Making Hemp legal and making MMJ legal in my eyes are 2 totally different ideas and theories. Hemp is already produced in mass within our country but only to permitted companies. This isn't something I've read, yet something that I've hauled on my truck before, plenty of times actually. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not hauling 45,000lbs of Hemp bails but its used within more products then you could even imagine.
On the legal part, I honestly don't want MMJ to be "legal"!!!!! I feel it needs to be decriminalized for patients that choose to utilize it. I STRONGLY believe and preach that legalizing it would cause more injustice then it already does. You would provide reason and cause for an up rising on drug cartels and major businesses on the black market (if you choose to believe such a thought)!
If I get raided and the feds find, lets just say 10 plants for SH*ts n giggles, then how many man hrs have been wasted on my sorry self? However if the feds raid a house that contains 100+ plants, then common sense tells ya its not for personal use. Same goes in a car, if you get stopped and have an ounce or less on your person in something OTHER then a freakin baggie, and your a patient, what harm is that, PROVIDING that your not obviously too messed up to drive? If that same car was to be pulled over and had the gas tank and fenders packed full of bricks, then yes, I do believe you should be shipping those fellers off to jail for a bit.
As far as Ron Paul, he's good and bad, just like every other politician out there. I love how people get all excited to back one person like they have no demons. If you think our country has produced completely honest people, then maybe its time you relocated somewhere else. There will always be good and bad, and there will always be good/bad intentions, however, how do you justify the difference in support? Thats right, you as the American get to decide that for yourself.
I personally live in Ron Paul's district and I won't sugar coat nothing!!!!! It's a sh*t hole and I'm not ashamed to say it. Other then the tourism that we see and the "government" part of town, they have done nothing to bring us back after the Hurricane (the most recent one). Do I agree with how that is, no, but I still choose to live there w/o bitching about it. Even those I say its a sh*thole, its my home and I love telling people where I live. If the day comes that I'm ashamed of that, then I will make the choice to relocate somewheres else, until then, I try to do my part and thats, that!
Hopefully I won't cause an uproar with this post, but I think people tend to over look alot of details when they focus on one good or bad view of something! I have travel in every state this country has to offer and traveled to the richest parts of towns/cities and to the poorest parts and have seen the happiest people in the most run down parts of the country, why you ask, because that is where they are from and they are proud of it!
Anyways, thats just my 2 cents, besides, who am I....I'm just a dumb trucker that used to sit on my ass for a living, LOL.