My First Real Grow Thread! Socal Style!

Bongs... growing is only as difficult as you want to make it.. remember that :)

that is true but im not talking about basic growing dude. im talking about stem cell manipulation to grow exactly what i want. from a piece of stem, a tiny tiny piece i can grow an infinite amount of plants from it. grow a shoot from the stem tissue, takes a few weeks to a month before it can be cut off the tissue and then its placed into a new test tube with 2 rooting hormones called auxins that induce rooting of the new shoot that grew.

im done with growing for now. im going to concentrate on school, and this for a while. ill still help my friends out with stuff if they need my help. im also going to try to supply a consistent supply of sterile, disease free plants that will grow identical to one another so yields will be predictable and every plant from the same explant tissue will grow and be 100% identical. also this way of cloning does not stress the clone or the mother (stock plant) one bit. another reason why seeds grow faster than clones. they have not been stressed so they dont have to go through the 4 stages of healing before they start to resume growth. with a seed stock and a plantlet cultured in a test tube does not go through any stress. once its got its stem, apical bud on top, and roots all grown in a test tube it can be hardened off and put into soil to grow like a normal plant.

greenhouses all over have their own lab for this very reason. a modest 3 person operation can produce 200,000 plants a year in a kitchen with minimal investment and equipment.

i got my jars already to grow the cultures in. i have the growth medium which is pre sterilized :) and i have one of the 2 auxins i need(rooting hormones) i have indole-3 butyric acid i need naphthalene acetic acid and just one synthetic cytokinin(causes shoots to form and causes cells to swell.) about 20 more bucks and i can start taking my tissue samples from all my friends stock plants.

i get so technical about it cuz it blows my mind. telling unprogrammed cells, which have no end fate as to what it will become, will start to divide and replicate with aplication of cytokinin meaning new shoots will grow like a clone.

i started my own thread but everyone comes to this one still, dont know why..but anyone who wants to read why im giving up on growing plants regulary can read this shit and know why.

also check this shit!! hemp plant cultivated in a jar just like im going to do!!

i got the right auxin/cytokinin ratios to grow hemp/cannabis so how can i fail???

Yo whats going on everyone,, sorry i didnt get back to you go-ped just been real bussy with life!!! Dont have to much time right now to read up on everyone's grow but hope all is growin well... As for me everything has been great on the growing.. Lots of Dank weed and waX!!! Kinda went on a wax trip not to long ago to where i was smoking pure wax no buds for like two week, but now im back to just puttin it on top of trees for now... Ran into a Powery Mold problem, got those plants outta there and bleached up the room!! Also thanx to Hydrogen Peroxide the plants didnt go to complete waste,, 1cup peroxide to 5gal of water,, gave the plants a bath B4 hang, works fucking great!!! Thanx Jorge Cervantes for that info, is a must have to all growers!!!

Anyways i gots a question,, Anyone here ever use Great White Premium Mycorrhizae in soil??? Not hydro!! If so, how did u feed it to your plants??? Peace
Anyways i gots a question,, Anyone here ever use Great White Premium Mycorrhizae in soil??? Not hydro!! If so, how did u feed it to your plants??? Peace
Directions are not provided from the manufacturer? Just mix it with the soil, refer to the website I guess to get measurements.
It's been a long time guys, miss hanging out with everyone at the different farms, good times! Hope to make a IE tour again real soon. Hope you are taking real good care of that SFV bonghits! I've never trusted that with anyone that I didn't grow in the same room with for at least a year. How do you like her? I bet you love her.
You made a bad choice joshkins lol! Ill call you or text you fill you in. Hit me up man cant believe you dident make the BBQ!! We a had a blast. no excused you gotta go to the next one! Do you have a new number?
I'm gonna guess it's someone trying to be annonimous, & using a new screen name. Just phucking with you

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Yo Sammy how you been.. its been a while.. so glad you provided a link to your dumpster rental service located in MICHIGAN to a bunch of pot heads in SOCAL !
hey jozikins...i dont see you anymore..maybe i can make out your way one day and we can hang. hey alotta and tws..

I don't see anyone anymore man, I just work 60 hours a week every week, and then I take care of my personal business on my weekend, whenever I get a weekend. I'd really like to submerge myself back into the growing scene, I just don't have the time. I just have a little 3x3 at the moment, I had 2 for a quick second, but I got hit by PM real bad because I took clones from the old mountain farm, and I should have just started fresh besides the SFV.