Prediction: plants outgrow the greenhouse
the white grape is getting purple! I'm soo stoked!
Smells awesome too! Actually smells like wine!
Here's a couple of pic's from today
Damn Joz, Sounds like you need to go to a BBQ!doublejj, is that your neighbors growing pot in the background I see?? Top left corner.
Also, what is it like waking up 3 times a night dreaming about having to trim too much? I assume it is just how I dream of having wayyy too much of a work load from work whenever I go to bed after a long day without unwinding, but the difference is that you probably laugh a little bit each time it wakes you up, and I get pissed and want to call my boss and wake his ass up so I can cuss him out.
ROTFL!........Oh your killing me!.....!!!what the fucking fuck!
My buddy Nuggs gave me those starts and said he has seeds, will bring you some on the 10th. (seeds) Will be bringing some medi seeds for those still wanting them, sorry to all who asked and I didn't get them too but here's your chance to get them if you really want them?Here are a couple of pic's of the White Grape buds
Thanks again brother Hodgegrown
The same thing just happened to me!I don't know why, but I am picking up the scent of grapes. Those nugs look so effing good DJJ!