Ron Paul Has A Legit Shot.

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You're very much underestimating Obama. As I said, his problem was never lack of intelligence. If you really think he's not capable with coming up with something new to run on, prepare to be disappointed. He is a very capable politician. Perhaps the most talented we've seen since JFK.

I hear you, but based on Obama's performance as of late it will be very difficult for him. He, like Ron Paul, needs a good campaign because neither of them are very strong speakers, IMO.

Hypothetical question, what if Huntsman were (by a miracle) announced as Ron Paul's running mate?
Also you should remember how good Obama is at campaigning. He's likely the best campaigner any of us will ever see. Beating him will be extremely difficult unless the economy gets worse.

Good campaigner or not the economy, and more, would have to vastly improve before Obama would be extremely difficult to beat.

He cannot run on his record, on his achievements. He doesn't have any that he can brag about and that are popular with the majority of the nation. His one major accomplishment, that is hated by many and has cost jobs and driven up the cost of healthcare and driving up the national debt, and that is before most of it has been implemented and where the major cost increases will occur, will likely be if not totally, at least in part struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court.

That will make him look terrible. He fought like mad and had to make all sorts of backroom deals giving some states breaks, and then after it passed some major employers complained and he handed out exemptions to some of them, showing that if you are powerful enough the laws will not equally apply to you. The basis of their defense proves that Obama and Democrats are liars. The 'fee' charged to those who would not comply and purchase health insurance, as demanded by the legislation, was repeatedly said by Democrats that it is not a tax. As it turns out now the only way to attempt to make the clause forcing citizens to purchase a product, that being health insurance, and the 'fee' constitutional is if the 'fee' is a tax. So now the Democrats legal argument is that the 'fee' that over and over and over again was said to not be a tax is now being claimed to be a tax.

That won't help Obama or Democrats in general.

Economic projections made by independent economists for the future (now the present) with or without the so called shovel ready pork barrel laden political payback stimulus program had the economy being as strong or stronger at this point without the stimulus package than with it. All the original stimulus package did was pay back those Obama was indebted to and increase the national debt.

He can't point to the cash for clunkers program as being good. It created a shortage of good used vehicles, because most traded in were not actually clunkers, and it has driven up the price of used cars. On less expensive used vehicles it has driven prices up 10% and more and on high end vehicles it has driven prices up as much as 36%. And remember, used cars are supposed to be the most affordable vehicles for the masses to buy.

He has lowered the position of the U.S. in the world. He has apologized for things that should never have been apologized for, some because his facts were wrong and others just because a nation never apologizes for doing them since they all do them. He had bowed to a King. He has proven himself weak and ineffective in foreign affairs. He has set back the Middle East peace process to the point where he may have killed it deader than disco.

He has created an economic limbo by not clarifying his true position or agenda resulting in businesses sitting on record amounts of operating capital. They will not hire or expand because they do not know if they will then end up in a trap of sorts and it cost them the shirt off their backs.

He has been trying to create and fight a class war by lying about what the wealthy pay in taxes compare to others. He claimed that it’s unfair for construction workers, teachers and nurses earning $50,000 a year “to pay a higher tax rate than somebody pulling in $50 million,” and that a “quarter of all millionaires now pay lower tax rates than millions of middle-class households.” He even said that “ some billionaires have a tax rate as low as 1 percent.”But The Washington Post pointed out, of the top 400 wealthiest individuals in the U.S. in 2008 (the last year for which such data is available), most paid in excess of 35 percent in taxes and “ only 17 had a marginal rate of zero to 26 percent.” Even The Post acknowledged that for this handful of individuals, there might well be reasonable explanations why they paid so little, including that they earned little or nothing that year.

The number of Independent voters, those responsible for Obama being elected, who support Obama has dropped dramatically. Obama cannot win without them. Recent polling figures have shown that even among Democrats the number of them who support Obama is dropping.

An AP/GfK poll taken two days ago found that a majority believes President Obama should not win reelection and his job approval stands at a new low, throwing into doubt his chances to earn reelection. More than half of those polled — 52 percent — said that President Obama should be voted out of office, a record high. Only 43 percent say he deserves a second term. Only 44 percent approve of the job Obama has done as president, with 54 percent disapproving.

In a A USA Today / Gallup poll taken four days ago of 12 likely swing states next year is rife with bad news for President Obama’s reelection team. In this poll of registered voters in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin, President Obama cannot crest the 45 percent mark. In this poll, facing former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, President Obama loses with 43 percent to 48 percent. If former House Speaker Newt Gingrich were the nominee, Obama again loses by 3 points with 45 to 48 percent.

