So, people say you can't smoke leaves and get high...


Well-Known Member
Well I have figured it all out...if you have a strong plant and you take a clone of this strong plant while it is in flower and let that clone reveg and start to grow again, not only will it turn into a crazy bush, but you can vaporize the leaves--dead, alive and dried, just alive, whateva---and it will get you it like smoking buds? no, but is it like vaping buds? have to use more leaf matter than you use of bud of course, but if you have ever cloned a flowering plant then you know there is no shortage of leaves...everyday I do a tiny bit of pruning and that will easily and happily get me by until the end of my current plants begins my first successful perpetual harvest...meaning I set out to grow enough so I wouldn't have to buy anymore from anyone else...but I didn't realize how very sure of my timing I had to be, but I have finally got it all dialed to all you naysayers I say nay to your nay--nay nay--


Well-Known Member
Have fun vaping your trimmings while the rest of us vape buds ;)

Hey if it gets you high more power to ya, but would rather smoke some nugs.

Maybe when i was 16 this would have sounded life changing hahahahaha

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
yeah man you can use the leves to smoke probably just not the fan leaves the sugar leaves forsure man i read that people back in the day would smoke the whole plant pretty much. maybe pull off the big fan leaves but smoke everything else. i like you avatar pic is that your fish tank? i got a little nano tank a 10 gal.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
haha no i did read that they would grind up the stems in it. the roots would be nasty haha it was in a thread on this site i just cant remeber where it was. it was a couple weeks ago i read it

Jar Man

Active Member
Once you get to perpetual harvest stage the leaf vaping won't do it for ya'. It's all in the euphoric expectation of never having to buy another 1/4 on the streets.


Active Member
yeah man you can use the leves to smoke probably just not the fan leaves the sugar leaves forsure man i read that people back in the day would smoke the whole plant pretty much. maybe pull off the big fan leaves but smoke everything else. i like you avatar pic is that your fish tank? i got a little nano tank a 10 gal.

My buddy that grows , dosn't trim his bud, grinds it up buds ,leaves, seeds, small stems, kinda harsh but it works.
he takes off just the fan leaves, but keeps the trim leavse on it


New Member
Interesting info on the leaves. Never tried it; will have to give it a go to see the potency just for the hell of it. Never have simply, always had a nug to work off of.


Active Member
Where does he grow in mexico?^^

That aint how we do it out here in Cali, not stems no seeds in my weeds.

he is a old timer, been growing since he was a kid, puts it all to use... I was just saying I know of some one that does that.

I smoke all my leaves in my fireplace...


Active Member
where u from bro? stems and seeds?....down here in socal its all about the kush never smoked stems or seeds sounds nasty


Well-Known Member
pruning? why?
Well there are like 40 branches and so like hundreds of leaves that basically shade everything in the grow tent if I don't think them out a little. I think th eleaves are stronger in smell and such because they literally grew out of a bud, since this was a clone taken from an already flowering plant...I think that is what makes the difference...and if you have never cloned an already flowering plant then you should try that too...just so you can have a Google


Well-Known Member
i do clone from a vegging mother. i have taken clones from a flowering mother too but that was because i was lollipoping her.
i may be mistaken but don't the leaves pull in the light? they are like little solar panels i think. good luck with your plant. i just couldn't understand why anyone would trim leaves. the more leaves the merrier on my plants :peace:


Well-Known Member
I have a book from 1979 and its funny to see how different we do things nowadays. back then there wasnt all the fuss about sensimillia. There is one part in the book where it mentions doing a "perpetual harvest". They suggest leaving a plant in vegg indefinately and periodically trimming off the new shoots to dry and smoke. Apparently you can actually get high doing this. obviously back then they didnt know exactly what they were doing and didnt realize just how much better their dope could be, or they just didnt care. I just topped 10 seedlings and ive separated the small young leaf shoots from the larger leaves and am drying/curing it just for fun. Ive got about enough of these little leafly things to probably get me high(I dont smoke that often). The book also mentions that the older the vegging plant is the more potent the new shoots will be. Multiple times throughout the book it suggests keeping the male plants in the flowering room to be harvested as a "slightly less potent" bud, so you can see how far weve come since 1979! They must have been smoking some fat spliffs back then.


Well-Known Member
I have a book from 1979 and its funny to see how different we do things nowadays. back then there wasnt all the fuss about sensimillia. There is one part in the book where it mentions doing a "perpetual harvest". They suggest leaving a plant in vegg indefinately and periodically trimming off the new shoots to dry and smoke. Apparently you can actually get high doing this. obviously back then they didnt know exactly what they were doing and didnt realize just how much better their dope could be, or they just didnt care. I just topped 10 seedlings and ive separated the small young leaf shoots from the larger leaves and am drying/curing it just for fun. Ive got about enough of these little leafly things to probably get me high(I dont smoke that often). The book also mentions that the older the vegging plant is the more potent the new shoots will be. Multiple times throughout the book it suggests keeping the male plants in the flowering room to be harvested as a "slightly less potent" bud, so you can see how far weve come since 1979! They must have been smoking some fat spliffs back then.
what book would that be?


New Member
Cloning a bud is the key here. Out of one little bud the size of a dime you could get ten branches or more. The perfect set up for lolipopping and it makes a big bush that you don't have to top. I find it easier to get them to root under 24 hours of light. Sometimes it will mutate and get tricomes on the leaf.