Did you Smoke Pot in the 70's?

I remember it was weed, don't ever remember hearing Indica or Sativa...If someone said Hawiian it was $5 a gram and it was sticky and smelled like pine...
to be honest ,ive been growing over 26 years and i have a strain from that time called monkey paw ,ever heard of it you can see it in the vid on youtube under puffnstuff101,this strain has been crossed with many of my medical for my doughter,who is a cps child i talk about what you ask in my vid
to be honest ,ive been growing over 26 years and i have a strain from that time called monkey paw ,ever heard of it you can see it in the vid on youtube under puffnstuff101,this strain has been crossed with many of my medical for my doughter,who is a cps child i talk about what you ask in my vid

yes I've heard of monkey paw...but long ago.
to be honest ,ive been growing over 26 years and i have a strain from that time called monkey paw ,ever heard of it you can see it in the vid on youtube under puffnstuff101,this strain has been crossed with many of my medical for my doughter,who is a cps child i talk about what you ask in my vid

I remember Monkey Paw! That was killer stuff back then and I can't imagine the quality going down. Very good smoke indeed! You're very lucky to still be able to get ahold of that stuff. We should talk, lol.
I started in 1969 through 1980. It was $45.00 an ounce when I quit and the quality varied. I started growing my own in 2008 and the quality is much much better. Plus I don't have to find a dealer. It's my stuff and very good quality.
1975 here-10$ bags(4 fingers LOL)of commercial,homegrown(all leaf,seeds and stems) was better.Ill never forget the first good stuff i got my hands on,small thai sticks about 5 inches long and as big around as your pinky,paid 20$ for 2 and thought i got ripped off until i puffed a pinner with the catholic school girl next door and her white cotton panties hit the floor in a matter of minutes!GOOD TIMES.
If you compare apples to apples, the weed back then was every bit what it is today. We knew nothing of seedless pot, or culling males. There was an Hierarchy to the whole thing, the best of the buds hardly ever made it to the street level, mostly what we'd call trim today. I'd occasionally get some really good but, and man was it GOOD!! I had some Black African Ganja that was fucking incredible, and would LOVE to have some of those genetics today!!!
Today, pot is consistently good as opposed to the sporadic quality we got back in the 70's.
I remember when Sinsemilla went mainstream, with the original Maui Wowee, and Gainesville Green.
Weed was around and so were we.. my High School was across the street from the place they published and printed the "L.A. Free Press", underneath the Mushroom Cafe.

Used to get a 4 finger Lid for $10, Mexican stuff, it was everywhere.

That was all there was for a long time, I used to get Kilos $90 on the American side in Laredo, TX.

Then Acapulco Gold started appearing, $20 for a 2 Finger Lid.. I remember taking a hit and my mouth went dry and my tongue swelled up, just from 1 hit, I didn't look back.

I remember the Thai Stick, Panama Red, and some I can't spell.

Yes those were the good ole days. :joint::peace: I have hundreds of wild stories.
The weed back in the 70's for myself was a social thing. We always had Columbian gold or panama red and each weekend we would put our saved lunch money together and get 20 bucks worth of blonde Lebanese hash. We would get so stoned and listen out to Rick Wakeman "Journey to the center of the earth." And then we would act like idiots and rock out to Ted Nuggent. The weed back in the 70's was a high that you always knew would take you to a certain level and then slowly set ya down in a warm fuzzy place to recoup and find some munchies in time to watch The Three Stooges at which we laughed our asses off. Those were the days!!
Oh yeah! I grew up in San Diego and smoked my first joint with my brother in the backyard when I was 13...1968. It was Mexican. Brownish. Seeds. A four-finger baggie was $10. It was shit.
But then in 1970 we moved over into the avocado/citrus grove ranches and the young locals/hippies over there (still my friends today) were getting seeds from the boys coming back from 'Nam and Laos and places like that. Started growing that there in the late 60's and thru today. Kicked my ASS! So potent I couldn't walk. Unbelievable. $160 an ounce in '71...and worth every penny. I was very careful with it and didn't smoke much then. I started forgetting everything at people's houses and stuff and was still in High School so I quit smoking pretty much until I was 21. But all my friends did. Our town was written up in High Times way back in the mid 70's. Yup, us old timers....never thought I'd ever say that! Hahahahah....a.
Speaking of Blonde Lebanese Hash....my (now ex) husband and I traded our '74 VW Super Beetle for 1.5 pounds of it in '82. Took us a long time to get rid of it at $10 a gram...donation. :) I think that $10 then went about as far as $30 does now, tho. Wierd..............
I started smoking in 1970. 4 finger bags for 20 bux. Loved me some lumbo! So golden...so sweet smelling, and so smoooth smoking. Only difference between then and now is that then the fan leaves were also tossed in the bag. Now a days, I smoke the nugs in a one hitter and the fan leaves in blunts...pixie doesn't cook...
Fucking seeds ruined many a great shirt!!! (POP)

I stashed a lid in a compartment under the dash of my mustang. I didn't know it was the heater. One morning it was cold so I flipped the thingy from cold to hot and turned on the heat. I heard the baggie being sucked into the heater. I turned it off but it was too late. Little by little the weed was sucked into wherever it went and you could smell the pot, but the worst thing was the damn seeds rolled out every time I hit a bump or went over railroad tracks. For a year or so I was in constant paranoia for "holding" because of that mistake. I had a bud that brought back a huge gold leafed coin looking thing of blonde Lebanese hash. I still remember puking my guts out from smoking that.
I never smoked way back then, but talking to some old school stoners its pretty consistent with what I read on this thread. Thai-stick, hash oils, hash, 4 finger bags(apparently no one heard of or just didn't care to use scales). Selling pre-made joints already rolled for a dollar. I guess 1 finger was a quarter, 2 was a half, and 4 is called a lid?? must of been awesome to buy from the dude with gorilla fingers.

Unfortunately I wasn't even a twinkle in my mommas eye during the 70's, musta been fun.

Lol, pixie doesn't cook.
I stashed a lid in a compartment under the dash of my mustang. I didn't know it was the heater. One morning it was cold so I flipped the thingy from cold to hot and turned on the heat. I heard the baggie being sucked into the heater. I turned it off but it was too late. Little by little the weed was sucked into wherever it went and you could smell the pot, but the worst thing was the damn seeds rolled out every time I hit a bump or went over railroad tracks. For a year or so I was in constant paranoia for "holding" because of that mistake. I had a bud that brought back a huge gold leafed coin looking thing of blonde Lebanese hash. I still remember puking my guts out from smoking that.

Ah...........The good ole days!!! I used to get quite a bit of Jamaican pot, being in S Fla growing up. Damn that was the shit to die for. I REALLY want some Jamaican Sat. You could buy Mason Jars of honey oil in Kingston.

Given the choice of growing up then or now? THEN!!! Hands down. Sex didn't kill you back then, and pot was affordable!!!