Unless things greatly improve Obama's only way to campaign is to run the most heavy handed negative campaign in history and try to play on the fear of the unknown if a Republican wins.

He has no ammunition of his own to fight with. He has lost a tremendous amount of the support that put him into office. He has business against him. He has proven the worst fears of those who did not support him to be true, that he was/is unqualified for the position of president of the U.S., that he lacks, and still lacks, the experience and that he is a closet socialist attempting to duplicate the errors of European nations by using them as models for some of what he wants to do.

If he were half as intelligent as he thinks he is and that some claim him to be, and if he had any dignity, class and a set of balls rather than only having an ego, he would do like LBJ did (for all you little puppies here, LBJ stands for President Lyndon Baines Johnson. It's not Spanish slang for a blow job. We're not talking about Clinton here) and say he will not run for reelection and give his party some chance of being able to pick a candidate that might have a chance to win.

I hear you, but based on Obama's performance as of late it will be very difficult for him. He, like Ron Paul, needs a good campaign because neither of them are very strong speakers, IMO.

Hypothetical question, what if Huntsman were (by a miracle) announced as Ron Paul's running mate?

Can't see Paul allowing that.
Like politicians come up with their own motto... that's just laughable.:lol: They come from the small guys on the bottom who's boss steals it and then their boss steals it and take credit while giving it to the politician.

Either way. Obama is a highly skilled politician. If you think Ron Paul will walk all over him, think again.
Hypothetical question, what if Huntsman were (by a miracle) announced as Ron Paul's running mate?

Only if Huntsman was on top of the ticket would I vote for him.

I would vote for pretty much any democrat over Ron Paul.

Don't get it twisted. Just because I'm playing nice with you Ron Paul supporters does NOT mean I'm coming around to his way of thinking. That's just never going to happen. It's not even close. He's so wrong on pretty much all economic issues that I'll never be a Ron Paul supporter.

  • I hear you, but based on Obama's performance as of late it will be very difficult for him. He, like Ron Paul, needs a good campaign because neither of them are very strong speakers, IMO.​

Well you're just wrong on that. Obama is the most talented orator the country has seen since JFK.
Good campaigner or not the economy, and more, would have to vastly improve before Obama would be extremely difficult to beat.

He cannot run on his record, on his achievements. He doesn't have any that he can brag about and that are popular with the majority of the nation. His one major accomplishment, that is hated by many and has cost jobs and driven up the cost of healthcare and driving up the national debt, and that is before most of it has been implemented and where the major cost increases will occur, will likely be if not totally, at least in part struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court.

That will make him look terrible. He fought like mad and had to make all sorts of backroom deals giving some states breaks, and then after it passed some major employers complained and he handed out exemptions to some of them, showing that if you are powerful enough the laws will not equally apply to you. The basis of their defense proves that Obama and Democrats are liars. The 'fee' charged to those who would not comply and purchase health insurance, as demanded by the legislation, was repeatedly said by Democrats that it is not a tax. As it turns out now the only way to attempt to make the clause forcing citizens to purchase a product, that being health insurance, and the 'fee' constitutional is if the 'fee' is a tax. So now the Democrats legal argument is that the 'fee' that over and over and over again was said to not be a tax is now being claimed to be a tax.

That won't help Obama or Democrats in general.

Economic projections made by independent economists for the future (now the present) with or without the so called shovel ready pork barrel laden political payback stimulus program had the economy being as strong or stronger at this point without the stimulus package than with it. All the original stimulus package did was pay back those Obama was indebted to and increase the national debt.

He can't point to the cash for clunkers program as being good. It created a shortage of good used vehicles, because most traded in were not actually clunkers, and it has driven up the price of used cars. On less expensive used vehicles it has driven prices up 10% and more and on high end vehicles it has driven prices up as much as 36%. And remember, used cars are supposed to be the most affordable vehicles for the masses to buy.

He has lowered the position of the U.S. in the world. He has apologized for things that should never have been apologized for, some because his facts were wrong and others just because a nation never apologizes for doing them since they all do them. He had bowed to a King. He has proven himself weak and ineffective in foreign affairs. He has set back the Middle East peace process to the point where he may have killed it deader than disco.

He has created an economic limbo by not clarifying his true position or agenda resulting in businesses sitting on record amounts of operating capital. They will not hire or expand because they do not know if they will then end up in a trap of sorts and it cost them the shirt off their backs.

