Who Else Knows That Ron Paul will NEVER be President?


Active Member
i wouldn't have such a hard on against ron paul if not for the complete worship of his supporters.
I have to admit that does make defeating Ron "the bigot" Paul more fun. Regardless, REAL Americans would never elect a bigot like him and that's enough to make sure he's never elected. Making the fanatics cry by telling the truth about their hero is just gravy... :D


Well-Known Member
ub, i just want to know why you would rather follow someone who believes in a God then with someone who has views just like yourself, that God does not exist...

i dont get it...

i wouldn't have such a hard on against ron paul if not for the complete worship of his supporters.


Well-Known Member
wow, you people have no lives living vicariously through the failed opinions and failed ideas of others and all to prove that what you do and think is right

fucking cockroached man( you know living off the mistakes of others)
says the guy who is spending his time letting us know how pointless this all is.

if it were so pointless, why not leave it be? why even waste your time on a waste of time?


Active Member
wow, you people have no lives living vicariously through the failed opinions and failed ideas of others and all to prove that what you do and think is right

fucking cockroaches man( you know living off the mistakes of others)
Funny how it's OK for Ron "the bigot" Paul supporters to do what you just said.
Why is that?

Two-faced hypocricy is why...


Well-Known Member
on that , why would people want to vote for a president that signed away our rights? or for a president who will keep those rights from us by allowing previous legis to keep working?

I have to admit that does make defeating Ron "the bigot" Paul more fun. Regardless, REAL Americans would never elect a bigot like him and that's enough to make sure he's never elected. Making the fanatics cry by telling the truth about their hero is just gravy... :D


New Member
I think Ron Paul has a chance if the establishment doesn't get their way and steal the election. If yellow journalism emo kids with no self-esteem aren't the majority. If the people that think they are in the cool kids club if they pick the winner aren't the majority. I have my doubts for sure and I wouldn't be surprised if there is more snobs and yuppies than free thinkers who understand political philosophy.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
says the guy who is spending his time letting us know how pointless this all is.

if it were so pointless, why not leave it be? why even waste your time on a waste of time?

yup, its all much to do about nothing, because the real world is where deiscions are made not here on your post count and ability to snipe other peoples post

you big pathetic waste of bio mass


Well-Known Member
ub, i just want to know why you would rather follow someone who believes in a God then with someone who has views just like yourself, that God does not exist...

i dont get it...
i don't think you get it.

when i say "complete worship of his supporters", i mean to say i dislike ron paul supporters because of how they treat ron paul like a god, instead of the politician that he is.

this has nothing to do with belief in god, this only has to do with how ron paul supporters believe ron paul to be god.

hope that clears it up.


Active Member
on that , why would people want to vote for a president that signed away our rights? or for a president who will keep those rights from us by allowing previous legis to keep working?
There are no perfect candidates but REAL Americans will NEVER elect a bigot like RP and obama WILL be a one-term wonder...


Well-Known Member
yup, its all much to do about nothing, because the real world is where deiscions are made not here on your post count and ability to snipe other peoples post

you big pathetic waste of bio mass
then go out in the real world and leave us alone to bicker with each other.

i can do without the insults.


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't have such a hard on against ron paul if not for the complete worship of his supporters.
Hey, I don't worship him! I AM, however, a supporter, simply because I think he is the BEST candidate for the job, right now. Not the PERFECT candidate, mind you, just the BEST candidate. ;-)

wow, you people have no lives living vicariously through the failed opinions and failed ideas of others and all to prove that what you do and think is right

fucking cockroaches man( you know living off the mistakes of others)
Pot? Kettle?:roll:


Well-Known Member
There are no perfect candidates but REAL Americans will NEVER elect a bigot like RP and obama WILL be a one-term wonder...
ya know what i love?

i love that even though you see obama as a one-termer and i would love to see him get a second term (without worry of re-election, i suspect he might make moves forward on gay marriage and cannabis re-legalization or reclassification), we are united by a common enemy.

we both hate ron paul and his cult-like supporters so much, that we can put our differences aside and focus on what really matters: dissing on ron paul.



