Wait, I'm getting ripped on because I talked about a friend's experience? Hey, I'm just sharing what I know because I thought it might be helpful.

I don't share experience I don't have. Personally, I stick with Sensi, but that's just my own preference. I don't think I'm going to try out JJ right now, but the price makes me think it might be an option sometime in the future.

Funny to me how there are suddenly a bunch of newer folks online ragging on AN. But hey, if that's how you want to spend your time, go for it. I don't know what anyone's motives are here, but it's not really my concern anyway.

Motives don't grow better bud. LOL
Again dude, read the article about your scam-ster nute company:
I'm not sure I would put much trust in a government agency with a clear agenda against growers...

The government agency was all for doing the research, and why wouldn't they be? The study is pretty apparently legitimate, if you read it there is some very interesting claims made. I'd always leave it up to the individual to make the decison about what's true and what's right, but before you immediately go to being skeptical about the government you should read the article. And appreciate it at that, I sure won't use it anymore knowing that it contains many heavy metals and all of their analysis's listed on the bottles are way off. As read from the Original Poster of that article, cannabis has a very canny ability to absorb heavy metals. So much so that it was used after the cheronobyl accident to absorb them from the soil. Therefore, your smoking heavy metals absorbed by your buds when you grow with AN nutrients. Nasty...
Are you an AN rep? all the posts I have seen from you, you are defending AN or talking about how great their products are?

I use the Sensi A/B series and love the shit but I am looking for bigger yields. THinking about the COnn Line, or Dyna Gro, I use DWC though. any thoughts
Running aeroponics i have 2 4x4 tables running GH Lucas Ratio and one table running AN 3 Part..
Ive read for years that AN was bullshit and i saw their base nutes werent that expensive so i gave them a try..

And i must say the AN table has bigger better buds and originally when i was running GH in it. it has the most deficiency's

My Grow is in my sig..
In my years if the support of the growing, use and legalization of cannabis I have come to realize that most of the information available on the subject is strictly opinion; most people just want to bash on each other because, of course, nobody's opinion is as great as theirs (a great flaw in humanity.)
Most of the information floating around about cultivation is the opinion of that particular grower; nutrient companies will say/do just about anythin to get you to buy their product.. and they should, those are basic priciples of business. So when a nutrient company offers scientific evidence/proof of the performance of their product sit should be taken into consideration, at the least.
The point is Advanced nutrients is the ONLY company who will even openly admit that their nutrients are forulated specifically for cannabis, they make almost anything you could need to grow marijuana, from nutrients and lights down to trimming scissors and bud trimmers up to $15,000... Even if you are a hater and sing the praises of other nutrient companies- go to the advanced website and read as much as you can (there's plenty) of the information/research they put into making their products. They have even done a side-byside study growing 1 strain of cannabis in several rooms where every variable was controlled and the only difference in the grow rooms was the nutrients used. The results were amazing, not only did AN outperform all of the other nutrient companies but the room in which Dutch Masters nutrients were used had the poorest quality of plants and even seemed to deform the plants until they looked like a totally different strain. This is not all, AN also has an offer up, any nutrient company willing to do a side-by-side grow and prove that their product is better and NOBODY is willing to participate! Think about that.
Before anybody even tries-I do NOT work for advanced nutrients, I don't even live in the same country, I wish that I did though because nutrients are getting waay to expensive (thanks to trends and ignorant t.v. shows such as "weeds")... I just think that people who want to talk crap about AN have no understanding of the scientific process. I am currently using Jungle Juice because I have no need whatsoever for my nutrients to control my pH for me and I have great results EVERY time! So, if you have used AN and had negative results then, I assure you, YOU were doing something wrong, not the biggest hydroponic nutrient company in the world who spends millions of dollars formulating prize winning nutrients (not to mention their nutes have won several cannabis cups.) If you think that they are not good nutrients then that will show your lack of experience/importance in cultivation, the truth is a good grower can produce good results regardless and if your tiny closet grow yeilded 2 grams instead of a whopping 3 then that's your fault, not AN's. Argue all you want to, I use AN's cheaper formula and have results that I could not be happier with & if you know of a better nutrient company then perhaps you could e-mail them and convince them to take AN up on that side-by-side grow and prove them wrong because so far NOBODY has the balls to do it including: Dutch Masters, General Hydro, Fox Farm, Humboldt or anybody!
Educate yourself with science, not groundless opinions.
Well i dont know much about what all these other people are talking about but im using jungle juice rite now on my second grow.. an it seems to be doing ok. I got it because it was cheap and I wanted to try somthing differnt. but ill comment back later when I get more results. Im only a week into flowering.
If you are going for cheap, or if you are already using GH's GMB, use Jungle Juice. If you are going for the best possible results go with AN's regular grow micro bloom. I use it and have no complaints. Jungle Juice is an inferior base nute, made to copy GH's 3 part base.
If you are going for cheap, or if you are already using GH's GMB, use Jungle Juice. If you are going for the best possible results go with AN's regular grow micro bloom. I use it and have no complaints. Jungle Juice is an inferior base nute, made to copy GH's 3 part base.

