Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)

Okay, I haven't done any research of example sites yet. But I just wanted to take a moment to describe some rough sketches forming in my head.

I basically want to take these loose elements from my journals, tie them all together and expand upon them. Basically my journal but in the form of a fully realized electronic periodical.

The grows section will start with my weekly updated grow journal where I will feature a cut from a local club for possible cross-promotion (I can make a cut look good). Hopefully, as the project expands and more contributors come aboard, I can feature multiple real time grows from some of the best dudes and dudettes out there.

The girls section. Meanwhile I'll be regularly conducting "Emerald Goddess" shoots for the girl end of things. Again, more than just photo sets, my shoots will feature an in-depth written account of my experience with the model... and perhaps video interviews to accompany the article and photos. All 'smoking' photos will be simulated of course. :eyesmoke: I see a free section and a nude section (tame playboy style) as a 'donations' section. This will be down the line of course, as I want to get it up and running as sort of a super blog that everyone can see and access for free at first.

The games and other media section. Since this is my weakest area of knowledge, it's where contributors need to come in the most. I'll rely upon you and others for ideas and input. And remember, contributors don't have to write in perfect grammar... just as long as you can get by, and it doesn't sound too, too awful, I can proofread rather quickly.

In addition, I want to have regular special interest sections like "From the Dam" or "the Man on the Dam." I think that would be an especially strong feature that we def need to have. Hear that, DST? So don't get hit by a bus or something. Lol.

So from a web design perspective, it's all pretty straight forward stuff. Just a matter of making it look cool and function smoothly and intuitively.

I think more than one journal viewer asked me to write a book? Well you guys really nudged me into this. Thank you. I can't remember who it was... but thank you.

Edit 2:
Oh, and most importantly... how could I almost forget? This zine (still working on the title) will be my personal soap box for the advancement of the sane use of cannabis for a saner society. News, good blog cross-links, and my own personal editorial page where I will regularly expound upon the virtues of smoking ganja, growing ganja, eating ganja... in short, everything short of having sex with ganja... which should not be confused with having sex ON ganja, which I fully endorse.

Anti-ganja political propaganda, bullshit shakedowns, bad legislation... This will be my own personal platform in my war against stupidity. Yeah, and I'm willing to photograph gorgeous naked models, smoke weed, and play more video games for you. Who said I wasn't willing to take one for the team? Lol.

The magic of following your heart, and the magic of your ganja being in your heart. This is awesome, naturally.

For the zine. First of all, I implore all to delve into Graham Hancock's work. Secondly, this says it concerning marijuana as good as anyone ever has and in just 2 minutes and 30 seconds.


I'm a stone cold bird watcher.
The magic of following your heart, and the magic of your ganja being in your heart. This is awesome, naturally.

For the zine. First of all, I implore all to delve into Graham Hancock's work. Secondly, this says it concerning marijuana as good as anyone ever has and in just 2 minutes and 30 seconds.



Brilliant. I'll quote Hancock in the zine and make reference to his theories for sure. Maybe I'll even include that message. I'll prolly also write articles on Marc Emery (Free Marc Now!) and Jack Herer and stuff like that. I'll also talk much shit about Arjan. Lol.
Killer grows.

Killer girls.

Photographed and lavishly retouched by me.


Hard-hitting political news.


Silly smoke reports.


Plus all the latest games, Hollywood gossip, and other relevant geek/hipster stuff. All brought to you by a bunch of pot smoking daydreamers.



What more could you possibly want or need in a magazine?
What more could you possibly want or need in a magazine?

How about a website? :)



Edit: I may have ganked a photo from you, the other two belong to their respective owners whom I don't give enough craps about at this time to credit. They will be changed, for now just to give an idea.

Edit 2: Photo updated


  • Slivers-lordjin-website.jpg
    35 KB · Views: 14
How about a website? :)

View attachment 1919461


I may have ganked a photo from you, the other two belong to their respective owners whom I don't give enough craps about at this time to credit. They will be changed, for now just to give an idea.


Damn, I like it already. I love the tabs layout. I also like the fact that it's all very clean, stylish and easy on the eyes without trying too hard to be designy or overly dynamic. I wouldn't change a thing except like adding one more category as a blue header button. Like "Notes from the Dam" could be a blue tile. But since you went with a really direct one word title for each tile (which I agree with), the blue tile should just say Dam.

