First I would like to say pot is great....


Well-Known Member
No way canna, I think you're funny and intelligent. Other people like Tyler and sutra seem to dislike me. I don't know why, :(.

Hmm yes i wonder why. Maybe because you're leaving punk rep such as this. Your here wanting everybody to feel sorry for you. Grow the hell up and get over your self life's tough oh well...
behind closed doors we both know what how big of a punk you really are. Enjoy ;)

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Let's be honest, who doesn't like me? I feel asthough my depressing views on life (views which I'm not asking ANYONE to agree with) are forming Internet enemies. I really do hate the way I think, so I wanted some help from you guys.... Most religious people I know won't stand to hear me question their religion and most atheists I know won't stand to hear me speak of religion nor atheism. I was kinda hoping you guys would be more open minded. I'm getting off track here. So do you guys hate stealthman or not?

my friend, most of the population on this planet has this nasty little habbit witch is the root of all unhappyness. you see, most people see themselves through others eyes, and they judge themselves depending on how others see them. this is what we have been taught throughout our whole lives because of the culture we have been raised in.
what you may think happiness a lie, it is an illusion. happiness does not come from something external of you, it comes from inside you, it comes from within. happiness comes from how you see yourself, regardless on how others see you. if you love yourself, and if you do all that is possable to be a better part of you in all situations... happiness will fallow you wherever you may go.

also another big mistake people make... [FONT=&quot] some people have the tendency to confuse happiness with joy.
[/FONT] Don’t get joy confused with happiness. Happiness is something that stays no matter what, joy is something you gain from an external source and can be taken away from you. joy is temporary, happiness is eternal.

most of the time, the hurtful things people say to you that you may not understand, its just a reflection of themselves. they are really hurting on the inside, and the only way they can alleviate that pain is to choose someone or something to use as a catalyst for their own self hatred.

i dont know you, i do not judge, your cool in my book.. friend.

ps. just being positive in general will help you become a happier person. it is very hard living in this world, but the more you do it, the easier it gets =)




Active Member

Hmm yes i wonder why. Maybe because you're leaving punk rep such as this. Your here wanting everybody to feel sorry for you. Grow the hell up and get over your self life's tough oh well...
behind closed doors we both know what how big of a punk you really are. Enjoy ;)
What do you expect me to say to you after to called me stupid? You're a dumbass lol. Look at the same thread and you will see you initiated the insults. You really re the most pathetic piece of shit here lol.


Well-Known Member
What do you expect me to say to you after to called me stupid? You're a dumbass lol. Look at the same thread and you will see you initiated the insults. You really re the most pathetic piece of shit here lol.
Then why ask a dumb ass question lol?
You cry like a 15 year old. Asking questions why other members and my self are mad at you... Don't flatter your self i wouldn't give you the time of the day to have a single hostile or compassionate feelings towards some punk on the internet such as your self.
If you don't like my answers don't include me in any of your posts smart one ;)


Active Member
Then why ask a dumb ass question lol?
You cry like a 15 year old. Asking questions why other members and my self are mad at you... Don't flatter your self i wouldn't give you the time of the day to have a single hostile or compassionate feelings towards some punk on the internet such as your self.
If you don't like my answers don't include me in any of your posts smart one ;)
Ok I never thought I would see someone as stupid as you lol. Unless you're retarded, you have no excuse ha.

I mentioned you because for no reason you insulted me first. So answer my question, why did you even insult me to begin with? And obviously you gave me the time of day since you took the time to come to my thread to insult me....dumbass.

And honestly, I don't give a shit whether you like me or not, I would just like to hear your reason for being an asshole. Also, I didn't ask you to answer my question to begin with....what a dumbass.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
μετά νόος - Metanoia, beyond mind and is the subsequent rebuilding from destruction.


Well-Known Member
Ok I never thought I would see someone as stupid as you lol. Unless you're retarded, you have no excuse ha.

I mentioned you because for no reason you insulted me first. So answer my question, why did you even insult me to begin with? And obviously you gave me the time of day since you took the time to come to my thread to insult me....dumbass.

And honestly, I don't give a shit whether you like me or not, I would just like to hear your reason for being an asshole. Also, I didn't ask you to answer my question to begin with....what a dumbass.
First im not your friend you only wish i was ;) Quit crying about what somebody said on the internet that you don't even about. Your whole 15 years of age is showing again.
If you didn't care you wouldn't be crying bout it.
You dont even grow marijuana but yet you troll on here calling people pathetic and crying because they dont like you or wanna talk to you. Get a life cuz its quite obvious your current one is pathetic.
Also stop being a little over sensitive girl and realize if the truth hurts oh well it's just that... the truth not an insult.
Im glad your vocabulary only takes you as far as "dumbass". No reason to keep repeating it we know your self conscious about your mental statues. There is more words out there much more insulting then that. I dont seem to find a need for them but you obviously are trying very very hard to use them but keep failing. Its ok tho keep at it.


Well-Known Member
Stealth, sutrag is an asshole bynature and a punk by night.

Everything he says to you is his own description of himself, that he refuses to accept cause he is a lame douche...

I can already see his reply, "you mad bro?"


Active Member
Growmo23 walks into forum to check progress. Growmo23 sees disappointing and babyish conflicts from all sides. Growmo23 sighs and walks back out.


Well-Known Member
Stealth, sutrag is an asshole bynature and a punk by night.

Everything he says to you is his own description of himself, that he refuses to accept cause he is a lame douche...

I can already see his reply, "you mad bro?"
How is it my fault that your a completely failure?
And yes you do sound mad once again. I dunno how i got in control over your emotions since i keep making you mad... a completely stranger... sad...

My name was used out of the blue so i simply commented on it. Do a little research before you post again punk.


Active Member
First im not your friend you only wish i was ;) Quit crying about what somebody said on the internet that you don't even about. Your whole 15 years of age is showing again.
If you didn't care you wouldn't be crying bout it.
You dont even grow marijuana but yet you troll on here calling people pathetic and crying because they dont like you or wanna talk to you. Get a life cuz its quite obvious your current one is pathetic.
Also stop being a little over sensitive girl and realize if the truth hurts oh well it's just that... the truth not an insult.
Im glad your vocabulary only takes you as far as "dumbass". No reason to keep repeating it we know your self conscious about your mental statues. There is more words out there much more insulting then that. I dont seem to find a need for them but you obviously are trying very very hard to use them but keep failing. Its ok tho keep at it.
You mad bro?