DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

Quick update, 3 days after inoculating my res on 2 of 3 tubs, they are catching up and starting to surpass the sterile tub in root growth, plants still look a little droopy and sick, but gettting better quickly it looks like. Added the first additional inoculation last night, hoping for the best.
Quick update, 3 days after inoculating my res on 2 of 3 tubs, they are catching up and starting to surpass the sterile tub in root growth, plants still look a little droopy and sick, but gettting better quickly it looks like. Added the first additional inoculation last night, hoping for the best.

Glad to hear, im sure the tea will work for you as its very known to work with others.
I just have the whole gh line of additives but I switched to BC and dont want to add the gh semi-organic formula in my res and was thinking I could use it in the tea but I dont want to mess it up.

Im a week into using the tea and its been working pretty good my transition tub isnt slimed but there is a black sort of semi slime looking substance on the roots at the water line but im thinking this is small dirt particles because I only filtered with a fine screen. I also had a sediment in my gallon jug but I just shook it up and applied it with full confidence. Then I tried to refilter the rest with a paper tower but it was taking forever and the paper towel kept getting clogged. So I just gave up and started a new brew.

Heisenberg you should write a book. Id buy it. Thank you for sharing this recipe and always helping others.

Pick up a cheese cloth those work awesome for filtering out unwanted particles. I got mine at bed bath n beyond cost about 8 bucks for a single one, somtimes it gets a little film on it that you have to clean off every so often, i just do it every gallon of tea and it works awesome.
Does anyone know if GOGnats can be used safely with the tea. It says cedar oil is the active ingredient. Says its safe to ad to the hydroponic res.

Will it kill off the beneficials as well as the gnats and larve??

Edit I got a response from the manufacturer they emailed me this::

Generally it's OK

On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 12:41 PM, <aol.com> wrote:
Hello, I use a ewc compost tea in my hydroponic solution. Is it safe to use Go gnats along with the tea. Will the go gnats kill off all the benificials???


Well that clears it ip.. lol

I gave it a try with no adverse effects yet...

heres some insentuve and a thanks you mr H for this wonderfull thread, look at my healthy lovely rootmass temps have been up and 22 and ive noticed no probs at all!! they are bushing out reall nice now!!


where it says "add 1 cup total every 3 days after"

does that mean 1 cup for every gallon? or 1 cup total

After the initial dose, add 1 cup per 10 gallon every three days.

Has anybody used the tea to treat powder mold? What was the dose and and results ? Or does anyone know a good quick cure to the powder mold?

The tea can be sprayed full strength for mold outbreaks, but for general spraying we use 50/50. You will need to have some trichoderma in your tea if you want it to have any effect on powdery mildew. Make sure to spray the leaves top and bottom. You will need to repeat several times a week until things are under control. If you wish, you can use a sterilizing agent such as dutch master Zone to spray, but be very careful not to let any drip into the res or else it will kill your bennies. In addition, correct the conditions which lead to mold growth. That generally means more airflow and less humidity.
Please tell me those aren't snuggies or the hoodie-footies snuggle suit you are wearing in that root pic :-P

heres some insentuve and a thanks you mr H for this wonderfull thread, look at my healthy lovely rootmass temps have been up and 22 and ive noticed no probs at all!! they are bushing out reall nice now!!


The tea can be sprayed full strength for mold outbreaks, but for general spraying we use 50/50. You will need to have some trichoderma in your tea if you want it to have any effect on powdery mildew. Make sure to spray the leaves top and bottom. You will need to repeat several times a week until things are under control. If you wish, you can use a sterilizing agent such as dutch master Zone to spray, but be very careful not to let any drip into the res or else it will kill your bennies. In addition, correct the conditions which lead to mold growth. That generally means more airflow and less humidity.[/QUOTE]

Well i had bought some clones that i knew had the poweder mold on it but i could not pass up those genticts. Anyway will be spraying the tea today. i used a strong h2o2 soultion to treat the mold yesterday. also will the great whit have the correct trichodrema and correct amount?
HAHA no mate its -2 were i live just now so i put the mrs housecoat on lol pink is the new black anyway, and the pic in the avatar was white widow done in dwc mate that wasnt the biggest or frostiest bud real great strain!

The one in the pics is v3 by heath robinson!
the tea worked well for 2.5 months. These past 2 weeks simply fell apart. Maybe it was my screwed-up recipe, maybe it something else. Whatever it was, the solution should never be: "just add more tea". It is sad because i posted this problem here on november 20th and did not get good responses. Post #1335.

Well, better luck next time.

pics from 12/13/2011


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here are my root pics from 11/18/2011


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Your post #1335 only asks about filtering the tea, something that has been answered many times on this thread. I'd be hesitant to point fingers as those who give help here since your problem is obviously environment-related. I mean come on, I can see the light coming right through the sides of your buckets. Plus you have the water line all the way up to the top of the netpots??? Are you even using a chiller? Perhaps if you read through this whole thread you would find answers to many of the questions you might have, or might not have -- something that lots of us have done. Educate yourself, son.

is there something i cn buy instead of making something?i notince slime on my roots and i give them a good rinse changed my res and it still comes back i just dont want to make tea as my kids are curious so can i just buy something and what plz ?
mr bond, i guess i came across a little harsh. I did not intend to point fingers. I have read this complete thread twice, but with nearly 1500 posts, i must have overlooked some critical details or did not think some details were as important as others.

The is no light coming in the buckets (maybe through the hydroton in the netcups, but that is taken care of now), they are completely wrapped in reflexive material. I have a chiller and had one all along. I think the downfall was a combo of the extra sweet in the tea, not enough air, and extra additives in the res. I am currently doing a physan sterilization and brewing a fresh, clean batch of tea. I do realize that it was the brewer's fault, so i will fix everything i can and try again.

How high up the net cup should that water level be? I completely missed this. post 855
"Water should be splashing on the net pots to keep them moist, but the water level should be an inch or so below the pot to promote air intake and to prevent standing water that could collect in the pots and go anaerobic. "

post 857
"The concern for disease is a secondary reason to leave the water level below the pot. If you have true net pots and they drain or the water flows freely through them, you probably wont end up with pockets of anaerobic water which can lead to root rot. The real reason to leave the gap is for air intake of the roots. They should remain moist but be free to take in oxygen, as the water can never supply enough oxygen no matter your DO levels."

so the bennies live in the hydroton, and just get splashed down towards the roots? With 6" net pots, should i worry about keep the top few inches of hydroton moist?
George, it looks to me like you are adding some organics to the res. That might be coming from too much sugar in the tea, but it looks more substantial than that. I think you should check all the aspects of proper res maintenance, be careful of organic additives (can even be vitamins and hormones) and be a little more conservative when making the tea. Sterilizing and starting over is about all you can do for now.

When my plants are small, from cutting to veg, I have my water level about a half inch above my pots to avoid drying out initiating roots. Once they go into the budroom they have a substantial rootball, and at that time I keep the water level at least an inch below. The roots will become thick and may even form a bark. The bottoms of my cups stay moist but the top layer of hydroton is always dry. Hope this helps.