Im done repeating myself. The evidence is for you yourself to find. I openly state to NOT BELIEVE ME, THINK FOR YOURSELF.
Thats a very misleading statement to make about Quantum Physics. But going with your thought...what good is matter if it has no PURPOSE :
Just because it's more comfortable for you to believe that matter has purpose doesn't make it so.
It has to gain a PURPOSE from something in which quantum physics points to Intel Design. Google Quantum Physics that points toward a god....You are far from correct. This needs to be expanded upon more to be true and accurate.
Again, you're adding the qualifier that matter has purpose, which is completely whimsical and unsubstantiated. It seems to me you think matter has purpose because your theory relies on it to make sense, that's circular.
Its in the abilities of these matters and energies to have intelligent capacity in order to become more than mere matter(aimless matter in motion) or energy. The ability to compound into something more PROVES that they are of intelligent design for if left on THEIR OWN they would remain just aimless particles in motion that will more than likely run into a lot of shit and disperse into smaller particles ( laws of inertia playing now as well) .
Do you mean laws of physics? I fail to see how this points to intelligent design...
Useless Space Particle Matter and Energy that is aimlessly in motion in space is not the answer to are alpha. There is a minute chance, but no one is able to calculate the odds.
Useless space and particles aren't thought to have existed before the big bang, no one knows for sure what was before the big bang.....
To clarify they are photons. A photon generator creates photons. Something creates or makes them magically appear in its natural state/realm. They do not just happen. They are created through an intelligent process labeled Quantum Entanglement.
I assure you, there is nothing "magical" about it. Just because we don't know everything about a given topic does not mean we should inject it with god to explain away the problems. Problems are good, they lead to solutions. Reminds me of a cartoon;

Again, please don't believe me.
This proves a testable principle in QM, but says nothing about god existing....
You are entitled to an opinion and I will gladly defend your right to it, but I have to say, its only an opinion and not a fact. For a reason imo

There is proof of metaphysical entities that we can not completely explain and some we cant even come close on.
If it can react with reality it's not metaphysical, it's physical. If it's physical, it's testable. If it's testable show me the test, or stop making untestable knowledge claims.
The marjority believe that God created-found us, Not we created god or a subject idea of a higher power. Idea's don't fall from the sky, they are created through a very complex, and intelligent process.
good ideas are created throught a very complex and intelligent process. Bad ideas are a dime a dozen...
You're correct ideas don't fall from the sky, humans come up with them to try to explain what they see and before we knew anything about anything what made the most sense was that an intelligent force was pulling strings from behind the scenes. Now we can explain exponentially more about reality, and don't need to shove 'god' into the equation.
As a species, we are very young in the scale of space and time. We have learned only a microscopic amount of our full genetic potential. A FULL GENETIC POTENTIAL THAT IS BEING FULFILLED ON THE ONLY COMPILED MATTER TUNED FOR OUR VERY SURVIVAL as well as the survival of millions and millions of other animals....
What? You think we're here to help with the survival of other animals? You lost me...
And the only one we know for sure that can support our survival of our species, specifically. In our galaxy , which is god like big, it seems odd we ended up on the rock by a godly big combination of really extremely rare and set of circumstances that just happened to work out to the creation of us and many many other animals...and this all happened spontaniously instead of intelligently...Riiighttt.
So, you go from using QM for the basis of your argument, which says that anything is possible given enough time, to dismissing the idea that out of the billions and billions of galaxies that exist, and out of the billions and billions of planets in each of those galaxies, it's not possible for more life to have evolved under similar circumstances to us?
You keep using words like "creation" to describe us and animals when we evolved from simple single celled organisms. It's pretty well documented, it's called evolution. You should really check it out.
We forgetting its just us on earth? Thats a whole shit ton of creation...thats happening under extreme set of circumstances. The chances that this all happened spontaniously instead of by means of something of a higher intelligent power/deity are so distantly proportioned its laughable to conceive that this all happened by chance, and spontaneously and for some, for the sheer benefit of their not being a all knowing higher deity.
It's not just us on earth.... 99% of species that have ever existed are now extinct.
I wouldn't say it was spontaneous either, it happened according to the laws of physics and natural selection
Find it even harder to fathom that we have a desire to breed for the PURPOSE of saving our species. Seems like a smart idea if your making humans.
All species have a biological motivation to reproduce, it's literally the only reason we exist. If we didn't have that drive, no one would reproduce and the species would die. Just look at the fucking pandas....
This is all completely explainable through biology...
Particles dont come to gether and create desired purposeful intent to continue its own exsistence. As we know, photons dont have offspring, they just get to share one another without the need nor care of reproduction. Fuckin odd eh?>
Not really, one is alive and one is not. All living things on earth came from the same primordial soup,
x billion years ago, so how would it make sense if we didn't have some of the same basic biological drives?
You know of the only one god to ever claim to have a purpose that is designed for us to not know of until he says so.
How come rocks dont mate? How come gold and silver dont get it on.
The same reason rocks and gold can't heal themselves, they're non-living things.
How come anything living has a means to reproduce....every last living animal...and again, mind you...were not alone..... What be a natural action and purpose to protect are offspring without a God? God is the most complex entity. A purpose filled life is not a product of evolution, random creations, or astronomical chances. Its the product of a all knowing creator-designer.
We derive purpose from our environment, not god. Before we had agriculture your purpose in life would be to run around trying not to die in too brutal of a death, while hunting and gathering food when it was available.
Purpose? Our purpose is survival.
To clarify, most monotheistic religions believe in the fundamental of in the beginning there was nothing. Not much to disagree with on that one...Nothing chirped is nothing heard. No comment on that common trait in higher powers that is actually backed up by great amounts of science.
Matter can't be created or destroyed, the "beginning" could have very well been the "end" of a previous universe.