Why doesn't the government design and engineer our highways, railways, roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, etc. then contract hundreds of thousands of unemployed Americans to build them?
-unemployment decreases
-the economy is stimulated
-money goes back into US resources (using construction and building materials for everything)
-win/win all around?
Instead we pay banks huge sums of money... why again?
Why doesn't the government design and engineer our highways, railways, roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, etc. then contract hundreds of thousands of unemployed Americans to build them?
Why don't we build highway,roads, bridges etc. Because, the USA is broke and there is nothing in the bank. How did the last stimulus work? All those SHOVEL READY JOBS....what a joke. Even Obama and Immelt the head of GE and I forgot the name of other guy. Made a joke about SHOVEL READY JOBS "weren't as ready as they thought". Then laughed it off.
Stimulus plan my ass...Shit they could have cut us all a check and we could have spent it on useful things like...hmmm
Paying my mortgage, paying my debit, car loan etc.
So, we want to borrow another Trillion???? "scratching my balls on that one...for sure" That would be another ..BONE HEAD move.
Let's cut the BULL SHIT and get down to reality.
1. We need to drill, drill and drill our way out of this mess. The greenies need to STFU ... I hate hypocrites . They act if they don't benefit from the use of oil. ... STFU!
2. Address the Elephant in the room " Entitlements" That mean ALL and make the change. If you don't like that.. Tuff Shit!
4. Let's play a game called Flat Tax ... everyone gets to play...poor , middle class and the rich.
6.We need to clean up the USA education system.
7. Tax the Rich a little bit more till the Flat tax replaces the old tax code.
I'm sure I can think of more things that can turn around this country and I believe you can too..
I rather not suck up to China or any other country anymore.
Everyone needs to sacrifice somethings.. Some a little more than other... Sacrifice is never far.