Club T5

so do you think i should just go with the htg seed starter kit

also when i cut the clones to put in the incerts what kind of compound should i use gel or powderalso do you think a 2ft 2 bulb would be good enough to light for the clones in the dome

Clonex gel or root tech gel. Everything else is crap. I used it all. Propagation tray, liner (insert with square holes), dome, single strip t5 , rapid rooters. Rockwool is horrible. It changes the taste, slows the growth, takes much longer to root. When dry rockwool is as bad as aspestos. 2 ft covers one tray. So if
thank you dr green for all the help
this has lowerd my cost by a little maby more than i think i gotta do the math lol

i apreciate all the help as i tried to get help during my first grow but nobody seemed to want to help as much as you have also haveing a whole thread for t5 growers has been great because most of the post i have about then everyone is like you shoukd go h.i.d im nott downing there lights or nithin but when you have a small budget and heat is a issue then t5 is the way to go also im not lookin for outragous resaults i know you can get good resaukts with the t5 andthsts all im lookin for
this mite be a noob question (this being second grow i am lol)
what is the clone solution used for i read the thing on the site but it dint help much it says you can use it with clone gel what does that mean like instead of water use the solution or put the solution in water then dip stem in the mix then gel
this mite be a noob question (this being second grow i am lol)
what is the clone solution used for i read the thing on the site but it dint help much it says you can use it with clone gel what does that mean like instead of water use the solution or put the solution in water then dip stem in the mix then gel

Cloning solution is nutes that you put in the tray for clones. I think ita a waste of money. I just use dr. Earth seaweed or liquid karma and thats it. I have roots in less than a week. I use the seaweed for my guano teas so I already have it. Im not just buying it for clones. Karma is seaweed with some fish meal and guano and fermented yeast extract. Seaweed ia great for a foliar spray. You want to spray clones and plants in veg every other day. It will make your plants very green and lush. Speed up metabolism ans that makes them grow or veg quicker
i was looking at the liquid karma can you use that with guano teas ?
i use guano teas for my nutes jamaican for veg and mexican for flower going to get a guano for transition buht dont know what one yet still researching to see wich is better
i was looking at the liquid karma can you use that with guano teas ?
i use guano teas for my nutes jamaican for veg and mexican for flower going to get a guano for transition buht dont know what one yet still researching to see wich is better

Yes use karma for teas. Its dankness. For guanos I use jamaican for the first 4 weeks then switch to Indonesian for the pk bump. I also use peruvian seabird with all 3 stages (veg, early flower, late flower) in conjuction with the rest.
Yeah ibe tried it. Its basically deep water culture. I did thar, film and aero for almost 10 years before completely switching to soil. Dwc is the least tempermental of hydro. Make sure to check the pump and air stone often. If the pump or airsrone stops working, the plant will drown.
Yeah ibe tried it. Its basically deep water culture. I did thar, film and aero for almost 10 years before completely switching to soil. Dwc is the least tempermental of hydro. Make sure to check the pump and air stone often. If the pump or airsrone stops working, the plant will drown.

All true, not good for big grows but well suited for smaller grows and if you dont mind spending time with your babies. I grew in soil for years before I got tired of constantly battling bugs and even mushrooms in my soil! Different tokes for different folks :)
smoking on cop car.jpg
All true, not good for big grows but well suited for smaller grows and if you dont mind spending time with your babies. I grew in soil for years before I got tired of constantly battling bugs and even mushrooms in my soil! Different tokes for different folks :)
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Mushrooms huh.... You must of been using miracle grow. I got gnats and aphids when doing hydro. Iv only gotten gnats with soil. I got sick of all the problems with hydro. Pumps breaking tubing and sprinklers clogging. Leaks, tubes or piping popping out and flooding the room. Oh most of all I so dread doing multiple resi changes every few days. Soil is so much more forgiving and way less work and much cheaper. I was spending 5 times as much on nutes for hydro. The noise too. Hydro is loud. soil doesn't make a sound.
Mushrooms huh.... You must of been using miracle grow. I got gnats and aphids when doing hydro. Iv only gotten gnats with soil. I got sick of all the problems with hydro. Pumps breaking tubing and sprinklers clogging. Leaks, tubes or piping popping out and flooding the room. Oh most of all I so dread doing multiple resi changes every few days. Soil is so much more forgiving and way less work and much cheaper. I was spending 5 times as much on nutes for hydro.

lol exactly why I like my self contained bubble jugs, I wont trust any kind of plumbing that could fail. Only thing that could fail is an air pump and Ive never had one go out...

just putting the info out there since I was asked by several people about it, and spent 2 days writing it...
I agree. The only ones that were good were mine and profs. Mursh should have vegged longer, petflora is still in flower, undercover as not flowered yet. Also it depends on the strain too. I do moms for all my strains. Ive probably gotten rid of 10 strains I didnt like. My point is that it takes a long time and a lot of trial and error to find the right one. Also alot of people jump in with out knowing anything about horticulture..

