Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
Sorry lol....I didn't ant to say anything...
you do have nice cheekbones but I couldn't tell because you're barely smiling girl.
lol too funny, i didnt say anything because i thought it was hilarious

"i dont wanna be self important, but damn i have nice cheekbones, thanks for noticing"
simple mistake, but very funny


RIU Bulldog
I was busy trying to finds words to describe that gorgeous mug of yours that I didn't yet appreciate your subtly alluring lips and cheek bones.


Well-Known Member
Damn kuroi, I think you're beautiful "stripped" Kinda like a lioness
and thanks, maybe ill bring it back for a little while for you


Well-Known Member
Carne, you're too good to me *kisses on the cheek* Need to sort my skin out though XP

Yay, i get to see Urca gracing my screen once more <3

Pleasepleaseplease seriously try the 50's pinup thing? You so have the face for it x I wanna see.