Want to try coke.


Well-Known Member
So I want to try coke for the first time. Never have before and just looking for advice or things to be aware of. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Save your money. Coke is not worth doing anymore. You'll have way more fun spending that money on anything else. It's so cut to shit these days. Unless you go to South America you won't find decent coke.

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
Like said above, your damn lucky if you can find coke today that is even 10% coke... It's cut with everything from hormonal meds to who know's what....


Well-Known Member
So I want to try coke for the first time. Never have before and just looking for advice or things to be aware of. Any thoughts?
"You wanna know what cocaine makes you feel like? It makes you feel like doing more cocaine." ~ George Carlin


Well-Known Member
It IS a big waste of money unless you can find good shit, the shit is usually better if you live in a port city like I do. There's REALLY bad coke here that's super hydrochloride'd out and then there's some REALLY good shit. Make sure you take it easy, don't do anything retarded on it and MAKE SURE that you only buy a little bit otherwise you WILL do all of it.


New Member
Boy if that isn't truer than true. Used to do alot of coke. Big waste of money if you ask me.
"You wanna know what cocaine makes you feel like? It makes you feel like doing more cocaine." ~ George Carlin
Save your money. Coke is not worth doing anymore. You'll have way more fun spending that money on anything else. It's so cut to shit these days. Unless you go to South America you won't find decent coke.
Here's some advice: stick to green, it's good for ya.
So I want to try coke for the first time. Never have before and just looking for advice or things to be aware of. Any thoughts?
Speaking as someone who almost lost his life from a cocaine addiction, I wholeheartedly agree with all of these. Stick to Mother Ganja my friend. Don't prove all the idiot's that claim cannabis is a 'gateway' drug right. Just my .02


Well-Known Member
the only time iv got cut is from someone I didn't kno that's why u always kno ur dealer and get a good connect goin iv usually gotten top quality stuff snort a line and you fuckin teeth go numb. and I live in new Mexico were you would think it would be all shit. but as said above it is a big waste of money the only time I ever did it was when I had lots of extra money were I would do $100 worth in one night. also coke is the precursor to crack Wich IMO is as bad as heroin and meth Wich I would never do. tried crack once and I can see how people get addicted the first time it was honestly the highest iv ever been. but fuck that shit I havent done blow in at least 6 mon


Well-Known Member
It IS a big waste of money unless you can find good shit, the shit is usually better if you live in a port city like I do. There's REALLY bad coke here that's super hydrochloride'd out and then there's some REALLY good shit. Make sure you take it easy, don't do anything retarded on it and MAKE SURE that you only buy a little bit otherwise you WILL do all of it.
Nah man we used to get real good shit and still everytime I would feel stupid when it was all gone. "Well that was fun but I spent how much? I'm dumb."


Well-Known Member
Nah man we used to get real good shit and still everytime I would feel stupid when it was all gone. "Well that was fun but I spent how much? I'm dumb."
ya it got pretty bad for me when I could spend $100 or $20 for a night and still get the same effect, iv done so much my nose started bleeding(6-7 lines in each nostril) and I was just regular coke high not super blasted or nothing


Well-Known Member
Do you have a large balance in you savings account? Coke will dry it up real fukin quick. This is coming from a 46 yo former coke head. Alcohol was the gateway drug to my coke problem not weed.


New Member
ya it got pretty bad for me when I could spend $100 or $20 for a night and still get the same effect, iv done so much my nose started bleeding(6-7 lines in each nostril) and I was just regular coke high not super blasted or nothing
6-7? sheeit, more like 67 for me. I would bleed from one side stick a rag in and start the other side. I got a deviated septum to show for it. Been clean for almost 14 years now. STICK TO THE BUDZ!. You won't regret it


Well-Known Member
6-7? sheeit, more like 67 for me. I would bleed from one side stick a rag in and start the other side. I got a deviated septum to show for it. Been clean for almost 14 years now. STICK TO THE BUDZ!. You won't regret it
I've never done enough to make my nose bleed, I usually did a line or two and was like, "I'm done, get that shit away from me." It always made my stomach hurt too.

I think it's something worth experiencing but not something worth doing more than a few times because of it's addictive potential. It's a slippery slope anyway.


Well-Known Member
Like everyone said its so "stepped on " that you dont even get a coke high. Plus I wouldnt care to do it unless I planned on partying all night.


Well-Known Member
Coke's only fun when you don't pay for that shit and you're doing it off of some girl's tits. Otherwise the shit blows. (Pun intended)


Well-Known Member
6-7? sheeit, more like 67 for me. I would bleed from one side stick a rag in and start the other side. I got a deviated septum to show for it. Been clean for almost 14 years now. STICK TO THE BUDZ!. You won't regret it
My buddy ended up with one big nostril from it and a stint in the state pen. He was a big time dealer flipped out one night at a marina in his boat and got bagged. He was a mess by then and getting caught I think saved his life.