I love it. Excellent work. I'm really glad you have a sensible design outlook geared towards user friendliness. I was afraid you would make something crazy looking. The motif says, "This is a fun, easy, friendly place... Come often." But the clean angles, edges, fades, and fonts say it's also a classy place. It's perfect. Note: did you know that supermarkets have all these visual cues and color and lighting techniques they use to try to make the shopper feel comfortable and come back? It's exactly like that. It looks like a soothing website.
Damn, I like it already. I love the tabs layout. I also like the fact that it's all very clean, stylish and easy on the eyes without trying too hard to be designy or overly dynamic. I wouldn't change a thing except like adding one more category as a blue header button.

I love it. Excellent work.

Sure thing man, what button do you want to add? Also, it's really void of text right now, It'll liven up a lot more once the text hits the page(short paragraphs inside large 'buttons')


Interesting facts:

The size of those buttons is 16:9 ratio, just like your HDTV.
It's 1024*769 compatible, because everyone(besides 1%) use a higher resolution than such.
Four different fonts where used
There is over 6 shapes that are combined to make up each button, and they are all vector.

Things I need:

A name(title) - Then I can finish the header
Logo Ideas or inspiration
A php coder, someone with balls worth of experience in backend
Photos of stuff you want to go in the photo buttons.
Pm me outside source contact because I don't think we want to dump all of our progress in your forum.
Sure thing man, what button do you want to add? Also, it's really void of text right now, It'll liven up a lot more once the text hits the page(short paragraphs inside large 'buttons')


Interesting facts:

The size of those buttons is 16:9 ratio, just like your HDTV.
It's 1024*769 compatible, because everyone(besides 1%) use a higher resolution than such.
Four different fonts where used
There is over 6 shapes that are combined to make up each button, and they are all vector.

Things I need:

A name(title) - Then I can finish the header
Logo Ideas or inspiration
A php coder, someone with balls worth of experience in backend
Photos of stuff you want to go in the photo buttons.
Pm me outside source contact because I don't think we want to dump all of our progress in your forum.

This is all great stuff. I'll get a PM (private message not powdery mildew lol) together asap.
I will add a Dam Section when I get up. I'm hittin' the rack. I still wanna play with the design some more, once the header is up we'll be golden.

lol at powdery mildew... I read when you typed pm earlier and was like... wtf he treated for private messages? oh powder mildew... oooooh.
I will add a Dan Section when I get up. I'm hittin' the rack. I still wanna play with the design some more, once the header is up we'll be golden.

I totally get that it's just an empty mock up. I can see how the text and photos of the actual content will complete the picture nicely. I better get a shoot done pronto.
Hey, Slivers. I secured FeminizedCulture dot com as my domain name. I had a hella time thinking up something that wasn't taken. Here's a mock banner I made. The graphics are low res shitty pngs I just pulled off google to give an idea.

Of course I'll be shooting all new material for the actual thing, but I just made this real quick with a photo I had on hand. Not bad for something I made in fifteen minutes, huh? Kinda reminds me of the Matrix. (Geeky)

So there's your title. FemCult for short.

The more I look at this, the more I like it. I'm even thinking about trying to get Cali to come back to be the "maiden voyage" girl. I'll write her to see what she's been up to... fingers crossed.
Is this right around the time I should say 'putting the M in monster?' Or is it too soon for that?





Well I stuck my entire torso in there for PM inspection. Looks good. I came back out with sticky on me again. The smell. Wow. I've grown OG's before... but like WOW.

Beware the FemCult. The FemCult is coming... Look, already testing it out as a banner ad. Works pretty well, huh? I just might click on that if I saw it... Good thing it's just a mock design at this point. It would look awesome on the side of a bus or on a bus stop bench, too. Probably too racy for the states, tho... Maybe in Europe.

Just getting my feet wet with this new idea. I'll do a new shoot soon... Hold yer horses.

Edit: Hey, If I was walking down the magazine rack at Barnes and Nobles and I saw this, I would pick it up and look inside. Wouldn't you? Shee-it. And I'm hoping that it won't get confused with anything involving feminism... gulp. Heh heh...
Slivers, UITSTEKEND WERK JONGEN!!!! I know my wife would approve, very smooth.

Jin, love the new avatar!!!!
Hey I just finished my first day of flower with my random assortment of plants. I've started a grow journal and it will be posted here.

My Tahoe's up front:clap:

take a look at some of this shit
:fire:captain america OG wax
hey hatsoff, i don't know if you already do, but try and keep those nute bottles away from your grow light and grow. Cool dark place preferably, not right in front of a grow lamp and in the middle of a nice warm grow area. Kind of the opposite of what you need. Good luck with the grow!