
Active Member
Thanks jubiare! I thought about that but I have my card and am legit to grow so I have nothing to hide. That would really help a companies rep huh? Fuck over people because they were pissed about getting fucked in the first place. Wtf?


Well-Known Member
Oh I must have misunderstood, I thought they were actually offering a better light for the same cost.


Active Member
Wow, I just read the rest of that thread and I am trippin. This is like some knind of movie shit. I had no idea what I was getting into:( I am not worried about the cop thing but that shit about her/him is just creeping me out. I am just gonna leave it alone. I was obviously dealing with a sociopath! DO NOT ORDER FROM THESE MOTHERFUCKERS.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit! That's wild.... I just read a bunch of shit on "Cammie Mckenzie"

Do a google search, it's all "Fraud this, fraud that..."

I'm DEFINITELY not going anywhere near HGL.... it's weird too, I had no idea.. o_O
Good reason to buy local. I had a bad experience with a store out in CA, but it turned out it was the individual sales guy, and when mgt found out about it they let him go (so they said). But I did get an apology and a generous offer to make it right.

Most of the time, though, I buy local as much as I can. It costs more, but is less likely to have such a problem, and supports the local economy, too. Sorry about your trouble, don't let it get you down.


Well-Known Member
ok man the first thing you should have done is googled "Cammie LED Scam" that would have steered you away from Hydro Grow LED to begin with. I would watch your back though. Do some research this person is seriously unstable and has a history of calling the police on people who have gone online to trash "her" for telling the truth about their experiences with the lights he/she sells. Remeber Scott/Cammie, whatever she's going by these days has your address. I'd watch out man.

It is very important to vet all led companies before purchasing, can't say this enough. Good luck but if I were you I'd just flip whatever light you have on ebay and let sleeping dogs lie. I've read a ton of horror stories about Cammie and her LEDs.


Well-Known Member

here are two that popped up right away, do a bit more digging and you'll be suprised what you find.

Edit - nevermind saw that you're a legit grow with a medi card. Still this person is off their fucking rocker. I'd watch out when dealing with them. 10 minutes of research will yield at least 20 super sketchy tales of led and Nissan part scams.


Active Member
ok man the first thing you should have done is googled "Cammie LED Scam" that would have steered you away from Hydro Grow LED to begin with. I would watch your back though. Do some research this person is seriously unstable and has a history of calling the police on people who have gone online to trash "her" for telling the truth about their experiences with the lights he/she sells. Remeber Scott/Cammie, whatever she's going by these days has your address. I'd watch out man.

It is very important to vet all led companies before purchasing, can't say this enough. Good luck but if I were you I'd just flip whatever light you have on ebay and let sleeping dogs lie. I've read a ton of horror stories about Cammie and her LEDs.
Yeah if hoss is right thats pretty good advise. The word is out, and I've been searching for somewhere to buy LEDS. You can guarentee its not going to be from this guy/girl. I'll definitely make sure to bring this company up as someone NOT to buy from next time I see a forum asking about LEDs.


Active Member
What the fuck is wrong with these people? Fuck, I am sick of all the lying pieces of shit in this country. Fucking crooks man. Is it required to be a shifty bitch to sell LEDs? Thanks for the info hoss. It is enlightening and disturbing all wrapped in one;)


Well-Known Member
What the fuck is wrong with these people? Fuck, I am sick of all the lying pieces of shit in this country. Fucking crooks man. Is it required to be a shifty bitch to sell LEDs? Thanks for the info hoss. It is enlightening and disturbing all wrapped in one;)
Happy to help man. Try Stealth, Advanced, Hydroponics Hut, and GLH (not to be confused with HGL) to get you started. All four of those have been well reviewed on this and other mj boards and offer at least 3 year warranties on their products. I've personally grown with Hydro Hut and GLH and can tell you they'll work well.


Active Member
Thanks a ton hoss! Hopefully people can spread the word on this. I am legit so she can call the cops. Seems weird a total criminal is so happy to call the cops. The tables will turn on that motherfucker soon! I will look at those companies when I order one!


Active Member
It never ceases to amaze me, three people look at an object and three differing views are observed.
I decided on the 336x pentrators, five of them, and I am going through these threads while the deal clears.
At his point nothing indicates another product or company would better serve me. It is not final for another four days and I must say I am antsy with anticipation.

The printing of her actual reply to the latest claim did more for her cause than any endorsements could have. Not that it actually made any difference other than I had heard stories also. Now an actual verbatim reply from her, this did not put the OP in a very good light.

All are just opinions, mine may be no better, but I have almost $10,000 riding on it.

That is the amount of the bet that says I am right. If I lose you have my full permission to rub it in.


Active Member
I had a bad experience with HGL, Around 3 months ago I orderd the 126X 3w, and when I got it both fans were broken :evil: and it seemed like it was shipped to me straight from china, add to that a very very very bad customer service, eventually I had to fix it my self and I almost lost my faith on LEDs.

My advice is just run awaaaaaaaaaaaaay from this company and never look back "run forest run"

Though what really got my faith back on LEDs was AdvancedLedLights , I got the 300w extreme from them,they have good customer service and good products, I'm almost done with flowering and so far so good and I think it's worth what I paid for so far.

Check thier lights

And I hear there are many good LED companies out there so don't lose faith on LEDs. It's just those idiots that call themselves Hydro Grow That gives LEDs a bad name.