Religion a form of Control?


Ursus marijanus
If we look at the two insights we have into earliest human societies ... our oldest stories/epics/sagas, and the anthropology of essentially Neolithic societies in, say, New Guinea and Amazonia ... the seat of power in any tribe has always been divided among two people:
1) the chief, and
2) the shaman.
Both religion and government are as old as humanity imo. cn


Well-Known Member
did you just view all your own threads? Man, you finally got it

QUOTE=ThE sAtIvA hIgH;6785235]is there a point to a thread like this ?[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
did you just view all your own threads? Man, you finally got it

QUOTE=ThE sAtIvA hIgH;6785235]is there a point to a thread like this ?

Do you try to sound like a 4th grader whenever you attempt to type a sentence? Or has all Religious preaching dumbed you down even more?


Well-Known Member
religion was not made by government. it started out as the first form of science. they tried to explain what and where we came from, and why we are here. you can imagine its easy to think someone/something made the universe, just as we make tools. its a primitive concept, but the basic idea still exists today, just with excuses and revisions piled on top of it, which were necessary for the religions survival. eventually polytheism turned into monotheism, who's gods were all powerful and all seeing. these concepts are much easier to come up with than it is to do vigorous scientific experiments until we get a definitive answer about reality. and what happens when that scientific reality conflicts with religious scripture as it does today?

now as for governments controlling people with religion.... of course they do! its not as prevalent in america as it is in places like iran or saudi arabia, but it does affect our political system greatly. name the last open atheist that won a presidential election. theres a lot of countries around the world where religion plays a major role in what people think and do. this is the main reason why i do not like religion. they commit barbaric practices in the name of a god they cant even begin to prove exists. beheading people for witchcraft and cutting clitorises off is not cool IMO. their reasonings for doing so is utterly absurd.


Well-Known Member
Do you try to sound like a 4th grader whenever you attempt to type a sentence? Or has all Religious preaching dumbed you down even more?[/QUOTE]

dude, do you think you are heis or mindphuk? trying to be some guru or some professor!!!! lol... you are funny... let me guess, BA stands for badass and 142 is probably you area code...

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
religion was not made by government. it started out as the first form of science. they tried to explain what and where we came from, and why we are here. you can imagine its easy to think someone/something made the universe, just as we make tools. its a primitive concept, but the basic idea still exists today, just with excuses and revisions piled on top of it, which were necessary for the religions survival. eventually polytheism turned into monotheism, who's gods were all powerful and all seeing. these concepts are much easier to come up with than it is to do vigorous scientific experiments until we get a definitive answer about reality. and what happens when that scientific reality conflicts with religious scripture as it does today?

now as for governments controlling people with religion.... of course they do! its not as prevalent in america as it is in places like iran or saudi arabia, but it does affect our political system greatly. name the last open atheist that won a presidential election. theres a lot of countries around the world where religion plays a major role in what people think and do. this is the main reason why i do not like religion. they commit barbaric practices in the name of a god they cant even begin to prove exists. beheading people for witchcraft and cutting clitorises off is not cool IMO. their reasonings for doing so is utterly absurd.

beautifully written, bravo my man.


Well-Known Member

Man created religion accidentally, as a way to remember what to do, and what was happening.

And then government has just been a side effect of history.
Who's got the most ...?


eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Religion existed before government. FAIL.

...religion is the 'union of opposites', which in physical terms produces offspring.

...government started when man first organized his own environment - to 'get more religion' :)

^ that's the circle of life right there :lol:


Well-Known Member
...religion is the 'union of opposites', which in physical terms produces offspring.

...government started when man first organized his own environment - to 'get more religion' :)

^ that's the circle of life right there :lol:
im confused. did you say government was 'invented' for religious purposes?


Well-Known Member
...religion is the 'union of opposites', which in physical terms produces offspring.

...government started when man first organized his own environment - to 'get more religion' :)

^ that's the circle of life right there :lol:

I'm going to have to disagree with this Eye...

Government is just a hierarchy, which is something we can observe in animal behavior. Government existed, in the broadest sense, long before religion was conceived. Detailed language is a neccessity of religion, but the hierarchy within tribes or primative humans can pre-date language. Hell, just look at lions, or hyenas... No detailed language, mostly posturing, and certain behaviors, but a definite pecking order exists.

We've all heard the term "leader of the pack", is that not a form of government? More like a dictatorship, but government nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
Religion was early governments way to keep people in early govenrment I mean any emperor or ruler of the was before anything was organized, but people believed it so fully they passed it on and on for after it was no longer needed


Well-Known Member
before any people were governed they believed in a higher power in which they worshiped and sacrificed too etc............... so therefore religion was here way before any organized government was ever formed no matter how primitive it was ..............the beliefs in believing in a higher power what ever it may be was around before we knew what we are ..............not like we know now........... and religion or government isnt helping either ......... they are both opossed to reg. people knowing anything that might give them self im-powerment or have a voice against them in anyway the government we are children they are our parents and in religion we are never leaders but followers

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
im confused. did you say government was 'invented' for religious purposes?

