Cool KM- sounds like you're on the right path... Most of my info comes from others advice, but I am working on having it come from my own experiences! It's cool that were all trying to learn this together, and fortunately a few who really know how to do this have provided the *correct* knowledge for us to go by. Keep us updated man.
Yea i think you are correct. Thankfully we have pioneers that have blazed a trail for us to follow. And mentors to guide us. But also like you said we have to use our own experances that we learn along the way. Every grow and every system however closely the same still is different. Your system is different from mine, mine is different from the next guy, and so on. We have a set of rules we follow but have to "tweek" them ever so slightly to work in our each own enviroment. Then we each learn from our mistakes as others before us have done.
This is my first time around and I look for guidence from all of you on this thread. Thanks to all that have given their .02 to guide me and answer questions.