Well-Known Member
What you are doing is shifting from the general to the particular. You believe in free will, right? Now find a man who has volition and addict him to heroin, he still has free will but that will is diminished by his habit. Find a smoker and tell him he is free to quit, while he most certainly is free to quit, his capacity for absolutly free decisions is diminished. Now find me a person who has fee will but is hypnotized or influenced, he still has free will but that will again is diminished, he cannot make influence free decisions - got it now? Oh, please don't start with the "well he can kick the habit" of course he can, but his will is STILL in a diminished capacity.The ADD remark was in reference to the fact the question had been asked and answered once if not several times already in the conversation. I get tired of going in circles.
You say you believe in free will but immediately go into a demonstration about why you do not believe in free will.
I dont care if my neighbor is fat. If he wants to be fat, good for him. If he got fat from beer or from McDonalds so be it. You know how tempting those beer ads eh?
I was 60# overweight. It wasnt due to McDonalds, it was due taking in too many calories and not exercising. When I got tired of it I changed my diet and lost the weight. McDonalds had nothing to do with any of my personal decisions. Sometimes I eat McDonalds 10 times a week. I havent had it in a week though.
What frustrates me is that you want the government to force companies to change the taste or ingredients of their food to make me thinner. That is not free will, that is invasive market manipulation. And I strenuously object to that.
If you have a problem with McDonalds, stay away from it. But dont tell me whether to eat there or not and what they can serve on their menu because I just dont want to hear it.
The point is that this nation is fat. The point is that children are fat and that has never happened in this country before now. You can't address that single trueism because it does not comport with your notion of a free market and personal responsability but indeed that fact remains. What has changed to have our children eat more than they need?