...I'm not sure if you're messing around or not, but I'll answer seriously :lol:

Yes. And. No.

Government is organization. All that man does, at a 3rd tier level, is to organize himself to ensure procreation. "Religion" is procreation in the mind, but also in the flesh. Religion in the mind is both hemispheres united. Religion in the's fun as hell!


eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
I'm going to have to disagree with this Eye...

Government is just a hierarchy, which is something we can observe in animal behavior. Government existed, in the broadest sense, long before religion was conceived. Detailed language is a neccessity of religion, but the hierarchy within tribes or primative humans can pre-date language. Hell, just look at lions, or hyenas... No detailed language, mostly posturing, and certain behaviors, but a definite pecking order exists.

We've all heard the term "leader of the pack", is that not a form of government? More like a dictatorship, but government nonetheless.

...this was my point. :) I was messin' around about how man at his primal level 'governs' himself to 'get some'...

Oh! GET SOME... Heard of Snot before? Hmm, something new to post in the music thread. :)

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
i thought i heard somewhere that religion in the med evil times was pushed by the catholic church for a separation between church and state, so the church could have more freedoms than that of the commoner, saying that god has say who goes to heaven and who goes to hell, so that would trump anything the king or queen said, for the king and queens might make the laws and enforce them, but the church dictates who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. as time went on the state eventually infiltrated the church and used it to their own advantages, to further their handhold over the common citizen.

i could be horribly wrong about this, just something i think i remember reading somewhere at one point.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
i thought i heard somewhere that religion in the med evil times was pushed by the catholic church for a separation between church and state, so the church could have more freedoms than that of the commoner, saying that god has say who goes to heaven and who goes to hell, so that would trump anything the king or queen said, for the king and queens might make the laws and enforce them, but the church dictates who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. as time went on the state eventually infiltrated the church and used it to their own advantages, to further their handhold over the common citizen.

i could be horribly wrong about this, just something i think i remember reading somewhere at one point., not wrong. Research the Cathars (and Knights Templar) and you'll get a handle on that sht. Not to say I have a handle on it, to be sure.


Well-Known Member
Ever since our basic ancestral tribes roamed the earth there has been hierarchy of government,Chiefs,Shamans,hunters,gatherers.The chief determined what was followed by the tribe,the shaman being the spiritual leader and older or wiser,could be aware that the chief dosent know that the great mountain lizard dosent really exist but he will use the figure to create consequence of disobedience of the tribe,even of the chief himself.Even the chief obeys the shaman at this point because he dosent want the wrath of that mountain lizard to destroy him or the tribe.So the government is governed by religion with this.But of course thats a simple view to put it in,this day and age its become far more complicated but the principle of control remains the same.No order=No control=No power.So essentialy religion pulls the strings all over.The government uses religion for control and religion uses the government for a seat of power, yet no one controls religion except the shaman or priest what have you.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Ever since our basic ancestral tribes roamed the earth there has been hierarchy of government,Chiefs,Shamans,hunters,gatherers.The chief determined what was followed by the tribe,the shaman being the spiritual leader and older or wiser,could be aware that the chief dosent know that the great mountain lizard dosent really exist but he will use the figure to create consequence of disobedience of the tribe,even of the chief himself.Even the chief obeys the shaman at this point because he dosent want the wrath of that mountain lizard to destroy him or the tribe.So the government is governed by religion with this.But of course thats a simple view to put it in,this day and age its become far more complicated but the principle of control remains the same.No order=No control=No power.So essentialy religion pulls the strings all over.The government uses religion for control and religion uses the government for a seat of power, yet no one controls religion except the shaman or priest what have you.
...what I've set apart in bold here is 100% true. If a person has no order, or no control, they will have no power. Life-force is in your creative function. Abuse it and you have no power.

I'd listen to the shaman, too :)

Religion = Union. Religion is Soul and Spirit united. Adam / Abel... Cain, the human - 666, is sent to the abyss to enabel...oops, enable abel. :) Man can resuscitate abel from here, if he choses.

666 is a '6' for every brain we have. "Samael" Humanity is the devil - but not always demonic. We are the ones that operate, with ease, the 7 'deadly sins'. Those sins are the opposites of virtues. It's not as if we sin in one of those ways and we feel the reapercussions straight away... there's an ocean of sht out there that we are all walking around in...and energy seeks to complete itself.


Ursus marijanus
Zaehet ... forgive me but you gave me such a lovely straight line. As long as a plant is held to be actionably bad by our governments, these are the Med Evil times. cn