LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow


Well-Known Member
Well I've got a good bit of fiji purp goin on in mine as well, so we will see what happens. I am still waiting for them to finish up... getting closer.

Unfortunately, since it's my first grow, I won't be much of a gauge either... too many unpredicted variables at work. Had a calcium deficiency... didn't cut with perlite like is recommended for FFOF... and I'm a total fuckin newb, lol.

But still, we'll see how it goes I guess.

Were your figures for all plants combined or what?

Mine were for half of the plants. I'm chopping down the rest this weekend . They had to go an longer. I also think I tried to cram to many under the t5


Well-Known Member
What sort of problems did you have with the Dr. Earth soil? Also, there are a few different kinds of Dr. Earth soil so which one were you using? I am curious because I just swapped all the Fox Farm Ocean Forest shit out for the Dr. Earth because of HUGE PROBLEMS with the Fox Farm shit. I will NEVER purchase another FOX FARM product again. I have only just switched to the Dr. Earth brand and got the all purpose potting soil. So far so good. PH is spot on, no bugs yet (knock on wood). Keep in mind, the majority of the time the reason there are bugs in soil is because of where the distributors store it. It usually isn't the manufacturer's fault. The PH problem with the Ocean Forest, however, IS the manufacturer's fault. The PH is 7.8 of the last batch! Also, it depends on what plant it was made out of. I have only experienced good things with the N. Cali plant for Fox "Farm. "There is a new one out east that I have only heard bad things from.

I used the dr. earth potting soil and medicine soil. Medicine one dried to fast. Almost no perlite in them. The medicine one only has high n guano and that's it. The potting soil has nothing in it.. barely any microbial. They advertise it to have so much more. Because of that soil, even when I added nutes. There were major deficiencies. calcium, manesium, magnanese, nitrogen, phosphorus.That soil attracts bugs like no other.. Plants grew so slow in that soil too. I never had that problem with fox farm ocean forest. So I went back to it. That is the only thing I buy from fox farm. I have a rule when buying soil. It has to be chillin indoors at a shop. I will never buy soil if it is sitting outside. More chance for bugs. Too much heat or cold can mess with ph too ( my opinion). You know they spray those shops to keep bugs out.

You could try roots organic or sunshine ...... I haven't used them but I hear good things or just mix your own soil...


Well-Known Member
I looked at the grow lux bulbs. They only come in t8 bulbs but they make a pentron model for t5 that has similar specs


Well-Known Member
So I just tried. Runing ffiji purps by themselves and they appear very purple. So I just keep confusing myself. I dont know what im doing anymore aaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! I dont know. Argh


Well-Known Member
Those sound good man... I am going to do something like that, drop in some red suns for veg so that I can avoid the coral wave's infrared like you said.


Well-Known Member
So I just tried. Runing ffiji purps by themselves and they appear very purple. So I just keep confusing myself. I dont know what im doing anymore aaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! I dont know. Argh
Don't worry man, none of us know what we're doing. ;)

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
I have ALWAYS cut the Fox Farm Ocean Forest with Perlite 50/50 with great results, up to the last few months. Fox Farm quality control has gone to shit. Did you try to PH the soil? The last batch of that shit soil was at 7.8. I will NEVER purchase another Fox Farm product again.
Move from FF to straight Coco with like 10% perlite and it was a great move.


Well-Known Member
My foxfarm has been serving me well, really... but I read later on that it should be cut with perlite. LoL, I bought like 6 bags when I bought it, because i heard it was the best and I was paranoid about coming back to the shop multiple times. LOL.

I still have about 4 bags, maybe 4 and a half, hahaha. This shit will last me a loooong time if I start cutting with perlite.

I bought these two big ass 25 (guess) gallon mixing bins that I was going to use as drain basins... now I'm thinking I should fill the bottom with some rock and use the whole things as containers and veg out some monsters... use up that FFOF... hahah. Or maybe I'll just hold onto it, because I have no idea what I'd use to catch run off if I did that. (Could do it outdoors, but the season is short)


Well-Known Member
You're thinking of okthanks2 in this regard. I am really looking forward to seeing how all his different bulbs look next to each other! :)
Shit! I just can't keep things in this thread straight...my apologies. Wait, this is the Clay Aiken forum right? jk :)

Say what ever became of LightLady? She had a real nice 18 bulb setup going with aero. I was very anxious to find out how her grow turned out. Are you still following along here LightLady? Blink once for yes, twice for no ;)


Active Member
My foxfarm has been serving me well, really... but I read later on that it should be cut with perlite. LoL, I bought like 6 bags when I bought it, because i heard it was the best and I was paranoid about coming back to the shop multiple times. LOL.

I still have about 4 bags, maybe 4 and a half, hahaha. This shit will last me a loooong time if I start cutting with perlite.

I bought these two big ass 25 (guess) gallon mixing bins that I was going to use as drain basins... now I'm thinking I should fill the bottom with some rock and use the whole things as containers and veg out some monsters... use up that FFOF... hahah. Or maybe I'll just hold onto it, because I have no idea what I'd use to catch run off if I did that. (Could do it outdoors, but the season is short)
I used to have GREAT success with Fox Farm Ocean Forest, up until they started the new plant out east. Now all the soil that people get in the central and eastern states is from out east and NOT northern california. Where are you from? If you say California then that is WHY you still have good success with the Fox Farm. No other reason.:o


Well-Known Member
I used to have GREAT success with Fox Farm Ocean Forest, up until they started the new plant out east. Now all the soil that people get in the central and eastern states is from out east and NOT northern california. Where are you from? If you say California then that is WHY you still have good success with the Fox Farm. No other reason.:o
i live in northeast and have been growing with their happy frog for years without a single prob. i dont use the ocean forest tho


Well-Known Member
Not from cali. I wonder if the bags say where they came from. They were purchased in the northeast, but the guy had a lot of it on hand and I have no idea how long it sat in his store.


Active Member
Not from cali. I wonder if the bags say where they came from. They were purchased in the northeast, but the guy had a lot of it on hand and I have no idea how long it sat in his store.
Thats probably why. I don't get it either, I've always had great results with the soil, and now it all has gone down the pisser. The last 20 bags of it have all had issues, from bugs to PH.


Active Member
I'm not trying to promote the Dr. Earth crap, but after transplanting my ladies out of the shit soil and into this crap they have actually started growing and I am thinking my T5 arrangement is kicking ass. I have one lady in an ebb and flow as well, so that means no shitty soil to deal with and she is starting to take off. Anyway, my bulb arrangement if anyone is interested is:
2 Fiji Purp, 2 UVL super actinic, 2 UVL red sun, 1 ati blue plus and 1 ZooMed Flora Sun. They really look like they do when under a 400w MH hortilux blue. One more week and they should be good enough to take some action shots and pose for me!


Well-Known Member
Thats probably why. I don't get it either, I've always had great results with the soil, and now it all has gone down the pisser. The last 20 bags of it have all had issues, from bugs to PH.
Weird. Definitely no bug problems, and my plants grow healthily in it. I never PH'd it, but didn't feel the need to either.