Depression?? lets reconsider


Well-Known Member

  • I have been living my life and just recently my family approached me and said i may be in denial and have depresion. i do not want to take meds and refuse the meds because i have only seen bad things from it.

    Really i don't think i have a problem i am mad at allot of random things but??

    don't know what to do i don't want to be like those zombies you see & its not like i am even considering killing myself what should i say???​



Well-Known Member
your family knows you much better than I, so unfortunetley i have no way of knowing if their assessment of your behaviour indicates such a thing but its certainly possible, most depressed people are in denial. i dont see how you being mad at random things would give them that idea though unless their is more to it and you are kind of covering the depression feeling with some irritability as well. What do they want you to go on? they have a fair amount that you would not even notice a zombie fucked up feeling on. been there, done that. lol. another negative you did not adress is the cost, especially if you were to go in once every 2-4 weeks until they *dialed in* your meds and those visists are fucking expensive as hell and even after its dialed in they will want you to come in every 6-8 weeks just for a checkup on how your doing.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member

  • I have been living my life and just recently my family approached me and said i may be in denial and have depresion. i do not want to take meds and refuse the meds because i have only seen bad things from it.

    Really i don't think i have a problem i am mad at allot of random things but??

    don't know what to do i don't want to be like those zombies you see & its not like i am even considering killing myself what should i say???​

Go to a therapist. Get an evaluation. Get it in writing. Show it to you family and tell them to shut the fuck up already. :p

But in all seriousness, if the therapist feels you have a problem then seek help. There are alternatives to pharmaceuticals.


Well-Known Member
SSRI's and most anti depressants have almost no efficacy (studies show) as well as a whole host of horrible side effects. Your chance of suicide goes up and recently a Canadian judge ruled they can cause people to commit murder while on these drugs (you will see every single school shooting the kid was on them, at least all the ones I looked into up until around 2004). Do not take them for depression.

They can be effective in treating other disorders not related to depression, but be super highly aware of the incredibly dangerous side effects. Oh, and they're also highly addictive.


Active Member
I would say, "Just because I see the glass as half empty, doesn't mean I'm unhappy."... "I realize at times I have a short fuse and I let stupid stuff get under my skin, however, I have come to accept my shortcomings and so should you."... "I know you meddling people mean well, but get the fuck outa my face!"
... I realize this may sound trite, but it really describes myself. I spent 15 yrs on meds... finally weaned myself off and realized I'm not really depressed.. just a half glass empty kinda person. Chirpy people annoy the shit outa me. lol


Ursus marijanus
Optimists will tell you the glass is half-full.
Pessimists will tell you the glass is half-empty.
Engineers will tell you you have 94% too much glass.
It can come down to perspective.


Active Member
View attachment 1962965

just tell them your fine and to leave you alone about it. so your angry at the world sometimes.... who is not? i went through 8 months at a mental hospital to try and figure out why im "depressed" turned out i have a low tolerance for stupidity :P


Well-Known Member
Optimists will tell you the glass is half-full.
Pessimists will tell you the glass is half-empty.
Engineers will tell you you have 94% too much glass.
It can come down to perspective.
the opportunist will drink the beverage while the optimist and pessimist are arguing.

the realist will then comment that the glass is now empty.


Ursus marijanus
I have been accused of/acclaimed for being an "accidental Taoist".
Here's one that had a friend fire soda out his nose. I insisted that there were Taoist atheists. "!?" inquired he.
So I simply observed: who else could make "No way!" a universal household expression?

Nutritional attitude jets then fired.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
I have been accused of/acclaimed for being an "accidental Taoist".
Here's one that had a friend fire soda out his nose. I insisted that there were Taoist atheists. "!?" inquired he.
So I simply observed: who else could make "No way!" a universal household expression?

Nutritional attitude jets then fired.

...spectacular visuals! I've had the pleasure of atomizing a drink or two through my nose :)


Well-Known Member
Optimists will tell you the glass is half-full.
Pessimists will tell you the glass is half-empty.
Engineers will tell you you have 94% too much glass.
It can come down to perspective.
And a pot head would tell you to fill up the rest of the glass with weed, ice and a fine screen and to make some killer full melt.