Right now I have 3 new strains that are 2 to 3 weeks away from being done. They look awesome. Master kush, bubba kush, and soma rockbud. Mastr I got from dutchpassion, rock bud is from soma seeds and bubba is bag seed. I think im going to get more with less plants than I did last batch.

Keep in mind this was literally my first time EVER growing anything. So, my results are not to be comparable to a seasoned growers results.
hyroot - thanks for the tea advice

if you dnt mind me askin how do you mix you teas since u use 3 dif thungs in each

any hydro shop or nursery carries all this and even amazon

Tea recipe for 5 gal

get a 5 gal bucket , dual air pump, tubing , stocking or paint strainer, and 2 air stones

Usually I aerate the water for a day or 2 then I add molasses ( 1 tbsp per gal ) and aerate for another hour. The molasses neutralizes the chlorine and chloramine.

Then I add sun leaves guano
......................1/2 cup peruvian seabird and 1/2 cup mexican bat.
EARLY FLOWER...... 1/3 cup peruvian seabird and 2/3 cup jamaican bat,
LATE FLOWER ........1/3 cup peruvian seabird and 2/3 cup indonesian bat.

1/2 cup ancient forest humus (used to use ewc )
1/2 cup grow more dolomite lime ( ph buffer , mag, and cal)

dr. earth seaweed concentrate or liquid karma 4 tsp for veg and 6 - 8 tsp for flower

aerate for another day and half or when foam is at its peak
feed full strength no diluting

A few times when I've been out of stuff and not a lot of money, I used earth juice rainbow mix grow 5-5-2 and bloom 0-9-2 and primal harvest 0-12-1 and aerate that at same ratios. Everything else is already in it. When I have used that I actually saw a lot more crystals. Something in the earth juice seems to combat PM too. I add dr. earth seaweed and dolomite lime to that too. The earth juice foams up faster too because its in powder form so it breaks down faster

Ive been trying the dr earth seaweed and i like it. I'm almost out and I think I might go back to karma, not sure though.

Keep in mind this was literally my first time EVER growing anything. So, my results are not to be comparable to a seasoned growers results.

i wasn't knocking yours, for little veg and no training or super cropping. They look really good. fyi if you veg longer you will get bigger buds and more bud sites, also when I shim off lower growth. I only cut off what does not get light. what ever works for you, ya know.

i remember my first time. it was in hydro under a 1000w and i got a huge yield but i way over fed and did not flush enough. so the quality wasn't that good. as time went on each batch got better than the last and its still like that.
Cloning solution is nutes that you put in the tray for clones. I think ita a waste of money. I just use dr. Earth seaweed or liquid karma and thats it. I have roots in less than a week. I use the seaweed for my guano teas so I already have it. Im not just buying it for clones. Karma is seaweed with some fish meal and guano and fermented yeast extract. Seaweed ia great for a foliar spray. You want to spray clones and plants in veg every other day. It will make your plants very green and lush. Speed up metabolism ans that makes them grow or veg quicker

Watering plants through a foliar feed (misting) during the rooting process encourages the new developing plant to intake water through it's leaves, cancelling the need for roots.You wan tto keep those leaves as
dry as possible to enoucrage healthy root develop ment.
Watering plants through a foliar feed (misting) during the rooting process encourages the new developing plant to intake water through it's leaves, cancelling the need for roots.You wan tto keep those leaves as
dry as possible to enoucrage healthy root develop ment.

Nope sorry you are wrong. Actually since there are no roots to begin with. Thats the only way for the clones to uptake any nutes. It actually makes them root faster. Just make sure to cut the leaves so the clone puts all its energy into roots and not growing leaves. I have roots in 5 or 6 days. Ive been doing it that way for a decade and never ad a problem. I just use seaweed extract or karma, rapid rooters, clonex gel, and thats it. Also if you have them in a dome. Its impossible for them to stay dry. Anyone who has ever done clones would know that.
Does anyone know if t8 and t5 bulbs are interchangeable? I have a 6 tube 4 ft shop light. Currently with t8s. Will it accept 5s? also are t5 that much of a step up from 8s to make it worth buying new bulbs?