Well-Known Member
i understand what you are saying, i just used that quote from you to write a post and ask that question...

i was thinking of this the other day, how you despise Ron Paul.

This question is just purely curiosity. I find it that from your stance on religious beliefs, that you would support a candidate with similar views as that, rather then a christian or mormon candidate.

if i remember correctly, you said you support obama right? i could be wrong, even at that, why would you support him after he signed the NDAA and allowed SOPA as well?

i don't think you get it.

when i say "complete worship of his supporters", i mean to say i dislike ron paul supporters because of how they treat ron paul like a god, instead of the politician that he is.

this has nothing to do with belief in god, this only has to do with how ron paul supporters believe ron paul to be god.

hope that clears it up.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I don't worship him! I AM, however, a supporter, simply because I think he is the BEST candidate for the job, right now. Not the PERFECT candidate, mind you, just the BEST candidate. ;-)
yes, you are one of the good ones, i must say. there are a few others like you as well. but you are outnumbered by the "worshippers" and spammers.


New Member
i don't think you get it.

when i say "complete worship of his supporters", i mean to say i dislike ron paul supporters because of how they treat ron paul like a god, instead of the politician that he is.

this has nothing to do with belief in god, this only has to do with how ron paul supporters believe ron paul to be god.

hope that clears it up.
I just think hes the only option, I don't think he is god, I am a libertarian am I supposed to vote for a non-libertarian and share their views somehow? Maybe you think that I think he is god because believe hes the Only choice for president in 2012 specifically (ala the "one")


Well-Known Member
i understand what you are saying, i just used that quote from you to write a post and ask that question...

i was thinking of this the other day, how you despise Ron Paul.

This question is just purely curiosity. I find it that from your stance on religious beliefs, that you would support a candidate with similar views as that, rather then a christian or mormon candidate.

if i remember correctly, you said you support obama right? i could be wrong, even at that, why would you support him after he signed the NDAA and allowed SOPA as well?
i'm no fan of NDAA or SOPA, but i feel they are being completely overblown.

no one is going to haul us away for growing our plants.

unless yo have been providing substantial aid to terrorist networks, you have nothing to worry about.

and cyber terrorism is another subject completely. start a thread if you wish to discuss SOPA.

i am not the type of person that is going to piss my pants at the mention of those two acronyms.


Active Member
ya know what i love?

i love that even though you see obama as a one-termer and i would love to see him get a second term (without worry of re-election, i suspect he might make moves forward on gay marriage and cannabis re-legalization or reclassification), we are united by a common enemy.

we both hate ron paul and his cult-like supporters so much, that we can put our differences aside and focus on what really matters: dissing on ron paul.

We do not have to agree on who would be better to KNOW how bad Ron "the bigot" Paul truly is...

That said, obama is out... :D


Well-Known Member
so what is the difference in being a bigot who does not want big gov and legalize or reschedule cannabis and put power back into the state rather then fed and a president who wants to keep the american people from protesting or rising up against the US gov and who signed our rights away on the new NDAA and SOPA and who has flip flopped on a lot of things he promised us with "CHANGE"?

There are no perfect candidates but REAL Americans will NEVER elect a bigot like RP and obama WILL be a one-term wonder...


New Member
That is what I would really like to know..they have yet to explain it..why do they support obama and hate paul so much..All i see is yellow journalism, conspiracy, strawman arguments...can we get some non-retarded resons? I am not convinced you guys actually believe this stuff.


Well-Known Member
I just think hes the only option, I don't think he is god, I am a libertarian am I supposed to vote for a non-libertarian and share their views somehow? Maybe you think that I think he is god because believe hes the Only choice for president in 2012 specifically (ala the "one")
what about gary johnson? why do i see so much ron paul this and ron paul that, and dismissal of gary johnson when we bring him up?

besides not having fanatical supporters, i like GJ becuse he has a proven record of fighting for gay rights and a woman's right to choose. a TRUE libertarian.