True HP Aero For 2011

Cool KM- sounds like you're on the right path... Most of my info comes from others advice, but I am working on having it come from my own experiences! It's cool that were all trying to learn this together, and fortunately a few who really know how to do this have provided the *correct* knowledge for us to go by. Keep us updated man.

Yea i think you are correct. Thankfully we have pioneers that have blazed a trail for us to follow. And mentors to guide us. But also like you said we have to use our own experances that we learn along the way. Every grow and every system however closely the same still is different. Your system is different from mine, mine is different from the next guy, and so on. We have a set of rules we follow but have to "tweek" them ever so slightly to work in our each own enviroment. Then we each learn from our mistakes as others before us have done.

This is my first time around and I look for guidence from all of you on this thread. Thanks to all that have given their .02 to guide me and answer questions.
Here's a couple of shots of my roots. I decided to use the good camera. I'm still over-misting a bit, but have also been backing off slowly. Seems to be doing the trick. I'm .5/4.5 min. God Damn, this is a finicky bitch!



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Here's a couple of shots of my roots. I decided to use the good camera. I'm still over-misting a bit, but have also been backing off slowly. Seems to be doing the trick. I'm .5/4.5 min. God Damn, this is a finicky bitch!

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Finicky as it may be, you're doing alot better than a few months ago. I think there is definitely a learning curve with this stuff, and as much as we all put this time and money into a state of the art setup, the final piece is ourselves and ability to wield the setup properly ;) Good job Mikey- they're not dead! lol

Km- I believe Mike is still using those Purple DIG noggles from Home depot. They seem to be liked by those who have tried them, but we haven't had enough experience to know if they work as good as they look like they might.
Those roots are looking good mike, I've been weaning them back from about where yours are for a little while now, just been doing it real slow but now they are into flower so I doubt I will get the fuzzies.

On another note my old shurflo wore out a week or so ago and in a pinch I put my little 45 psi shurflo from my expedition trailer and the thing is able to charge my tank up to 90 psi lol. It sure starts to run slow around 70 psi but ill be damned it if doesnt work. Im considering getting a couple of the similar 60 psi ones and just using those from now on. Judging by my battery condition after a week of running the smaller ump it seems to use less energy then the higher rated 150 psi pump(makes sense the run time is only a little bit longer and its a smaller motor). I have also been using the cheaper plastic stc valves to see how they hold up and they seem to work just fine with our setups(had it up to 125 psi rated for 115) though I tend to run a litte lower psi.
Those roots are looking good mike, I've been weaning them back from about where yours are for a little while now, just been doing it real slow but now they are into flower so I doubt I will get the fuzzies.

On another note my old shurflo wore out a week or so ago and in a pinch I put my little 45 psi shurflo from my expedition trailer and the thing is able to charge my tank up to 90 psi lol. It sure starts to run slow around 70 psi but ill be damned it if doesnt work. Im considering getting a couple of the similar 60 psi ones and just using those from now on. Judging by my battery condition after a week of running the smaller ump it seems to use less energy then the higher rated 150 psi pump(makes sense the run time is only a little bit longer and its a smaller motor). I have also been using the cheaper plastic stc valves to see how they hold up and they seem to work just fine with our setups(had it up to 125 psi rated for 115) though I tend to run a litte lower psi.

Thanks. It's been a long time in the making, that's for sure. That's funny, cause before I bought my aquatec I tried using my sureflo (60 psi) to charge my acc, and it wouldn't go a smidge above the stamped 60 psi. That was bypassing the pressure switch all together. Crazy. I can't say enough about my aquatec, though. Damn solid pump!

Trichy: I can't believe you haven't tried these nozzles yet. The grey ones you first tried are the largest orifice they make. Well, I guess it wiil be that much sweeter when ya finally do get around to tryin em. ;)
Trichy: I can't believe you haven't tried these nozzles yet. The grey ones you first tried are the largest orifice they make. Well, I guess it wiil be that much sweeter when ya finally do get around to tryin em. ;)

Yeah, I know man. The thing with my thinking is that regardless of how the mist looks, I don't know anything about it, and feel it needs to be tested against a benchmark. So once I get the chamber running with the cloudtops, which are known to work and make the required droplet size, then I can switch back and forth and see how they compare in regards to how the roots like them. My chamber is dry right now, and I'm getting ready to do the cooling mod I recently proposed. Should be up and running again by the end of the weekend I hope... One thing you could also try, is buy 2 red cloudtops nozzles for ten bucks including shipping, and try switching to them for a couple days and see what was better. Someone needs to compare their performance to a known good nozzle.
Very close now MikeY. I can tell you these roots will grow some sweet plants, but of course our goal is cotton candy

