Want to try coke.


Active Member
Sweetie coke u don't really realize ur addicted to until ur capt blackfingers downed 20 lighters and ur foil ball is the size of peewee hermans. Connect those dots. Heroin is instant no going back. Everytime I hear nirvana makes me want to get blasted. And I've been clean 4 awhile.
So I want to try coke for the first time. Never have before and just looking for advice or things to be aware of. Any thoughts?
Don't believe the people that say all coke is bunk. This guy has some good shit!


NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C.-- Police in South Carolina have arrested a man they say encouraged his brother to eat cocaine to destroy evidence. The brother died shortly after.Twenty-three-year-old DeAngelo Rashard Mitchell of Charleston has been charged with involuntary manslaughter and distribution of cocaine.North Charleston police say 20-year-old Wayne Mitchell died less than an hour after eating cocaine when the brothers were arrested Nov. 30.DeAngelo Mitchell had posted bail and was allowed to go free before police found out he had contributed to his brother's death.Police say they learned the brothers had discussed in the back of a patrol car what to do with the cocaine they had. They say DeAngelo Mitchell encouraged his brother to eat it.It wasn't clear if DeAngelo Mitchell has an attorney yet.



New Member
Well, I am sure glad you can't get addicted to coke. Must have been a bad dream. Hey, can you get my house, my wife, my job, and all of my personal possesions and money back? Since you are sure people don't get addicted to coke, should'nt be a problem huh? Why don't you go to an NA meeting and announce that cocaine does not cause addiction, I am sure they would love to hear the news.

Cannabis has ZERO physically addictive properties, only psychological. Perhaps the reason you wake up irritable and tempermental is you are an irritable and tempermental person. You will very likely prove that with your reply to this post.
u only get addicted if u have an addictive personality I think you my friend have a week fuckin mind selling all your shit for a high only a dumbass would do that you have to realize it's a drug and there is a line you can't cross and selling and stealing is that line
and how is it iv been doin coke many years and not addicted? I still have a job,house,wife,and kids and I do coke probably 1-2 times a month and haven't even done any for 6 mon? and most of the people I see addicted are fuckin loser lowlifes anyways without drugs
Well, I guess you are an irritable, tempermental, and obviously ignorant person....point proven.


Well-Known Member
Well, I guess you are an irritable, tempermental, and obviously ignorant person....point proven.
there is no truth to wat your saying stop making empty attacks I'm merely stating my own experiences and how I look at things


Well-Known Member
If you think you can get addicted by doing it a few times every once and while you're an idiot. Addiciton isn't instant, it's gradual.
it wasn't just a couple times the first month I did it I was doing about $40-$100 a night but then I slowed down


Well-Known Member
dumb ass probably ate a ball
Don't believe the people that say all coke is bunk. This guy has some good shit!


NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C.-- Police in South Carolina have arrested a man they say encouraged his brother to eat cocaine to destroy evidence. The brother died shortly after.Twenty-three-year-old DeAngelo Rashard Mitchell of Charleston has been charged with involuntary manslaughter and distribution of cocaine.North Charleston police say 20-year-old Wayne Mitchell died less than an hour after eating cocaine when the brothers were arrested Nov. 30.DeAngelo Mitchell had posted bail and was allowed to go free before police found out he had contributed to his brother's death.Police say they learned the brothers had discussed in the back of a patrol car what to do with the cocaine they had. They say DeAngelo Mitchell encouraged his brother to eat it.It wasn't clear if DeAngelo Mitchell has an attorney yet.



New Member
Everyone chill. Let him live and learn. I know many people who do shit that can be addicting and not get addicted. I myself am one.

Lets worry about cigs before coke. :lol:


Well-Known Member
So I want to try coke for the first time. Never have before and just looking for advice or things to be aware of. Any thoughts?
The only thought I have is coke is a worthless drug, smoke some crack if you really wanna get high.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
So I want to try coke for the first time. Never have before and just looking for advice or things to be aware of. Any thoughts?
Don't do it. Those are my thoughts. But if you must, be careful and only do small lines, and wait to see how it effects you before doing more. And, to keep it recreational, dont do it again for awhile.


New Member
Well, I am sure glad you can't get addicted to coke. Must have been a bad dream. Hey, can you get my house, my wife, my job, and all of my personal possesions and money back? Since you are sure people don't get addicted to coke, should'nt be a problem huh? Why don't you go to an NA meeting and announce that cocaine does not cause addiction, I am sure they would love to hear the news.

