All kinds of issues. Please respond


Active Member
Remember that the usage amounts will vary depending on the concentration. WE use 29% H2O2 as most hydro stores sell...... For that, the jugs say "3mL/gallon"..... For your 35 gallon reservoir, you should be adding 105mL-ish to the reservoir every 3 or 4 days. I do ours on Foliar days so I remember when I did it..........I use 5mL/gallon, using even 10mL/gallon wont hurt your plants. There probably isnt a huge benefit either to using the extra 2mL/gallon, but I'm one of those "play it safe" types of growers.....

The little rite-aid and walmart bottles have a stronger dillution, may not have an inactive ingredient of water, and isnt really even the same H2O2 that you would use for plants..... I would advise not going this route and to go the "meant for hydro" stuff........

And by the way permat, if you fill your res full instead of 20 gallons short each time, you'll find your ph and ppm drift a LOT less..... Makes for easier nutrient topoffs, less water topoff attention, and a more stable big batch of solution for your plants..... Max res size always!
Ouch my local shop (which is not really local its a hour and half away and very overpriced) only carries H202 in 1 liter sizes, I would blow through that in a couple weeks if I use 105 ml.

I have a 55 gallon res. but only 10 plants in my gro n flo setup right now is reason I'm not filling to max, I was advised on here maybe in the hellraiser thread to just use 30-35 gallons.


Active Member
I live in Michigan, USA.

My 3 best plants died. :( I have no idea why. I had 3 out of the 15 that looked great whole way through just wasnt growing cause of the slime problem so I had it in another room with a few soil plants under 2 1000W HPS with 70-80 degree weather. Some how it just all the sudden died. Air pumps never died or anything so I really don't have a clue how it happened. :(


Active Member
Okay wait, it was a false alarm. I figured I would try to flush them a couple hours ago to see what would happen and now I just looked and the leaves are back up. I was like OH shit. I set it at 750ppm so I hope they will be good. IDK what happened damn.. They look around week 4 green as all hell but they are like 6 or 7 weeks cause of all my slime problem bullshits. I got them in their own room cause I want to flip the switch ASAP, and I put some soil plants up there too which are going to be huge cause they just keep veggin :p


Active Member
Researchkitty could you tell me what I could add to these plants. They're in FFOF soil about 5-6 weeks into flowering. I use FoxFarm tiger bloom and Big bloom with the powder line up too. I quit using calmag to see what would happen and now they are like this. My temps are always around 75 in there and pH has never been away from 6.5. I figure it's nitrogen right, so just add more big bloom? or tiger bloom? or use calmag again? or lol?

Here's a pic of one;

They were turning light green about a week into flowering so I started adding 5ml calmag per gallon for about a month and nothing really changed so I stopped using it for like 2 weeks now and I noticed the buds were alot greener but now they are turning yellow too early in the grow.


Well-Known Member
I know this might sound stupid but you've checked for pests right? I could be crazy because I can't see them up close but that last photo looks like spider mite damage. Like I said, ignore me if I'm just too high for my own good.

I'm not sure if this will help you but I'd thought I'd try. I've been using this recipe for years.

Nutrient formula for vegetative growth:
Botanicare Nutrients:
250ML Cal-Mag Plus
175ML Liquid Karma
550ML Pure Bend Pro Vegetative Formula

Here is the formula for the flower room:
Botanicare Nutrients:
250ml Cal-Mag Plus
150ml Sweet
175ml Liquid Karma
550mlL Pure Bend Pro Bloom

Some strains like OG Kush will suck up the Cal-Mag like crazy so you may need to add a little more while the plant is growing. If you see rust colored dead spots on your leaves you need more Cal-Mag. Your photos are a text book example.

As others have said, once it's dead it's not coming back. Unless it's a zombie plant, they can come back from the dead and infect your other plants. If you do find a zombie plant always shoot it in the roots, that's the only way you can kill them! And what happens when you smoke zombie bud? You turn into a fucking zombie that's what happens, duh...

Good luck bro!

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Researchkitty could you tell me what I could add to these plants. They're in FFOF soil about 5-6 weeks into flowering. I use FoxFarm tiger bloom and Big bloom with the powder line up too. I quit using calmag to see what would happen and now they are like this. My temps are always around 75 in there and pH has never been away from 6.5. I figure it's nitrogen right, so just add more big bloom? or tiger bloom? or use calmag again? or lol?

Here's a pic of one;

They were turning light green about a week into flowering so I started adding 5ml calmag per gallon for about a month and nothing really changed so I stopped using it for like 2 weeks now and I noticed the buds were alot greener but now they are turning yellow too early in the grow.