You might try aiming one forward the other back (neither directly at the roots) so that the mist swirls around the roots
My roots are definetly fuzzing up. Even the one that had the clogged nozzle near it that I changed out is now fuzzing up. I dialled my time back just now to 2.5/2 day cycle. The 2/6 night cycle I have left alone. Before I could not get near this time without the plants wilting. I will continue dialing the day cycle back every couple days till I get it to at least 1sec/2min. At that time I will probally dial the night cycle to 1/6 to see what happens.

Everything looking good here.
Here's a couple of shots of my roots. I decided to use the good camera. I'm still over-misting a bit, but have also been backing off slowly. Seems to be doing the trick. I'm .5/4.5 min. God Damn, this is a finicky bitch!

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looking nice!! glad there finally taking off its definetly phinicky but at that point it should be smooth sailing from there. how the hell do I post pics with a normal camera it seems i have to link from a twitter acount using my cell phone? any suggestions anyone?

isn't pretty but it works like a charm. The small switch is the gate I talked about. Hope you can see these ok.
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thats nice i wish i could figure out how to do that how do you wire a day and night schedule mind listing the components?

My roots are definetly fuzzing up. Even the one that had the clogged nozzle near it that I changed out is now fuzzing up. I dialled my time back just now to 2.5/2 day cycle. The 2/6 night cycle I have left alone. Before I could not get near this time without the plants wilting. I will continue dialing the day cycle back every couple days till I get it to at least 1sec/2min. At that time I will probally dial the night cycle to 1/6 to see what happens.

nice glad its working!!:)

Everything looking good here.
Mine are at 300, and I'm getting a very small amount of tip burn. I'm still trying to get my nutes dialed in. Seem to be getting a slight N def, and my ph can drift up in the accumulator, if there too long. I don't imagine I'm gonna grow the best plants this time around, but I'm gettin better.
I run about 900 as well, GH basic line plus liquid koolbloom. Other then that just a tad of ph down at mix time and a few hundred ml of h202 every few days.
Yea I was at 300 and getting no where! 900 seems to be comfy! And when I used h202 my ph was fluctuating like crazy it's like I would add down and mix it then check it again and it wouldn't even move on the on the ph pen so I havnt used it sense. I'm Gna try to get some root porn up soon.
I wish Tree farmer would post his new build and his nutes and timing cycles! I read in Bon smiths thread that he's not going to post it is this true!? I'll be heart broken lol
thats nice i wish i could figure out how to do that how do you wire a day and night schedule mind listing the components?

The key component is the timer relay. It is programmable to a on and off time that you set. When it times to come on it triggers the day h5cx, and when it times to turn off it triggers the night h5cx. The timer is

I used two omron h5ch timers ( I choose the 12v version, but 120v would work also). I think you could substitute a simular timer for this.

one 12v relay

And that is all the components except for the 12v battery to run both the omron timers and programmable timer, and the solenoids that control the nozzles. The battery supplys the neg ground and pos voltage that runs and triggers the different components.

You program the programmable timer to turn on at a time you specify and that is your day cycle. Then you program a turn off time and that is your night cycle. It works nice for me. That way you are not drowning the roots when they are in night time rest mode.

Im sure that this could be adapted to use different components or used for other things. Like I said I also use the programmable timer to control a seperate 12v coil 120v relay (that I don't show on the drawing) that turns on and off my lights at the same time is is turning on and off my h5cx timers. So it can be adapted to run probally anything you need to run at the same times it triggers the other stuff.

Any other questions about the setup just let me know and I will try to answer.
also whats your ppm on you r nutes at km bud and mike?

my girls are thriving at 900 now technafloras bc line

mine is running in the 370's ppm. using basiclly 1/4 stength GH with super thrive to help the roots for now, silicon, and 6 drops bleach per gallon.
My roots are doing better everyday. They were long stringy brown roots from the cloaner. Now they are turning white with the fuzzys getting more defined each day. I trimmed them some on the length to keep them off the silk screen. I may have should trimmed them a little more, but was a little afraid to do too much. I was hoping they would correct themselves to what ever length they needed on their own. But I thing I am on the right path. I am watching them daily, I even measured the tallest one today to compair in a week to see how much it has grown. I can't wait for them to zz top on me, they have a ways to go.