Did you Smoke Pot in the 70's?

Some of them have more facial hair than me, LOL. We got hammered today bro; got another foot and it's still coming down.
White out, 10 degrees & gusting to 70 kts now.
Freakin boiler was out when I got home - heating dude got her back on line & just left (overtime of course).
Screw this shit - I'm gonna head for Bora bora if this keeps up, got any Ray Ban's I can borrow?
You're right there - I lived in Cayo Hueso for 3 years. Great fishing & snorkeling but now just too damn many people.
But I do miss the Duval Crawl action at times.

I miss KW like you'd miss the crabs!!! But Pot Pimp is on to something. GWN, you like the Duval crawl? Lets see ya handle a week at Mangrove Mamas and the Brass Monkey!! Marathon rules!!!
I miss KW like you'd miss the crabs!!! But Pot Pimp is on to something. GWN, you like the Duval crawl? Lets see ya handle a week at Mangrove Mamas and the Brass Monkey!! Marathon rules!!!

Ok, I'm in. But I must warn you I don't get that way often & when I do we generally spend a good deal of our time @ Flamingo. Snook & Poon on the fly are the Bomb & prying myself away from that will be tough.
no comparsion. what we called "exotics" back in da day.....would be considered a so-so strain today. Panama Red(12.50, instead of 10 bucks!) was about 10% THC. and you couldn't grow enough of it......sold like hot cakes. we would smoke all night long; try that with some bad-ass indica hybrid today.
*Black Sabbath, "Sweet Leaf".......off in the distance....*
One 5 finger lid per week, would have never made it to graduation without it! Acupulco Gold was awesome (20.00 a lid). Had Columbian sometimes for as low as 10.00 a lid, Panama red...
For the younger folks, a lid was like an ounce depending on how dry the weed was. In them days you didnt get cheated by people selling wet buds, instead we got screwed with dry fluffy weed and lots of stems and seeds!
Everybody measured them in fingers, 4 finger, 5 finger lid...

~dime bags were for heroin~

I don't think I would even get a slight buzz off the old weed after all this good sht we have now, and I actually miss the seeds occasionaly exploding in my face.
I still salivate everytime I think about Acupulco Gold, that weed was so damned tasty!

Tiah stick and indicas came along in the late 70's and weed has just been getting better ever since!
I was born in 77 and didn't smoke until '94 (17 years old Mass. boarding school, in the bird sanctuary/forest, I had friends who used to drive to UNH and UMASS to cop Hawaiian and some other decent stuff) but I do have vivid memories of not only the high but the taste. The weed seemed tastier back then. You would get some strong skunk/funk flavors in your mouth. I used to smoke the bullshit dimes of "chocolate" and "dro" and whatever I could get my hands on when I went back home to the hood.

About the South American stuff. I spent 3 months in Peru in 2000 as a vacation. Smoked everyday. $5 an ounce of the stemmiest, seediest, green/gray shit around but it tasted and smelled so strong. The only time we got great shit was when we went to soccer games with a slightly corrupt police captain (I only say slightly because he couldn't collect enough bribes to properly finish his new home. We called his house the Sand Castle because it was only 50% cement) and a 6'4" biker we called Swamp Thing who got deported out of Milwaukee. The captain would get beautiful Colombian Red buds and the 6 of us would pack into a 1973 Datsun with no upholstery and blaze all the way to the stadium. So sort of related.
That is what they pass off to the Norteamericanos (hueros). In Colombia and Guatemala (and I am sure that Peru is no different) they do have the really nice seedless stemless stuff. And it is THE SHIT!!!

  • That is what they pass off to the Norteamericanos (hueros)​

No unfortunately I dont think theres much room for growing in the capital (the weather is kind of wacky, the summer's are great but the winters are damp, rainy, and a constant 40f) so a lot of the stuff has to be grown in the warmer north and brought down. Peruvians are still pretty outwardly conservative so growing is still a risk and cocaine, unfortunately was only slightly more expensive and much more popular at the time. I also know to be in the game you have to be a hardcore criminal or a cop (A lot of Fujimori's military was involved in the coke trade http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimiro_Montesinos) Its pretty well defined. Its not like here where you can blend in, pretty much everyone knows who's who.

In Colombia, the cops tried to stop us daily for bribes, because my step brother drove a nice car. I was smoking a joint on the beach when a cop approached us and took it from us because we had no bribe to offer him (we were in swim trunks). He opened up a pouch on his belt and it was packed full of confiscated joints and weed!

I think the preference for marijuana has flipped recently.
Your right about that. North Americans are fucked down there. Fortunately for me, I grew up speaking Spanish and English, and am short, and fairly dark complected. I speak Colombian Spanish like a native. I dated a girl in Manga and her parents never knew I was an Norteamericano. Peru is really strange place. I have friends in Lima that I'll never visit again unless they are anywhere but Lima. If you get up the mountainside into the Lurigancho area, you'll find the best quality stuff around those parts, but again with the "handicap" you'll always get fucked until you get to know some good folks. Colombia is another place that has it's issues, but if you just accept the fact that the sun rises and the cops are corrupt, it gets pretty easy to make a few moves IF you fit in and know people. If you don't, both places can be deadly. ESPECIALLY in the lurigancho!!!