3 page post just got LOST.. F*ck typing all that again >:(

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
I'm typing away for like, 30minutes, then when I go to post it, I get the Fucking login screen, and the post is GONE forever. Fark me dead.

I just don't even FEEL like typing out a re-hash. Does that happen often? How godamn annoying!!

My basic message, I asked whether or not a Bubble Cloner could be used to start off new seedlings.

Nup.. I've lost the incentive to even bother :(

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
You're tellin me :(

I just built a bubble-cloner too, and had several questions, but even typing out the specs for the box I made again infuriates me :(

I'll just ask the most important question, I guess. again.

Which medium would be best for those little one-inch plastic net-pots?

I tried stuffing some rockwool in, but I don't like the way it's denser in some places, and - well it's square, so I gotta rip it apart to make it fit in the round pots.

So I filled one with Vermiculite, that fits perfect of course, and it's easy as tipping some in. But will the vermiculite retain too much moisture?

Oh wait! That auto-save message! Maybe the lost message is somewhere in by profile?

I'll go have a look..


Well-Known Member
Never used em but if i did i would use clay pebbles. Iv never grown hydro by the way. Just what iv een around forums

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
I can't find the 'auto-saved' post anywhere.. what's the used of an auto-save that loses the saved message.

Anyway: Me either, I'm an organic grower. :) My usual mix is about 20% Perlite, 40% Potting Mix, 10% Vermiculite and 30% Peat.

The reason I made a Bubbler, was for cloning. ALL my cuttings lately have been dropping like flies, so I figure if these bubblecloners are as good as people say, I'll make one :)

Ones the clones/cutting roots start prutruding out the bottom of the little 1" pots, they get moved to organic mix in the sun :)


Well-Known Member
Sounds like ya know what to do. Man im organic all the way. Shitty on the post gone for good man. Whats your strains?

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
Never used em but if i did i would use clay pebbles. Iv never grown hydro by the way. Just what iv een around forums
I don't have any clay pebbles :)

I have perlite, that'd be about the same in consistency, but I don't want the medium to dry out if we happen to get a hot day. How days in Adelaide are usually around 40oC/110-125oC(?), and i'd rather settle on a medium once, and stick with it, than have to experiment over and over till I find the right one.


Well-Known Member
Honestly i don't have a clue. Using peat with perlite is always a good moisture retention medium. Id have to experiment a bit myself untill i got it wired. All part of the hobby mate


Well-Known Member
what about the autosave feature? didnt work because it had logged you out? I've had it happen many times but with posts i spent an hr plus on. Heres a simple easy way to make sure you dont get fucked like this again. Before you post right click on the text box, choose "select all" from that menu(or highlight everything manually would work) then either right click again and choose the copy option or just hit ctrl-c. now if it goes away all you got to do is go back to the thread and right click in the reply area and hit paste or just hit ctrl-v and your good. It's a habit of mine and its saved me from quite a few of those "GRRRRR!!!!! DAMNIT!!!!" moments.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
Yeha I just can't retype the whole thing - even attempt to, too much effort.

At the moment, all I got is one bag-seed plant, in an entire ounce, all I found was one seed, so I grew it. I was all set to order through attitude, when - again - someone posted that out of 8 seeds from Attitude, only 4 germ'ed, and of those 4, 3 were male. So I didn't order from em :)

I'm looking for more seeds, but I've gotta get a 100% success-rate on cloning before I will bother attempting to clone the one plant I DO have. Last two cuttings I took died, and it's taken it a few weeks of slooow going to finally recover, and start pumpin'-out leaves again.

I'll order some seeds later tonight, when it's quieter and I can concentrate, but I won't be going through Attitude. 1 female seed outta 8 just shouldn't happen: Not at $12-$30 per seed. The seeds he bought were fem'ed too.

Most of the reports about attitude are positive, but there's plenty of neg's too. And there's no excuse for a company charging that much for seeds, to fail on all counts like that.

Where're you? the States, I assume? .. Is there a seedbank review forum here on the forums?

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
what about the autosave feature? didnt work because it had logged you out? I've had it happen many times but with posts i spent an hr plus on. Heres a simple easy way to make sure you dont get fucked like this again. Before you post right click on the text box, choose "select all" from that menu(or highlight everything manually would work) then either right click again and choose the copy option or just hit ctrl-c. now if it goes away all you got to do is go back to the thread and right click in the reply area and hit paste or just hit ctrl-v and your good. It's a habit of mine and its saved me from quite a few of those "GRRRRR!!!!! DAMNIT!!!!" moments.
Oh, I will, anytime I start getting past a paragraph, from now on :)

'Twas most annoying :)


Well-Known Member
Yeha I just can't retype the whole thing - even attempt to, too much effort.

At the moment, all I got is one bag-seed plant, in an entire ounce, all I found was one seed, so I grew it. I was all set to order through attitude, when - again - someone posted that out of 8 seeds from Attitude, only 4 germ'ed, and of those 4, 3 were male. So I didn't order from em :)

I'm looking for more seeds, but I've gotta get a 100% success-rate on cloning before I will bother attempting to clone the one plant I DO have. Last two cuttings I took died, and it's taken it a few weeks of slooow going to finally recover, and start pumpin'-out leaves again.

