Did you Smoke Pot in the 70's?


Sector 5 Moderator
Did you smoke pot back in the 70's? If so, I would love to hear what you have to say. What I'm looking for is your honest opinion in comparing the weed "back in the day" to today's hybrids. I know it had seeds, tons of seeds; and the bag appeal ...had not even been thought of yet. But the quality of the smoke (high) is what I want you to tell about - in comparison to today's weed.
I was born in 1973, so I can't really compare too much, because I didn't smoke a lot in the 70's. I did however eat a couple of pot brownies in 1977 that made me see Mickey Mouse. Smoked off my first joint in 1978, but don't really remember how high I got.

Did I follow the rules ok?
Started smoking around 75 or 76. Weed then was mostly brown, pretty seedy and stemmy, but the buzz was definitely there. Prices to die for too, bought my first quarter pound for $70. Early 80's we started seeing "green weed", still had seeds and stems but the look and flavor were something quite new for a while. I was obviously much younger then and after about 36 years of smoking I'm sure my tolerance level has grown quite substantially, but I can HONESTLY say I think we got much higher then than we do now. Could be because I was younger and didn't have decades of smoking behind me, but I swear the weed was better. When I say better I mean strictly the buzz, not the look or taste or seedlessness. About 8 years ago a buddy called me to check something out. He had an OZ of what we named retro-weed. Same old brown pot, seedy buds on huge stalks, but the buz was still there. It was actually, in a way, refreshing to taste what many would consider nasty smoke nowadays, but we loved it. And maybe I had gone a day or two without smoking at the time, but I do clearly remember both of us saying we were higher off that brown, seedy, stemmy pot than we've been off anything "green" in quite a while. Could have been us just reminiscing about "the good old days" but we were both ripped off one joint, giggly, smiling, joking, and just enjoying the buzz. I like the look and taste of pot we all grow and sometimes buy now, but gotta admit it was sort of nice to smoke some old fashioned brown. I could go on and on about the weed we got back then, compared to what we have now. Some good things, some bad (prices these days are ridiculous!)but it was all part of growing up in the seventies and early 80's.Good times indeed and something I have no desire or plans to stop anytime soon.
Oh, almost forgot that I smoked hash under glass with the neighbor girl for the first time in 1978. Her mom was the local dealer. I remember thinking how cool it was when it filled the jar up with smoke back when I was 5 years old.
Ok, showing my age to you youngins' now. LOL! In the 70's pot was EVERYWHERE! Panama red, columbian gold, thai stick, hash etc etc. A $20.00 bag was called a 'lid' and was an oz or thereabouts. A dime bag was about a half oz. A nickle could last almost a week. It was not until the early 80's that things changed. All of the sudden everyone was geeked on 'Hydro" budz. Almost over night the price went from a $20 lid to a $25 eighth. I stopped smoking in 1997 and started back up 11/09. I then discovered the $60 eighth and set out to grow my own. As for quality it has definately increased over the years. Hell in the 70's if you asked someone for sinsemilla they would look at you like you were an alien from space. The 70's was the aftermath of the hippie generation, those were the days...Led Zeppelin, Real Genesis music with Peter Gabriel, the Dead, bean bag chairs, water beds and pet rocks. The only question that still remains in my head is "How did they get a green plant brown?"
Smoked in the 70's - "dirt weed" was seedy and stems. I should have save more seeds - I had lots of them :). Still have a few seeds from 25 years ago, I planted some two years ago - they germinated, grew and tasted like sh-t. I remember buying sinsemilla - but couldn't afford to buy too much and I didn't grow (probably too paranoid.)

Back then you got what was available - no picking strains. Now I'm almost a "pot connoisseur" and really like the availability of different strains.
I first smoked weed in the mid-70s ... On the East Coast the standard weed was seedy "Colombian" for about $40. an ounce. It taught me about the twin concepts of potency and efficacy. it was not especially potent ... that ounce wouldn't last me very long. However in terms of efficacy ... hooooooh. It's as high as I've gotten.

