Religion a form of Control?


Well-Known Member
Who of you believe religion was created by a government? Who believes that the government just uses religion as a form of control?


Its hard to say yes because religion has existed for such a long time and an ''organized'' government is quite recent in comparison.


Well-Known Member
There's always been a government. "organized" religion doesn't exist ha. People of the biblical age probably thought their government was organized too.


Well-Known Member
religion existed before but now religion manipulates have it backwards lol


Well-Known Member
Religion existed before government. FAIL.
  1. The governing body of a nation, state, or community.
  2. The system by which a nation, state, or community is governed.
Rethink what you said....FAIL on your part buddy. Government has been around since animals wanted to own territory.....The leader governs his/her territory and leads and controls his/her followers.



first came the universe/g-d

g-d/the universe + earth created ganga :)
g-d/the universe + earth/spirit created man

then came man
man created religion
man created government

our saving + g-d + earth created beer

beer > religion/government IMO


Well-Known Member
I was being serious. I answered your question, all you asked is who believes?

you didn't elaborate, or even state how you felt about the topic.
chill bro, I didn't mean for my post to come off as dickish. Your wink face threw me off lol. So do you dislike religion?


Well-Known Member

first came the universe/g-d

g-d/the universe + earth created ganga :)
g-d/the universe + earth/spirit created man

then came man
man created religion
man created government

our saving + g-d + earth created beer

beer > religion/government IMO
Man did not create government....


Undercover Mod
So now dominance in the animal kingdom is a form of governemnt? Touche you sire are brilliant. Good Show.


Well-Known Member

first came the universe/g-d

g-d/the universe + earth created ganga :)
g-d/the universe + earth/spirit created man

then came man
man created religion
man created government

our saving + g-d + earth created beer

beer > religion/government IMO
i could arguably say the will to have power started government or the un-willingness to co-exist mabe


Well-Known Member
Why would it.not be? There is a heirarchy system in the animal kingdom just as there is in our own. You dont have elections, but there is order

So now dominance in the animal kingdom is a form of governemnt? Touche you sire are brilliant. Good Show.


Weed Modifier
Kings ruled back in the day....they controlled everything.... even the churches, to make people feel like they had to listen to "them", to have control over the people.

Man has been wrong since the beginning...and we just continue...down the same path. Listening to "them", was and always will be our downfall...we need to do what we want, have our own beliefs and to actually be Free, not slaves working for what? who? government ...yah Them!


Weed Modifier
chill bro, I didn't mean for my post to come off as dickish. Your wink face threw me off lol. So do you dislike religion?
its all good :)

I love Religion it gives people Hope...I'm just not religious myself...I feel that we are all equals... but I'm not going to believe that just because someone else said it, that it will/will not happen. Because once you do.... They got you right where they want you!


Weed Modifier
They need a "no vote" for a spot for " none of them" so if the majority of voters vote "no-one"... they would have to put up new candidates, until they get a majority vote for one of them. Ever notice how once they get the vote, and they are in, they can go back on anything that they Promised they are going to do for the people ( and for years) ... should be a trial period, like one year, where if they are not going down the path they promised to the people, then they get ousted. ASAP. Would make them actually do what they say they were going to in the beginning.

Then it might actually make the people feel like they "can" have more "control" over Who is Ruling them!

but then again it's all probably rigged anyways? lol