Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
I don't think ignoring problems is a viable answer, Ron Paul does. When a necessary part of government doesn't work, he would choose to just eliminate that necessary part of government ignoring the problem. For example, the EPA is a necessary part of government. If some of their regulations are not having the desired result, the answer is to reform those regulations, not get rid of the EPA and leave environmental safety up to corporate America.
It's incredibly short sided for him to just repeat a bunch of non-sense about how we need to get rid of government because it's not as effective as it could be. I'd prefer someone interested in fixing problems, not creating new ones via blowing up the whole system.
Actually environmental problems can often be traced to government, which is a mega polluter. If property rights were properly enforced and the generator of pollution were responsible for restituting the aggrieved we would have a cleaner environment. Again, I reccomend Dr. Mary Ruart's book. Healing our World in a an Age of Aggression.