return. They challenged me and forced me to grow, and I found that I enjoyed challenge far more than point by point mockery. To me this means growing up; it is the difference between being a child and being an adult. There is real progress and consciousness raising that can be done on these boards, indeed that is their purpose, and simply upsetting users for self-aggrandizement is contemptible behavior. No matter how long you have been at these boards, if you continue this behavior, you will continue to be told by me that it is not acceptable.
Christianity has made it impossible for young women to buy tampons while attending high school, but it's ok for the boys to shower together ;)
People use religion as an excuse to insult each other and judge each other, do people argue over food? no we embrace new flavours and encourage others to taste ;)
A blind women taught me to truly see the world ;)
I think most of us can see the distinction between this and trash talk. This is an example of me speaking out about the same issue as I am with you. Notice that I wasn't suggesting we should all insult oly's mother and call him a douchebag for pages at a time. There is a difference between disrespecting someone and insulting someone for kicks. Oly's conduct was contemptible, and that is what I attacked, not his intelligence or his choice to believe, certainly not his family. Oly is now acting like an adult and engaging in serious discussion, with the exception of the times you throw mental rocks at him and make him angry. I give oly more respect now because he has earned it. He earned it by giving us proper respect, and pretty much everyone on this board now takes him more seriously than before. It's my opinion that you could learn a lesson from oly instead of worrying about score keeping. I took a stand on oly, emotional I admit, for the sake of demanding standards of conduct. You do your best to bring out the worst in oly just so you can point and laugh at him, and admit it is for no other reason than personal sensationalism. There is no excuse for oly responding to your goading the way he did, which is why I was cautioning both of you.

I think we are all guilty of acting this way. When I fist stumbled onto skepticism I acted a lot like you. The things people believe are astonishing, maddening, and the urge to mock them is almost intuitive. I had a much different attitude when I first came to these boards and part of what improved that attitude, and the productivity of my posts, came from seriously listening to the opposition. People like Brako and karri0n didn't just see my words as opposition, but as serious thoughts, and gave me serious thoughts in return. They challenged me and forced me to grow, and I found that I enjoyed challenge far more than point by point mockery. To me this means growing up; it is the difference between being a child and being an adult. There is real progress and consciousness raising that can be done on these boards, indeed that is their purpose, and simply upsetting users for self-aggrandizement is contemptible behavior. No matter how long you have been at these boards, if you continue this behavior, you will continue to be told by me that it is not acceptable.

Eh.... Oly has actually progressed his views somewhat since that discussion took place.

In this case; both you, (TSH) and Oly are acting childish, and bantering about things that have nothing to do with the theism/atheism debate or anything in between. Debate is one thing, and it can even get somewhat personal; but when debate turns into "fuck your mom", "you suck at boxing", and "you're retarded", we've gone beyond anything that can be defined as useful.

So, with that being said; would both of you mind steering the conversation back to a more useful topic, and attempt to refrain from blatant personal attacks?

That'd be awesome!

Hey, thanks for the encouraging words guys, they mean something. THat i have been able to see myself evolve from what i once held to myself. I have tried my best to contribute good stuff, since most people at my college are pretty dumb and cant hold a good discussion without looking at you with the "deer in the headlights" eyes with the words you are

I just want you all to understand i am not like how i reply to tsh... he is a punk and deserves no respect from me and i will not give that thing any!!!! And when he wants to come on here talking all this shit without anyone telling it anything, im going to chime in myself and speak my mind. Just cause i am a believer does not mean i will let shit like that go un responded to... Excuse my language and if any, it is that thing tsh, that you all should tell something to. I am just giving it the same treatment it is giving me... sorry for the hostility.
Christianity has made it impossible for young women to buy tampons while attending high school,

really? when did this happen? That is the biggest lie i have ever heard!!!

People use religion as an excuse to insult each other and judge each other,

people do not need religion to insult each other, it happens all the time. on here without a doubt though.

do people argue over food?

yes, people in africa will kill you over rice without the external motive of religion.
really? when did this happen? That is the biggest lie i have ever heard!!!

people do not need religion to insult each other, it happens all the time. on here without a doubt though.

yes, people in africa will kill you over rice without the external motive of religion.