Modern bud is way more potent ... I get the same bang-for-buck out of a $40. eighth of proper indoor dank that I got from that ounce of "bo". It doesn't get me higher however ... so no gains in efficacy for this old white rabbit.
...Also imo the other diff is the availability of hard Indicas. They are the drivers for med weed these days, unlike the Sativas of yore. cn
I was not of age yet, but my parents would tell me stories about how you could get a bread bag full for next to nothing...but nothing near as good quality as now :weed:

:-PShouldn't this topic be in Toke n Talk?:-P
I started with pot in 1964. Got caught up in a grand jury indictment in 1969 and pled to a sales of LSD charge.
Been a dealer or associated with them for 40+ years.

I remember kicking back in Pacific Beach, California in 1970. PB is a beach community near San Diego and the living was easy!
Sailors would hit town and my place was usually first on their list of places to go. They always bought an armful of $10 "lids" that
were assumed to be an ounce each. Many guys carried little hand scales, often on their keychains, for impromptu weigh-ins. But
the proper size of a lid was more visual than actual. It was universally agreed that a lid was to be a four-finger depth in a standard sandwhich
baggie. We loved selling to the Navy guys as they had no concept of group sales. Instead of getting 6 or 8 guys together to pool their sawbucks
and get a pound. But they'd hand you $90 and want 9 lids. We were having the reefer delivered to us in suburban San Diego from a group
of Mexican gangbangers who worked through the local illegals. We paid $105 for a 35 ounce mini-brick. A mini-brick started out rapped in Saran
Wrap, sometimes clear, sometimes colored. The reefer had been through a trash compactor that could have crushed cars in a junk yard.
After unwrapping the brick was only half as tall as a standard shoebox. Looks were deceiving. We would clear the kitchen table and cover it with
newspaper before placing the little brick in the middle. We sat around the table and everyone broke off a chunk of brick and then broke up the pieces.
The stuff was so compressed that our final pile was 10 times the size of the beginning mini-brick. I was old fashioned and still weighed out ounces
back then. As a serious smoker by the 1970's I can give you a pretty good idea of the usual quality we saw then. My group of 4 buddies would
go through a one ounce bag in the course of one evening. We sat in a circle, sometimes had guests and smoked for 4 to 5 hours, as long as that oz.
lasted. There is no way anyone is smoking a quarter oz of my sh*t in one evening and doing anything except peeling themselves off the ceiling.
Quality is much higher today and so are prices. How's this for the good old days. San Diego, 1970-71. With a military PX card and my phone number

a swabbie could purchase an ounce of reefer ($10), a carton of smokes ($1.51), a case of beer ($4.50) and get enough change from a $20 to feed
3 at Arby's. Good times.

Big steve sounds like those were the days... my grandfarther was born in 1951 he told me he started somkin in in1961. Weve smoked many joints with each other with him reminising about the gd old days. He always said 100$ would get him a trash bag full of weed. He would be pissed when i get him an Oz of reg for 80 lol.
I know u only wanted people who actually smoked in the 70's to post but i figured i throw this inn.
Thanks for all your comments!! I don't know if this has helped anyone else but it has helped me to see it from a different perspective (thanks Cannabineer!). I now have an answer for the "today's weed vs back in the day". Anyone can post now that we've got this far.

I was not of age yet, but my parents would tell me stories about how you could get a bread bag full for next to nothing...but nothing near as good quality as now :weed:

:-PShouldn't this topic be in Toke n Talk?:-P

Not really; it's about pot. I give a lot of passes here so forgive me if I take one. :)

I started with pot in 1964. It was universally agreed that a lid was to be a four-finger depth in a standard sandwhich
baggie. As a serious smoker by the 1970's I can give you a pretty good idea of the usual quality we saw then. My group of 4 buddies would
go through a one ounce bag in the course of one evening. We sat in a circle, sometimes had guests and smoked for 4 to 5 hours, as long as that oz.
lasted. There is no way anyone is smoking a quarter oz of my sh*t in one evening and doing anything except peeling themselves off the ceiling.
Quality is much higher today and so are prices. How's this for the good old days. BigSteve.

