You've Seriously Gotta Be Fucking Kidding Me


Active Member
And the fucking Easter Bunny ;) "Here little boy eat my chocolate eggs" muhahahahahaha
more like "see if you can find my eggs"lol... and Santa sees all right?:mrgreen:naughty naughty santa,its pretty fucked up we tell our kids some fat guy at the North Poles ALWAYS watching them,keeps them outta trouble though.


Well-Known Member
It"s easy to get them to clean, just say do you want to clean your room or go to church? I do it all the time, say to the wife, the guys want to go four wheeling but I want to stay home and have sex...I bet she even gets you the key for the four wheeler. Works the other way with men but don't mention sex as it will win every time so you got to say honey do you want to help me streak my hair or clean the garage... example is for the blonds


Well-Known Member
I got tears in my eyes, sorry Morg LOL WUT is an expression go back and read my post above on what and how. Peace and huggs

The pear is the symbol for LOL WUT

the spokes pearson


Staff member
seems dumb i mean fuck thats why i hate watching the but american news is the worst its all about fear.


Moderatrix of Journals
It"s easy to get them to clean, just say do you want to clean your room or go to church? I do it all the time, say to the wife, the guys want to go four wheeling but I want to stay home and have sex...I bet she even gets you the key for the four wheeler. Works the other way with men but don't mention sex as it will win every time so you got to say honey do you want to help me streak my hair or clean the garage... example is for the blonds
baaaa hahaha
i don't have any teenagers yet, but sometimes i could just throttle some of my friends' kids.... [sarcasm]can't wait[/sarc] :lol: