Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
I will specifically look out for goat-shaped underwear Shan-Shan. I've seen cows and sheep, but no goats as yet... But those Oscar the Grouch panties are seriously comfy. How are your playing cards ones? They look pretty snug.

I'm still astounded you guys found lace men's underwear. I guessed some guys would like some to feel sexy in without wearing women's underwear. Maybe a gay guy (no offense), the same way I like wearing tomboyish girl boxers sometimes without actually wearing men's boxers as underwear.

I found one of my dolls... Not the red one who was wearing what looks just like typical lolita, but this one is nice too.


Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I haven't delved into lacy underwear as of yet... But the local Lingerie lady fits many men of high standing in the community... after hours of course...

And wearing my pretties does make me feel better about myself...

And they are a little snug... I bulk up quickly when I get back into training and my thighs now want the next size up in Boxer Briefs... :(


Well-Known Member
I haven't delved into lacy underwear as of yet... But the local Lingerie lady fits many men of high standing in the community... after hours of course...

And wearing my pretties does make me feel better about myself...

And they are a little snug... I bulk up quickly when I get back into training and my thighs now want the next size up in Boxer Briefs... :(

whait what ....................:spew:

thump easy

Well-Known Member
Meh... Mine is 7 long and 5 and half round the shaft...

What is your point..?

A 7inch cock is not a big one... Get over yourself...

well ill be!!!!
excuse me with my lil seven in viena saugage im gona go to another thread with it so huu....
fucken crack me up im be a lil bit more sivilized. n go drink my tea....


Well-Known Member
Hard to have fun when you just skipped right past the wolf pictures without so much as a howl.
Sorry ^^

I love the Horo pictures, i just had to deal with the matter at hand x

I Cosplayed her too, but not naked. I like this one, tastefully done.


There's another popular girl who cosplay her naked but she only wore the ears, which were the wrong color and just posed for a full frontal nude. I don't think she likes Spice and Wolf, i think she just wanted to be naked...

Me basically:


Okay, moving the rest to the Cosplay thread x

But for now, I think i'd better roll my bedtime fattie.

EDIT: Hey, Thump Easy, I like tea. I'll see if there's a tea thread to bump. If not I'm starting Tea and Cake, for teas, cakes, biscuits, tablecloths, doilies and pretty crockery only x


Well-Known Member

Okay, moving the rest to the Cosplay thread x
Awhhh wook at her face after she gets her pets.

Ok, to the cosplay thread.. I think I put up some more misa earlier.


Well-Known Member
lacy underwear as of yet... But the local Lingerie lady fits many men of high standing in the community... after hours of course...

but i am comforted by the fact that someone gets do a girl wearing wolf ears lolz .... kuori

... not really but i would give it a try if my girl wanted lolz


Well-Known Member
I am intrigued. Shan-Shan in Lace...

Glad you liked RyRy ^^ I'm glad it's calmed back down in here, too.

Do ask her if she'd like to play dress up. She might find it fun and liberating x

I tend to wear wolf ears because I feel like they should &#8203;be there, 24/7

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I haven't delved into lacy underwear as of yet... But the local Lingerie lady fits many men of high standing in the community... after hours of course...

And wearing my pretties does make me feel better about myself...

And they are a little snug... I bulk up quickly when I get back into training and my thighs now want the next size up in Boxer Briefs... :(
Pics or it didn't happen. :D


RIU Bulldog
Heard of MENSA a little while back I think it was a little higher up the ladder than an enriched play time...
HEY! I just saw this lol wtf dude?
All it means is that in 6th grade I had an IQ of 130+....I wasn't bragging. Shit, I was having trouble with circle graphs lmao :lol::lol::lol:

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;6ErjMEIrxd8];v=6ErjMEIrxd8#t=87 s[/video]