He has been trying to create and fight a class war by lying about what the wealthy pay in taxes compare to others. He claimed that it’s unfair for construction workers, teachers and nurses earning $50,000 a year “to pay a higher tax rate than somebody pulling in $50 million,” and that a “quarter of all millionaires now pay lower tax rates than millions of middle-class households.” He even said that “ some billionaires have a tax rate as low as 1 percent.”But The Washington Postpointed out, of the top 400 wealthiest individuals in the U.S. in 2008 (the last year for which such data is available), most paid in excess of 35 percent in taxes and “ only 17 had a marginal rate of zero to 26 percent.” Even The Post acknowledged that for this handful of individuals, there might well be reasonable explanations why they paid so little, including that they earned little or nothing that year.

The number of Independent voters, those responsible for Obama being elected, who support Obama has dropped dramatically. Obama cannot win without them. Recent polling figures have shown that even among Democrats the number of them who support Obama is dropping.

An AP/GfK poll taken two days ago found that a majority believes President Obama should not win reelection and his job approval stands at a new low, throwing into doubt his chances to earn reelection. More than half of those polled — 52 percent — said that President Obama should be voted out of office, a record high. Only 43 percent say he deserves a second term. Only 44 percent approve of the job Obama has done as president, with 54 percent disapproving.

In a A USA Today / Gallup poll taken four days ago of 12 likely swing states next year is rife with bad news for President Obama’s reelection team. In this poll of registered voters in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin, President Obama cannot crest the 45 percent mark. In this poll, facing former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, President Obama loses with 43 percent to 48 percent. If former House Speaker Newt Gingrich were the nominee, Obama again loses by 3 points with 45 to 48 percent.

Unless things greatly improve Obama's only way to campaign is to run the most heavy handed negative campaign in history and try to play on the fear of the unknown if a Republican wins.

He has no ammunition of his own to fight with. He has lost a tremendous amount of the support that put him into office. He has business against him. He has proven the worst fears of those who did not support him to be true, that he was/is unqualified for the position of president of the U.S., that he lacks, and still lacks, the experience and that he is a closet socialist attempting to duplicate the errors of European nations by using them as models for some of what he wants to do.

If he were half as intelligent as he thinks he is and that some claim him to be, and if he had any dignity, class and a set of balls rather than only having an ego, he would do like LBJ did (for all you little puppies here, LBJ stands for President Lyndon Baines Johnson. It's not Spanish slang for a blow job. We're not talking about Clinton here) and say he will not run for reelection and give his party some chance of being able to pick a candidate that might have a chance to win.


However that's a very impressive text wall of regurgitated fox news talking points though. Well done.
Only if Huntsman was on top of the ticket would I vote for him.

I would vote for pretty much any democrat over Ron Paul.

Don't get it twisted. Just because I'm playing nice with you Ron Paul supporters does NOT mean I'm coming around to his way of thinking. That's just never going to happen. It's not even close. He's so wrong on pretty much all economic issues that I'll never be a Ron Paul supporter.

Well you're just wrong on that. Obama is the most talented orator the country has seen since JFK.
Most talented teleprompter reader you mean, the man couldn't string two words together himself to save his life.
I agree with you that Obama is a good debater. Many people under estimate his debating skills.

I do believe RP still has an edge in debates. When you hear RP answer questions in debates he gives you full answers. Solutions to problems if you will. For 95% of these problems the solutions he states will correct these problems. I mean , this guy is giving 100% facts when he speaks, no assumptions ,no dilutions, no bullshit.!
Most talented teleprompter reader you mean, the man couldn't string two words together himself to save his life.

Enough of the whole teleprompter thing. Every president since Reagan has used them. Can we quit pretending it's some sort of character flaw exclusive to Obama?

I seriously doubt Reagan would have been able to remember his own name if he wasn't reading it off a teleprompter. And he was a phenomenal public speaker.

That's possibly the most retarded right wing talking point in the whole arsenal.
I agree with you that Obama is a good debater. Many people under estimate his debating skills.

I do believe RP still has an edge in debates. When you hear RP answer questions in debates he gives you full answers. Solutions to problems if you will. For 95% of these problems the solutions he states will correct these problems. I mean , this guy is giving 100% facts when he speaks, no assumptions ,no dilutions, no bullshit.!

While you might think that, the majority of Americans don't necessarily share that point of view. Ron Paul is on the wrong side of public opinion on a lot of issues. Obama will exploit that endlessly.
I do think the majority of the people share 95% of RP views (maybe not my individual view posted).. I hope RP wins the nomination so we can get this debate on the road !!
While you might think that, the majority of Americans don't necessarily share that point of view. Ron Paul is on the wrong side of public opinion on a lot of issues. Obama will exploit that endlessly.
Only if Huntsman was on top of the ticket would I vote for him.

