BBG (Baisic Bagseed Grow)


Weed Modifier
heres some pics, held a beer can up so can see how small they are.. on a plus side i have about 5 bud sites on the bigger one. as long as i keep good light i should be able to get some decent buds out of the deal.

once the smaller plant shows sex, if its another female im just going to plant all the clones that take root into that 10" pot they are sitting in now and let them grow.

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+ rep ... :)


Well-Known Member
Hehehehehe YAY Grandma and Lime are here hehehe and WOW nice pics Matt hehehehe I would so rep you butt I guess I have given out too much in the last 24 hours, but damn you deserve it ;)


Active Member
HAHA thanks man, when i get a place with some room the setup will be more pro for now size of my house and $$ are plaing too big of a role :P
Rep serious dude..I've got thousands into my shit, 3 diff nute lines,1000 watt HPS/MH conversion bulb 4 veg. and can't even get em to you keep doing what ya doing..nothing wrong with frugal, I could have supplied myself with weed from a disp. at 10/gram, I only smoke maybe 2-3 grams a month, I've spent more on TRYING to grow than if I would have just went and bought my 24 ounces of weed for a 2 month supply, which probably would have lasted me years, mannnny years!!!
So0..with that said, any pro's wish to mentor an eager sick woman with an extreme desire for this hobby, and actually try making at least 1 damn harvest!
You obviously have natural talent here..damn shame you don't have a wicked setup.


Well-Known Member
Rep serious dude..I've got thousands into my shit, 3 diff nute lines,1000 watt HPS/MH conversion bulb 4 veg. and can't even get em to you keep doing what ya doing..nothing wrong with frugal, I could have supplied myself with weed from a disp. at 10/gram, I only smoke maybe 2-3 grams a month, I've spent more on TRYING to grow than if I would have just went and bought my 24 ounces of weed for a 2 month supply, which probably would have lasted me years, mannnny years!!!
So0..with that said, any pro's wish to mentor an eager sick woman with an extreme desire for this hobby, and actually try making at least 1 damn harvest!
You obviously have natural talent here..damn shame you don't have a wicked setup.
dont try so hard :)

some people just try way too hard to get this plant to grow.

sound slike you already have nutes so i would pick up a mixture of perilite peat moss and loom (dirt) just plain jane stuff nothing fancy. mix em all together and you got sme good medium that has no nutritional value so your going to want to start feeding them nutes pretty soon after they pop.

get some paper towel, 2 plates and some seeds. soak the seeds overnight in a glass of warm/room temp water then put them into the paper towel and on the plate with the other plate stacked on top. make sure they are warm. within 24-48 hours you should have some tap roots. at this point you want to put them into some solo cups 1 per cupseeds.jpg
this diagram shows how i like to plant after the tap root shows. water them a little bit but not too much, overwatering at this stage is a common mistake alot of people make. just use plain water. set them under a couple CFL bulbs about 3-5 inches from the top of the cups and they will grow. you shouldnt need to add any water for around a week, next time you water you will want to use 1/4 strenth nutes (if using soil without any in it already)

then just be patient. about the time you need to add more water they should be ready for a transplant. i would recoment transplanting them into final container.

make sure you have enough light. (1000w HPS should be enough :) ) make sure with that 1kw light it is a good few feet up from your plants it will throw enough light where they shouldnt stretch, if you see them starting to stretch move it closer but never too close. use common sense here, if its hot to your hand its hot to them baby plants.

once in final container (5 gal is a good size) then its just patience and not over loving them to death. alot of people over water, over fertilize and kill thier plants thinking they are doing them good, baisicly loving them to death.

also remember if you transplant out of a solo cup into a 5 gal bucket the plants wont grow much untill they establish a good root system once they do they will grow crazy fast so you will want to keep a good eye on them and wate/feed every watering (if using a no nutrient medium) make sure you gradually step up the nutrient dosage , first 3 weeks use 1/4 str then start doing 1/2 strength for the next 3 weeks, then 3/4 str for 3 week then full strenth for the rest of the plants life.

grow em till your happy with size and flip lights to 12/12 and watch them buds grow.

if you start up a journal i would be more than happy to follow along and help along the way :)

bottom line tho is just dont try so hard, and dont love them with gifts (water/nutes) if you want to love them talk to them, they love that (you exhale Co2)

good luck and happy growing (and new years)


Well-Known Member
Happy new year brute! I'm back! Just did an update, glad things are still growing on your end!!
hapopy new years Loyalty :) hope all is good on your end as well. ill be stopping by when i get a min. trying to reply to my journal now and then i got some DIYing to do. ill get to your thread as soon as i get a min, im anxious so see how they look :)

kevin murphy

New Member
goin good mate just germing some exo and bsb aswell as my critical overdrive and cheesy purps sum nice amount goin now..looking to get sum romulan and c99 goin aswell lol...


Well-Known Member
No but I'd be very interested in seeing how/what you introduce into your compost pile. Would this in effect create your own worm castings?

hey ottawa, i will be going out today to get my supplies to start my bin. its going to be a indoor setup so im hoping for sucess. yes this should give me verry rich organic compost and worm castings. i have seen a few videos and a couple blogs on this subject and i will share links/videos in a bit. right now im a bit hung over lol and gonna go hop in the shower and try and get my day started.

as usual i will be taking pics and putting them up here on my journal to keep everyone up to date on how my worm bin is going. its going to be really small but should be a fun experience. the idea of organic never really appealed to me but i think it is really good for the plants so it has now caught my attention :)

happy new years man, hope you had a good night and a verry prosperous 2012 :)


Well-Known Member
goin good mate just germing some exo and bsb aswell as my critical overdrive and cheesy purps sum nice amount goin now..looking to get sum romulan and c99 goin aswell lol...
do you have a journal that isnt doggies nuts, i never get to see what your doing cuz that thread is so busy, if you do would love a link :)


Well-Known Member
alright guys and gals, im headed out, if i havent gotten to your thread yet sorry will get up to date when i get back. for now im on a composting with worms mission. updates with pics coming later :)

happy new years everyone :) hope you all as hung over as i am lol