I'll order some seeds later tonight, when it's quieter and I can concentrate, but I won't be going through Attitude. 1 female seed outta 8 just shouldn't happen: Not at $12-$30 per seed. The seeds he bought were fem'ed too.

Most of the reports about attitude are positive, but there's plenty of neg's too. And there's no excuse for a company charging that much for seeds, to fail on all counts like that.

Where're you? the States, I assume? .. Is there a seedbank review forum here on the forums?
Sunny ol england mate:-P, im not all that on attitude. If ya lookin for cheep good genetics go for kc brains. Theres always a belter in one of them packs. Iv got a pack of kc brains mango im going to go through lookin fo that special plant. And at £12 a pack worth every penny. I use herbies heap shop by the wayhttp://www.herbiesheadshop.com/kc-brains-mango-seeds-160


Heya Grass,
I'm over in Perth and my clones are getting too much heat at the moment.I lost 4 clones out of a recent batch and thats the most I've ever had die. I'm in the same boat you are with weather.

I would use Nirvana for my seeds.
Got 10 seeds in a while back 10 germed and 7 survived.

Their stealth shipping is good too.

Check out my grow in my sig.
Currently growing Jock Horror and NYPD. Seeds were fem'd so should be all good.

Good luck with your bagseed grow.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
Yeah, well in the UK, you're allowed to possess cannabis seeds, so you have no problem ordering, especially from the UK seed banks :)

We gotta order em FROM the UK, then pray they get past teh customs watch-dogs, and we're not legally allowed to possess a single seed. :(

Chad: You use Nirvana's online shop? Or order througha seed-bank?

It's all about the stealth, way I figure it: If customs is looking for parcels in certain packages (ie: THe now VERY well known attitude Tshirt + Seeds 'stealth'), and they happen to notice your order, it's goin in the bin :(

Herbies is supposed to be good, as is attitude, but like I said: Attitude has fucked-up ALL kinds of orders, all you have to do is read the reviews people do on other forums.

Demonseeds WAS the favourite for ordering to Oz, till beginning of this year, when people started complaining more and more, that their seeds were being detected by customs far too often.


Well-Known Member
Im a lucky man by the sounds of it. Good luck on ordering seeds man i hope it works out for ya. A lot of peeps use sannies seed shop. iv read that they are good and stelthy.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
Im a lucky man by the sounds of it. Good luck on ordering seeds man i hope it works out for ya. A lot of peeps use sannies seed shop. iv read that they are good and stelthy.
A very lucky man indeed :)

What I wouldn't GIVE.. to be able to just walk right into a seed bank, and pay in untracable cash, for any genetics I desire :)

Phwoar :) If customs get our seeds here in Oz, like I said: They either throw em in the bin, or you get a letter stating they have em, but there's nothing you can do about it :)

each order us usually at least $80-$120, so it's like,.. 60-90 pounds in the bin, chance we gotta take with every single order :(

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
Heya Grass,
I'm over in Perth and my clones are getting too much heat at the moment.I lost 4 clones out of a recent batch and thats the most I've ever had die. I'm in the same boat you are with weather.

I would use Nirvana for my seeds.
Got 10 seeds in a while back 10 germed and 7 survived.

Their stealth shipping is good too.

Check out my grow in my sig.
Currently growing Jock Horror and NYPD. Seeds were fem'd so should be all good.

Good luck with your bagseed grow.
That's why I made the bubble cloner. I still need something to stick the airstones down with, cos they move around on the bottom, and I don't like the net-pots I got, so I might just have to improvise somehow.

Which cutting technique you using?

And what's with that nasty looking little fucker scorpion? Find that in your yard or somethin?

I hate arachnids :)


Well-Known Member
Very shitty indeed. I suppose you would benifit from having mother plants. no more worrys about recieving seeds and paying out for em.


Chad: You use Nirvana's online shop? Or order througha seed-bank?

It's all about the stealth, way I figure it: If customs is looking for parcels in certain packages (ie: THe now VERY well known attitude Tshirt + Seeds 'stealth'), and they happen to notice your order, it's goin in the bin :(

hey grass i did use the Nirvana shop. Seeds arrived in 2 weeks from making the order.
My order was made on a saturday as well so i took into account that 2 weekends were in that timeframe.
Got them delivered straight to my P.O Box no probs.

I've only ordered seeds once but I'm already planning my next order.

Might try out their monster kush and maybe an auto flower grow.


That's why I made the bubble cloner. I still need something to stick the airstones down with, cos they move around on the bottom, and I don't like the net-pots I got, so I might just have to improvise somehow.

Which cutting technique you using?

And what's with that nasty looking little fucker scorpion? Find that in your yard or somethin?

I hate arachnids :)
Ok i use a home made bubble cloner as well but for some reason i had some die.
I had a perpetual grow up until a couple of months ago and was cutting 20 plants every 2 weeks. never had a single plant die.
I just use the 3 inch long blue heavy airstones from the hydro shop and they don't need to be held down.

Not sure what i was doing wrong.

i cut the stems on a 45 degree angle and dip in clonex. then into rock wool and into 2 inch net pots and into the bubble cloner with 1/4 strength nutrients. i know this is not necessary but my clone usually sprout roots within a week.

As for the Scorpion?
Lol meet pinchie my pet scorpion.

i found him walking across the lounge carpet one night/morning and just didn't let him go LOL
He's not that big just looks like it in the picture.

Take it easy man.