I would vote for pretty much any democrat over Ron Paul.

Don't get it twisted. Just because I'm playing nice with you Ron Paul supporters does NOT mean I'm coming around to his way of thinking. That's just never going to happen. It's not even close. He's so wrong on pretty much all economic issues that I'll never be a Ron Paul supporter.

I get it. Already long ago knew you didn't agree with Paul. Huntsman has already said that if he did get the nomination that Ron Paul would be his VP candidate. Therefore, you are saying you would vote for Huntsman/Paul?

Well you're just wrong on that. Obama is the most talented orator the country has seen since JFK.

Dude, seriously? I don't want to use the 'teleprompter' argument because that doesn't even matter to me, but without one he can't finish a sentence cleanly.. let's be honest. My boss at work is a better talker than him and he pronounces economy like 'ecomony.' No joke.
If it is the case that elected officials reflect the desires of the voters then we are in a world of hurt. Andy Cobb and the Partisans recently appeared at a rally carrying a sign that read, Obama is a Keynesian. Many were outraged and took Cobb to task for suggesting that President Obama was from Kenya. And, there is the American electorate for you – they don't know the difference between a country and an economic system.

These same people populate the comment strings whenever there is a news story regarding Dr. Ron Paul for President. Here are some of their reasons why Paul should not be President.

1) He is an old coot. Now there is a comment that really exercised the gray matter. Of course, coot refers to a kind of bird but can also mean a harmless, simple person. I agree that Paul is harmless, but to suggest he is simple misses the mark by a few light years. No other candidate for office of the President of the United States can meet Paul head on in a debate without coming out looking like a fool. If you don't agree with that statement just read a few of Paul's books, Keep a dictionary handy.

2) He is a nut. I suspect this shallow comment means that Paul is foolish, eccentric, or crazy. No proof is offered. It is just a baseless ad hominem attack.

3) He is an isolationist. This comment is clear evidence that the writer has made no effort at all to understand Paul's foreign policy. It just happens to be identical to that of Thomas Jefferson. "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none." If we had followed that foreign policy throughout our history almost no wars would have been fought. We fought a war in Vietnam during the 1960's. EVERY day in 1968 we brought an average of 80 boys a day home in body bags. Why did we fight that war? Containment? How did that work out? Then we normalized relations with Vietnam in 1979 and began the foreign policy of Paul and Jefferson. Guess what? We have a friend in Vietnam and trade regularly. What we could not do with bombs and bullets we have accomplished with commerce, friendliness, and example. Paul is not an isolationist – he is for non-intervention.

4) He doesn't understand that we are at war with Islam. Really? Is that the express or implied policy of the United States? Shall we ask Congress to formally declare war on 1.5-billion Muslims? Islam may be a problem but any debate should take place in the free market place of ideas. Paul understands this quite well.

5) He is unelectable. This comment comes from watching too much television rather than thinking for oneself. A reporter put that question directly to Paul during one of the debates in 2008 without even realizing he was insulting the voters in Lake Jackson Texas who had consistently elected Paul to Congress multiple times. Did the reporter think that the voters of Lake Jackson were someway not demographically representative of the nation as a whole? More likely the reporter did not think at all.

6) He favors letting Iran have nuclear weapons. No, Paul does not believe in interfering in the internal affairs of other nations. Many nations possess nuclear arsenals. What is special about Iran? Test your memory – when was the last time Iran attacked anyone?

Many other comments are similarly inane. He is not a pure Libertarian, he is pro-life, he doesn't look presidential, his supporters are nuts, etc. So, will Paul be given the opportunity to heal the nation? Probably not. Because as a people we are worse than ignorant, we think government is good.
7 - Doomsday Conspiracy Theorist) They think electing Ron Paul would result in some sort of crazy conspiracy theory

8 - People with extreme hatred for Republicans and/or Capitalism/Private Sector

9 - Other Extremist such as Racist

Yep that wraps it up nicely...people who actually "disagree" with Ron Paul.j/k

I get it. Already long ago knew you didn't agree with Paul. Huntsman has already said that if he did get the nomination that Ron Paul would be his VP candidate. Therefore, you are saying you would vote for Huntsman/Paul?

Actually that would be my preference.

Dude, seriously? I don't want to use the 'teleprompter' argument because that doesn't even matter to me, but without one he can't finish a sentence cleanly.. let's be honest. My boss at work is a better talker than him and he pronounces economy like 'ecomony.' No joke.

He beat Hillary Clinton on rhetoric alone. She was practically crown before the election started. He put his campaign speeches on cd and people bought them. He's easily the best speaker that's been president since Kennedy.
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