quality over quantity


Well-Known Member
so the last few times (id say about 10 times) I bought weed, i bought it at a low price for (30 1/8ths, 45 dollar 1/4ths) and then they'd still always plug it. but the weed wasnt very good, i didnt get very high. I got high, but not like the woah im high, its just at the "im feeling ok" stage

anywho, i decided to spend 40 bucks on an 1/8th, and its 3x better than the weed i was getting. looks and smells better, tastes better.

IMO, i think maybe paying for quality over quantity is worth it, but then again i wont be spending 40 bucks on an 1/8th every time either.

what do you think about this?

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Always go for quality when you can... but sometimes you gotta get what you can afford if your dealer doesn't let you get anything on tick...


Ursus marijanus
If it really is 3x better, will you be able to go 3x as long?
"Quantity has a quality all its own." -J. Stalin


Active Member
I would always go for quality, but prefer it at a great price hehe. Thankfully the local collectives have me covered. Anyways it will also be easier on your lungs and throat to smoke stronger quality, because you end up smoking less. Unless your using a vape in which case go balls out ;)


Well-Known Member
If it really is 3x better, will you be able to go 3x as long?
"Quantity has a quality all its own." -J. Stalin
its hyperbole of course, this will problably last me until like tuesday or wednesday. Im just saying, the quality is way different.


Active Member
Yeah im a quality man now before I cursed at the thought of spending $40 for a 1/8 when i can get a 1/2 of good green for $45. I've changed now i'd rather quality anyday over quantity but like Shannon A said sometimes u gotta get what u can. But now im a month away from my 1st harvest , ready to put these issuses in the past.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Where I used to live the only quality that you can get was at $100 a q... and if you couldn't get that you were getting about 1.5g of meh weed for $25 from an other dealer...


Well-Known Member
i get the good stuff. if i smoke low grade, i noticce that it doesn't do as much for me. i like the stuff i grow and it's free :) 2 or 3 hits and i am feeling great.


Well-Known Member
? you get a choice from 1 source? my source has only one choice, it varies from NL to Wonder Woman and sometimes I have no idea.
But always good and no seeds ever. I'm pleased with the quality but at 100 a 1/4 i wont accept less than quality.

All that said I'm working on my own supply. I've not decided on a perpetual grow or to go all out once a year.


Well-Known Member
i get it from four different people, usually i go to the three who charge less but only have so so weed


Active Member
where I live, there isn't a shitty type of weed out there which leads me to go quantity over quality seeing as I roll blunts and spliffs only.


Well-Known Member
Quality all the way imo. I've been buying decent outdoor bud for $50/ounce from a good buddy thinking I can just roll joints all day long with it. Well I roll joints all day long and at the end of the day I have a head ache, a sore throat, nasty taste in my mouth, and I'm more tired than stoned; This is not top shelf outdoor but it very far from shwagg. Take a bong rip out of some primo organic UV supplemented indoor and I'm feeling absolutely amazing. (don't take this as an endorsement for indoor over outdoor - I personally prefer good outdoor over good indoor, this just happens to be my circumstances)

I would take 4 small bong rips a day of really good bud over 4 joints a day of mids.