Well-Known Member
Ummmmmmmmmm................ You have hydro plants in the first page................ Now you have shit in soil? Soil and Hydro are totally different. You should not use ANY of my advice on a soil plant... You dont even use those humboldt nutrients for soil....... Its the wrong shit!


Active Member
Ummmmmmmmmm................ You have hydro plants in the first page................ Now you have shit in soil? Soil and Hydro are totally different. You should not use ANY of my advice on a soil plant... You dont even use those humboldt nutrients for soil....... Its the wrong shit!

I know this kitty, lol. I use fox farm nutrients for soil. I've been doing soil for like 2 years. All my questions are related to my 15 plant hydro crop problem. Just wanted to verify so I don't keep fucking my shit up. I'm not very smart with chemicals and shit, just trying to learn. I usually just use dirt and water.

I think they've just yellowed alot more because they're root bound. They looked like they were gunna go huge, hopefully will still get a couple oz off them.

I've got 2 sharks breath plants that I put humbolt nutrients in once. They look huge as hell, should I have not done that? Oh no.. :(


Active Member
I know this might sound stupid but you've checked for pests right? I could be crazy because I can't see them up close but that last photo looks like spider mite damage. Like I said, ignore me if I'm just too high for my own good.

I'm not sure if this will help you but I'd thought I'd try. I've been using this recipe for years.

Nutrient formula for vegetative growth:
Botanicare Nutrients:
250ML Cal-Mag Plus
175ML Liquid Karma
550ML Pure Bend Pro Vegetative Formula

Here is the formula for the flower room:
Botanicare Nutrients:
250ml Cal-Mag Plus
150ml Sweet
175ml Liquid Karma
550mlL Pure Bend Pro Bloom

Some strains like OG Kush will suck up the Cal-Mag like crazy so you may need to add a little more while the plant is growing. If you see rust colored dead spots on your leaves you need more Cal-Mag. Your photos are a text book example.

As others have said, once it's dead it's not coming back. Unless it's a zombie plant, they can come back from the dead and infect your other plants. If you do find a zombie plant always shoot it in the roots, that's the only way you can kill them! And what happens when you smoke zombie bud? You turn into a fucking zombie that's what happens, duh...

Good luck bro!

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Thanks for the advice. Yeah, I have mites. I've had them for about 6 months and they just don't want to go away fully so what I've decided to do is go the easy way. What I did was put a 14x28 concrete slab next to my house and built a garage with an apartment above it for a nice 14x28 grow room. Started from 15 clones that I was given and I am just going to eventually put all my equipment in the apartment while budding the rest of my soil plants, and having everything else just start in the apartment so I have no bugs at all.


Active Member
Kitty I have like 30 soil plants in bud and another 30 in veg.

Now in my apartment I have 15 shitty as hell plants that I just want to kill, then 5 more ones that are like 3 weeks I think so I set them up at 750ppm, looking great. I have 10 more clones with roots coming out of the cubes right now so I'm going to put them into buckets tomorrow. I also have another 9 in clone machine ready to come out in a few days and I'm going to clone 20 in a couple days.

So yeah, I've got the plants - I just am a retard and don't know how to grow them in hydro! :bigjoint:


Ursus marijanus
INW, imo neither Big Bloom nor Tiger Bloom will scratch your plants' itch. They need nitrogen (imo), and STAT. I am growing in Happy Frog (like Ocean Forest but a little less so) and they grew so nicely until the nitrogen got used up seemingly all at once. I supplemented one plant with ammonium nitrate at about 750 ppm in RO water, and 3 days later she started greening up. You can use some hardware-store soluble fert like MG ... but whatever you select, choose an N-heavy formulation. After you get the green back, you can go back to the FF supplements, but you'll need to develop an eye for when to add N and how much. Wish i could be more specific. cn


Active Member
Don't know what cn is so can anybody recommend me a nitrogen supplement to use for my soil plant grown in FFOF? Calmag won't do it?


Ursus marijanus
You could use "Miracle-Gro Soluble Lawn Fertilizer", which is 36-0-6, in addition toyour other nutrients. It's mostly nitrogen. It's also probably urea-heavy so won't up your ppms too much. Use sparingly ... one teaspoon in a couple of gallons of water per feeding. cn


Active Member
Oh yippy my hydro store has h2o2 now. I've got like 100 something plants I think I am just gunna make a journal on this site so I can keep a more accurate track of all them at once.


Well-Known Member
Oh yippy my hydro store has h2o2 now. I've got like 100 something plants I think I am just gunna make a journal on this site so I can keep a more accurate track of all them at once.
Yayyy :) You scared me with that soil for a minute too dude! A photographic grow journal thread is the way to go, post one on up and everyone will help you along the way and perhaps become the greatest thread in all of RUI history! :)