Wow Steve, you brought back a lot of memories my friend. You and Cannabineer remember it a little different but maybe I'm the one that doesn't remember correctly. Me and my buds were as hardcore as anybody but there's no way we could smoke a lid in one evening, no fucking way. OK, we might could if it was Mexican dirtweed but not the Colombian or Jamaican; we would have been seeing God.

I first smoked weed in the mid-70s ... On the East Coast the standard weed was seedy "Colombian" for about $40. an ounce. It taught me about the twin concepts of potency and efficacy. it was not especially potent ... that ounce wouldn't last me very long. However in terms of efficacy ... hooooooh. It's as high as I've gotten.

Modern bud is way more potent ... I get the same bang-for-buck out of a $40. eighth of proper indoor dank that I got from that ounce of "bo". It doesn't get me higher however ... so no gains in efficacy for this old white rabbit.
...Also imo the other diff is the availability of hard Indicas. They are the drivers for med weed these days, unlike the Sativas of yore. cn
Bro, I think you just totally nailed it. I've never thought of it like that. I just knew that I have never been as high as back then, but come to think of it, sativa has no "ceiling"; the more you smoke, the higher you get; with indica you have a plateau and can't get any higher.
Big steve sounds like those were the days... my grandfarther was born in 1951 he told me he started somkin in in1961. Weve smoked many joints with each other with him reminising about the gd old days. He always said 100$ would get him a trash bag full of weed. He would be pissed when i get him an Oz of reg for 80 lol.
I know u only wanted people who actually smoked in the 70's to post but i figured i throw this inn.

Your post was fine and contributed to the discussion. Yep, I remember having a trash bag-o-pot too. I was manicuring it on the kitchen table one day (school was out) and my neighbor buddy came in without knocking. I was like a deer in the headlights; Rex didn't know I smoked pot, and here I was with a fucking mountain of pot in front of me, LOL. I was smoking his ass out within 15 minutes. :)
There were mostly just pure sativas back then so I got higher than I do today. In terms of potency the average pot I got was weaker than now but not all of it. In terms of stoned or medicated, today's weed is better overall.

I saw stars and some other trippy shit off the commercial Mexican sativa I sometimes got. I never get any trippy effects now that compare to the better highs I got off the old sativas. But yea, most of it was weaker no doubt. I do not miss those days btw, at the mercy of dealers, whatever shit you can get. Fuck that shit. I grow just what I want and answer to no one, except the pot doc who gives me the rec. hehe

I have grown out Panama Red and it compares to top quality I smoked back then but will kick it up a notch with uvb lamp next time. It has a trippy vibe but not that much, the uvb might enhance that. The Colombian of olden days(70's) was not that trippy for me, more of a mellow but upper buzz. It was also stronger than the typical Mexican and I believe it might have been an early Indica/Sativa hybrid. Read that also in a High Times article. The best Mexican was trippy as I have not had since. I had the last Mexican in late eighties and it was Oaxacan and not compressed like the typical I got in 70's. It was only a ok buzz for some reason. The best(most psychedelic) Mex I had was just mersh or that is what I took it for and not fancy looking back in the 70's. A lot of the Mexican weed was pretty much junk to be honest.
When I get a place to do it I'm going to do me some landrace sativas. I'm growing some awesome stuff at the moment, Iranian G13, Ice, Jock Horror and Pure Power Plant, but it would sure be nice to have some pure Panama Red, Colombian Gold, or Oaxacan. That can be my one New Years resolution, to grow some pure sativa this year. :) Oh, and I remember the Mexican being really harsh. My cousin said they poured Coke on it to hold the brick in shape.
I started smoking in the late-70s. Paid $35/oz, $10 quarter - Panama red, Acapulco Gold. What I wouldn't do for these genetics. I hate to discuss potency, as my level of experience and tolerance was nowhere near what is is right now, but the stuff back then sure seemed to have more of a kick. To this day, the single most potent weed I've smoked came from a Mexican brick in the mid-80s.

Yup, I remember pot was $10 oz, $110/pound... I disagree with you on strength. Pot back then was just a bunch of cut up plants with seeds and stemns, no where near as potent as what we see today. Much of the stuff that was strong back then was dusted with something else...