Jungle Juice is NOT an inferior nutrient to AN's regular GMB, they're the same thing only Jungle Juice doesn't have "pH perfect" in the mix, which is waay better for idiots like me who like to control their own pH.

The rest of this rant is directed towards AN haters:
I have had many successful $crops with both nutrient companies, though AN's a better company all the way around; GH won't even talk of cannabis but the friendly folks @ Advanced Nutrients will even give you grow advice and make additives that are specific down to the strain, like "Kushy Kush." If you ask me, GH are the bigger coporate dingleberries- they fear being associated wit cannabis because they want to retain customers from both the cannabis field AND other types of growing, which is fine, BUT- they are turning a cold shoulder to cannabis growers in order to make more $$ while Advanced Nute Co. just makes expensive ad campaigns and sponsor dumb shows like "Weeds." I still don't hear of any companies/growers willing to do a side-by-side grow against AN to prove them wrong, if you beat them then maybe you could knock on 'em... until then you're just ameteurs that are pissed off because they made it further down the line than you will. I just don't understand the logic here- the ingredients are on the damn label & all over the internet, therefore- if your plants don't do as well with one company or another it's because YOU fucked it up. It's not like you couldn't have read the ingredients and known exactly what's up since you know that AN lies on their labels and has "heavy metals" in their products... Duh, theirs heavy metals coming out of your ass each time you shit too but it doesn't mean that you are not who you say you are... what a funny.

Read 'em and weap:

You can't argue fact... actually you CAN technically argue fact, though you will have troubles finding a partner to argue with, outside of the short bus that is.
In my years if the support of the growing, use and legalization of cannabis I have come to realize that most of the information available on the subject is strictly opinion; most people just want to bash on each other because, of course, nobody's opinion is as great as theirs (a great flaw in humanity.)
Most of the information floating around about cultivation is the opinion of that particular grower; nutrient companies will say/do just about anythin to get you to buy their product.. and they should, those are basic priciples of business. So when a nutrient company offers scientific evidence/proof of the performance of their product sit should be taken into consideration, at the least.
The point is Advanced nutrients is the ONLY company who will even openly admit that their nutrients are forulated specifically for cannabis, they make almost anything you could need to grow marijuana, from nutrients and lights down to trimming scissors and bud trimmers up to $15,000... Even if you are a hater and sing the praises of other nutrient companies- go to the advanced website and read as much as you can (there's plenty) of the information/research they put into making their products. They have even done a side-byside study growing 1 strain of cannabis in several rooms where every variable was controlled and the only difference in the grow rooms was the nutrients used. The results were amazing, not only did AN outperform all of the other nutrient companies but the room in which Dutch Masters nutrients were used had the poorest quality of plants and even seemed to deform the plants until they looked like a totally different strain. This is not all, AN also has an offer up, any nutrient company willing to do a side-by-side grow and prove that their product is better and NOBODY is willing to participate! Think about that.
Before anybody even tries-I do NOT work for advanced nutrients, I don't even live in the same country, I wish that I did though because nutrients are getting waay to expensive (thanks to trends and ignorant t.v. shows such as "weeds")... I just think that people who want to talk crap about AN have no understanding of the scientific process. I am currently using Jungle Juice because I have no need whatsoever for my nutrients to control my pH for me and I have great results EVERY time! So, if you have used AN and had negative results then, I assure you, YOU were doing something wrong, not the biggest hydroponic nutrient company in the world who spends millions of dollars formulating prize winning nutrients (not to mention their nutes have won several cannabis cups.) If you think that they are not good nutrients then that will show your lack of experience/importance in cultivation, the truth is a good grower can produce good results regardless and if your tiny closet grow yeilded 2 grams instead of a whopping 3 then that's your fault, not AN's. Argue all you want to, I use AN's cheaper formula and have results that I could not be happier with & if you know of a better nutrient company then perhaps you could e-mail them and convince them to take AN up on that side-by-side grow and prove them wrong because so far NOBODY has the balls to do it including: Dutch Masters, General Hydro, Fox Farm, Humboldt or anybody!
Educate yourself with science, not groundless opinions.

The 1st time i read this i could'nt believe it so i went back and read it again and i still can't believe it.

OH I get it, somebody's just fucking with us...............this is a joke...................right?
The 1st time i read this i could'nt believe it so i went back and read it again and i still can't believe it.

OH I get it, somebody's just fucking with us...............this is a joke...................right?
He's clearly an Advanced Nutrients shill, they've been showing up recently, at least the last guy admitted he worked for them.
I've asked my local shop about JJ and GH and we talked for about 45 minutes about how JJ has better quality control and a few extras....that's just what my dude had to say. People are hesitant on JJ because AN makes it for one, and for two....GH has been around for several years. However, if I had to buy cheap-ass nutes, these would be it.
Jungle Juice burns up your plants. It seems to have a mag deficiency in it and requires a butt load of cal mag to control yellow brown spotted leaves. Don't buy it! I used gh and recently used adavanced nuts sensi for base and all worked will. The Jungle Juice Grow seems to work ok then you switch over to the bloom and it recks the plants . BEWARE!!
Jungle Juice burns up your plants. It seems to have a mag deficiency in it and requires a butt load of cal mag to control yellow brown spotted leaves. Don't buy it! I used gh and recently used adavanced nuts sensi for base and all worked will. The Jungle Juice Grow seems to work ok then you switch over to the bloom and it recks the plants . BEWARE!!

