The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
happy new yr everyone!
well stated the yr as i mean to go on IN FUCKING PAIN! feels like a red hot poker is being slowley pulled thru my veins stretching and burning as it goes arrrgghhh!

yeh robbi know what u mean lol u wanna put it down but u dont wanna but ur sooo fucked up! lol
fireworks went to bad tbh BIG ones tho i thought i was flming them but alas i forgot to press ther ecord button!

and TTT smake mackeral EWWWWW you minger


Well-Known Member
i just wanna get this grow finished and get everything put away till summer then between now and then ima get sum new bits n bobs so im all ready for a 2x 600 watt grow for xmas was gunna veg for lke 5-6 weeks then flower em get em BEASTS!

gotta say tho ive had sum valuble help on this thread so guys thank you very much robbie and TTT specially 12 months ago i couldnt grow a fukcin tomato NOW i can grow shit wat gets u hi! muchos gracias
riu the place to be!:)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
good to hear your feeling good about your ability to grow :) Personally i have never grown a tomato so wouldn't feel just in saying i now can :D What's this bullshit about packing down for the summer though?????


Active Member
Happy new year brits. Hope you all had a good night. can still taste jack d. Oh what a night. Good bye 2011 bring on 2012


Well-Known Member
Happy new year all Uk'ers!!

me heads abit fuzzy this morn lads but feel pretty good tbh lol, lookin foward to 2012!!.. my boy will be born this year :)


Well-Known Member
good to hear your feeling good about your ability to grow :) Personally i have never grown a tomato so wouldn't feel just in saying i now can :D What's this bullshit about packing down for the summer though?????
only putting the room grow away im going to concenrate on my grow cab to get lst and scrog and topping rite then come summer il ram the room with about 15 plants and do a big one for christmas topped scrogged and confident in my ability to do so,
plus the lekki is expensive and i was lucky wen i got busted them 2 times so dont wanna tempt fate been getting real parra recently


Active Member
Happy new year all!
Any ideas how to get rid of the flys coming out of my soil and will they do any harm to me lady's?


Well-Known Member
Happy new year all!
Any ideas how to get rid of the flys coming out of my soil and will they do any harm to me lady's?
u mean the tiny little ones? like reall tiney i found summo them floating in my rez untill i stated covering it i use coco im assuming they got in thru the extractor from the attick


Well-Known Member
Any views on the south yorkshire judge that has said that any grower caught from now on will face prison,he has said that no matter the amount been grown will not come into it all though the more you have the longer you will get.He has stuck by his guns since makeing this statement he has sentenced two growers one caught with 2 the other with 12.The grower with two was sentenced to 4 month,the one who had 12 got 18 month.I went to see both cases in court and just before the cultivation case was brought up a smack head was caught robbing a 86 year old woman liveing alone,she had a young girl 24 year old who was on heroin and crack got 18 month for robbing her purse and takeing her pension book sad bastard.What has happened to our justice system we all know the risk involved but some have no choice i do not grow for money i grow for medical reasons,so why cant our courts understand that cannabis has been proved to help certain illness.WAR ON DRUGS ITS A WAR ON THE WORKING CLASS........TYKE