Cannabis has ZERO physically addictive properties, only psychological. Perhaps the reason you wake up irritable and tempermental is you are an irritable and tempermental person. You will very likely prove that with your reply to this post.
u only get addicted if u have an addictive personality I think you my friend have a week fuckin mind selling all your shit for a high only a dumbass would do that you have to realize it's a drug and there is a line you can't cross and selling and stealing is that line
and how is it iv been doin coke many years and not addicted? I still have a job,house,wife,and kids and I do coke probably 1-2 times a month and haven't even done any for 6 mon? and most of the people I see addicted are fuckin loser lowlifes anyways without drugs
IMO u can't get addicted it's mind over matter iv done coke many times and I can say iv never been addicted, u only get addicted if u let yourself hell you can get addicted off weed, im actually addicted to weed haha I'm very temperamental and irritable when I don't wake and bake, I just straight up have a shitty day
the only time iv got cut is from someone I didn't kno that's why u always kno ur dealer and get a good connect goin iv usually gotten top quality stuff snort a line and you fuckin teeth go numb. and I live in new Mexico were you would think it would be all shit. but as said above it is a big waste of money the only time I ever did it was when I had lots of extra money were I would do $100 worth in one night. also coke is the precursor to crack Wich IMO is as bad as heroin and meth Wich I would never do. tried crack once and I can see how people get addicted the first time it was honestly the highest iv ever been. but fuck that shit I havent done blow in at least 6 mon
Coke is the precursor to crack...U (you) can't get addicted to coke...Which is it? Any relation to Newt Gingrich?

Sorry for the ugly back and fourth we are having...I will no longer participate. It just offends my sensabilities when people make a blanket statement that coke is not addictive and anyone who gets addicted is a weak minded low life. Have a nice day!


Active Member
Dude fuck it go downtown, get a cabbie, tell him u hear the good h is down by the park. Tell him you got money. Get some go home throw in spoon and heat, use cotton to keep out impurities and suck it up, bind arm inject and eventually die. Lol have fun, I'm sure were not out the aids vaccination creator anyways.


Well-Known Member
"You wanna know what cocaine makes you feel like? It makes you feel like doing more cocaine." ~ George Carlin
So true. I agree with everyone, it's not worth doing really. I understand wanting to try it once, but I'd wait until you visit South America. The shit you get on the street is total crap.

Maybe 10% coke, 20% baby laxative, 30% some other random speedy chemical that's cheap, 40% hormones or some other random agent. I wouldn't touch the stuff personally.


Well-Known Member
and how is it iv been doin coke many years and not addicted? I still have a job,house,wife,and kids and I do coke probably 1-2 times a month and haven't even done any for 6 mon? and most of the people I see addicted are fuckin loser lowlifes anyways without drugs
I pray it stays that way for you because addiction grabs the best of us. Ive lost close friends that I don't consider scumbags to addiction. For you to act like those that get addicted have in coming in some way because they are "weak minded" is almost offensive. I hope it doesn't take you losing a loved one to realize that nobody is safe from it.


Well-Known Member
I pray it stays that way for you because addiction grabs the best of us. Ive lost close friends that I don't consider scumbags to addiction. For you to act like those that get addicted have in coming in some way because they are "weak minded" is almost offensive. I hope it doesn't take you losing a loved one to realize that nobody is safe from it.
The actual addictive potential of cocaine is pretty similar to alcohol, just a bit higher (according to scientific studies). Some folks just have that personality type who over indulge or go to extremes with just about everything. Unquestionably it can become physically addictive to anyone, but I also know lots of folks who only dabble in cocaine from time to time. I think a majority of users fall into this category. It is one hell of a difficult drug to quit though once you are hooked, it is overpriced and the quality is often shit. Not to mention you support some of the scummiest people in the world by purchasing it. I really can`t endorse it but I feel like its addictiveness is overstated a bit (and I feel like Alcohol`s is pretty massively understated).

high land

New Member
i would not snorke it it will screw your nose up you can never get enough if going to try smoke it you will never get enough

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Im an "old" man, Im an 80's child. Ahh yeah, the good old 80's when Coke was EVERYWHERE and pretty good quality.

As an "old" man, i can tell ya from firsthand experience to be careful. Its very easy to get chewed up before you know it with that shit. I probably put a Ferrari up my beak during the 80's.....I have touched that shit in over a decade.