Agreed. I've been using JJ for my past 2 grows and it's worked great so far... other than the unfortunate cal-mag problem; I have had good results using JJ and 1 1/2 teaspoons of epsom salts during flowering. So I'm guessing it's a magnesium problem more so than a calcium problem because I added nothing to control calcium.
I have grown out probably 30-40 strains (thanks to 'single-seed dispensaries' and freebies) and so far have noticed that most strains do well under completely different nutrient levels; some strains even require additives that other strains have no use for. I think anyone who's had troubles with Jungle Juice, or any other nutrient company, should give it another shot. I'm going to use GH in my next go-around just to see what the fuss is all about, though I highly doubt I'll be able to tell a difference between GH and JJ.
I've never had a single problem with JJ, if it burns your plants then you have done something wrong; most likely a pH imbalance. I've used it for years now, on many strains... never a burnt tip or deficiency. Cal-mag is good to have on hand no matter what nutrients you use, calcium/magnesium can not be added to base nutrients in the amount that cannabis requires without them locking out/causing problems for other nutrients in the base. As long as all micro & macro nutrients are contained in the nutrient, then any brand can be used quite successfully. Even powdered Miracle Grow can be used (even in hydro) as long as you don't overfeed or allow your pH to go out of range. Of course, when most growers have a problem/unhealthy looking plant then they are quick to blame the equipment they are using. If your plants aren't healthy then YOU are doing something wrong- nutrients aren't magic-juice, knowledge of how to use them must be present before they'll do you any good at all. perfectly for me is all I can say; all the time, every time (as well as all other nutrients I've used; balancing pH is the key to nutrients & irrigation.)
Fox far ocean forest/ pro-mix/perlite With advanced nutes ( jungle juice lucas fomula w/ big bud/grandmas molasses It works great for me, always looking for improvements though... Anyone else have any ideas to what I should use or not use? I have some Fox farm tiger bloom, grow big, big bloom,cha ching, beastie bloom and open sesame to but I have read that advanced is a better base than FF.
Fox far ocean forest/ pro-mix/perlite With advanced nutes ( jungle juice lucas fomula w/ big bud/grandmas molasses It works great for me, always looking for improvements though... Anyone else have any ideas to what I should use or not use? I have some Fox farm tiger bloom, grow big, big bloom,cha ching, beastie bloom and open sesame to but I have read that advanced is a better base than FF.

The only thing I could really recommend to you (that you don't already have) is some Botanicare CalMag (or any Calcium/Magnesium additive) because nutrient companies can not put adequate amounts of these 2 nutrients in with their base nutrients without causing a lock out. You wouldn't even need it all the time, just once or twice per grow or when your girls show a calcium or magnesium deficiency (they can lock each other out- that's what Botanicare said to me in a email when I asked them why the 2 came together and why nutrient companies didn't just mix the 2 in with their base nutes.) I'm glad to see more people using Jungle Juice these days, I've used it for quite some time and never had a single problem with it.
The only thing I could really recommend to you (that you don't already have) is some Botanicare CalMag (or any Calcium/Magnesium additive) because nutrient companies can not put adequate amounts of these 2 nutrients in with their base nutrients without causing a lock out. You wouldn't even need it all the time, just once or twice per grow or when your girls show a calcium or magnesium deficiency (they can lock each other out- that's what Botanicare said to me in a email when I asked them why the 2 came together and why nutrient companies didn't just mix the 2 in with their base nutes.) I'm glad to see more people using Jungle Juice these days, I've used it for quite some time and never had a single problem with it.[/QUOTE

Funny you mention that, I just went to my local shop this morning and bought Cal/Mag, bud blood,overdrive and final phase. I like everything I've used so far so I don't mind spending as long as the product is worth my time. I was looking at the superthrive and voodoo and a couple more things but wasn't sure. Have you tried any of these other additives?
The only thing I could really recommend to you (that you don't already have) is some Botanicare CalMag (or any Calcium/Magnesium additive) because nutrient companies can not put adequate amounts of these 2 nutrients in with their base nutrients without causing a lock out. You wouldn't even need it all the time, just once or twice per grow or when your girls show a calcium or magnesium deficiency (they can lock each other out- that's what Botanicare said to me in a email when I asked them why the 2 came together and why nutrient companies didn't just mix the 2 in with their base nutes.) I'm glad to see more people using Jungle Juice these days, I've used it for quite some time and never had a single problem with it.

Funny you mention that, I just went to my local shop this morning and bought Cal/Mag, bud blood,overdrive and final phase. I like everything I've used so far so I don't mind spending as long as the product is worth my time. I was looking at the superthrive and voodoo and a couple more things but wasn't sure. Have you tried any of these other additives?
Another thing to, can I mix FF with advanced nutes or is it not even needed? From what I'm reading Big Bud by itself is equal to all of the fox farm extras. beasty bloomz, cha ching and open sesame. Is this true?