I was educated in a catholic school, no they don't sell tampons, reason being is that it tares the hymen when inserted to them this makes women no longer a virgin ;) lol so i am correct, i did play on various sports teams, we traveled to other catholic schools that only sold pads also, NEVER tampons.

I meant different types of food ;) when u pick tidbits of a quote apart u truly read my words entirely wrong.
Why are they not going to sell tampons elsewhere other then at the catholic school?

you also asked if people argue over food? and yes, people all over the world argue and even kill over food.

and i did not misinterpret your words, please be more clear so people will not misinterpret your words

I was educated in a catholic school, no they don't sell tampons, reason being is that it tears the hymen when inserted to them this makes women no longer a virgin ;) lol so i am correct, i did play on various sports teams, we traveled to other catholic schools that only sold pads also, NEVER tampons.

I meant different types of food ;) when u pick tidbits of a quote apart u truly read my words entirely wrong.
To be entirely fair, april, you made it sound like it was universal in Christianity to forbid tampons, when it actually is a minority of Catholic priests working outside of the official umbrella of the Church saying such things.
From an article about a tampon maker trying to improve, uuhh, market penetration:

This concern crops up in countries that are predominantly Catholic, executives say. In Italy, for instance, just 4% of women use tampons. The Roman Catholic Church says it has no official position on tampons. Nonetheless, some priests have spoken out against the product, associating it with birth control and sexual activities that are forbidden by the Church. Indeed, Tampax faced objections from priests in the U.S. when it introduced tampons in 1936.
Why are they not going to sell tampons elsewhere other then at the catholic school?

you also asked if people argue over food? and yes, people all over the world argue and even kill over food.

and i did not misinterpret your words, please be more clear so people will not misinterpret your words

I was very specific, ur the one unable interpret my words silly, or maybe u just feel like arguing, either way i know what i said u just quoted some of what i wrote ;)
Did i not mention flavours ;) maybe i should quote myself and u can try again, i find it funny that i'm able to undertand 2 languages when so many struggle with one ;)
See i can be passive aggressive but it does not help when i simply state my own opinions and views of something i've lived my entire life ;) lol
To be entirely fair, april, you made it sound like it was universal in Christianity to forbid tampons, when it actually is a minority of Catholic priests working outside of the official umbrella of the Church saying such things.
From an article about a tampon maker trying to improve, uuhh, market penetration:

No i actualy said this :
Christianity has made it impossible for young women to buy tampons while attending high school, but it's ok for the boys to shower together

People use religion as an excuse to insult each other and judge each other, do people argue over food? no we embrace new flavours and encourage others to taste

A blind women taught me to truly see the world

hahahahaha MEN ;)
No i actualy said this :
Christianity has made it impossible for young women to buy tampons while attending high school, but it's ok for the boys to shower together

People use religion as an excuse to insult each other and judge each other, do people argue over food? no we embrace new flavours and encourage others to taste

A blind women taught me to truly see the world
hahahahaha MEN ;)

I'm only looking at the text before the first smilie. It is general, inclusive, declarative. I am interested to know where I can read about this Christian injunction, especially the bit of doctrine about high school. cn
I was educated in a catholic school, no they don't sell tampons, reason being is that it tares the hymen when inserted to them this makes women no longer a virgin ;) lol so i am correct, i did play on various sports teams, we traveled to other catholic schools that only sold pads also, NEVER tampons.

I meant different types of food ;) when u pick tidbits of a quote apart u truly read my words entirely wrong.
true my school had these big "sanatiary napkin" things in the girls batrooms LOL i guess baby jesus didnt want his lady flock getting deflowered by a tampon
I'm only looking at the text before the first smilie. It is general, inclusive, declarative. I am interested to know where I can read about this Christian injunction, especially the bit of doctrine about high school. cn

How is me saying "buy tampons while attending school" not specific? should i have used a specific date and time? attending means while at school does it not? lol Hey my first language is french i'm trying here lol, damn english vocabulary has to many damn words lol
No idea man, i always had a jumbo box in my locker 4 everyone to use, they even refused to discuss birth control ,condoms or any other type of contraceptive :(
New Gym teacher suspended for 2 months for discussing masturbation, he just quit, and they wonder why catholic kids go wild :)