National Defense Authorization Act? Is this serious?


Active Member
The Third reich rounded up gays and gassed them to death with laws just like this one and with a false flag operation to set things in motion. Just like 911. Google Reichstag.

The 4th Reigh is emerging it's ugly head and it's here in America. Soon we wont even be able to discuss or inform ourselves via this media once they have their Chinese style internet in place.
A lot of people beleive Facism died with Hitler. In reality, Hitlers version of Facism died with him. The people that funded Hitler beleived in what he was doing and knew full well of what he was doing (with their money). They lent and often gave him the equivalent of trillions of today dollars. The powers behind the Nazi throne lived on and evolved into a different form. "Guerillas by night, instead of armies by day" as JFK said.


Well-Known Member

Well... Now is about the best time to do it I guess, better now than in the middle of his term when it doesn't make any difference and makes the birthers seem even more nuts than they really are.


Well-Known Member
What is America preparing for?
Probably to go to war with Iran or if they are feeling really ballsy maybe China, then the debt would go away :)

My guess is Obama is trying to get NDAA and SOPA passed plus get elected for another term, then he has nothing to lose by going to war against Iran and if anyone speaks up against the war they can be detain.


New Member
And Obama assassinated two U.S. citizens. Escalation, just like this bill.
No he didnt.
He killed 2 terrorists that happened by chance to of been born here.
They quit being US citizens when they decided to visit evil upon the USA

Merry Christmas Bitches
I hope Allah gave you your virgins but they are all fucking you up the A with nail studded strapons

really comfy slippers

Active Member
No he didnt.
He killed 2 terrorists that happened by chance to of been born here.
They quit being US citizens when they decided to visit evil upon the USA

Merry Christmas Bitches
I hope Allah gave you your virgins but they are all fucking you up the A with nail studded strapons
Hey your wrong. They were American citizens. And the rules are the mother fucking rules.


Active Member
No he didnt.
He killed 2 terrorists that happened by chance to of been born here.
They quit being US citizens when they decided to visit evil upon the USA

Merry Christmas Bitches
I hope Allah gave you your virgins but they are all fucking you up the A with nail studded strapons

So you admit they required a trial in a court of law?

Christmas was 11 days ago, maybe someone should put down the crack pipe.


New Member
No he didnt.
He killed 2 terrorists that happened by chance to of been born here.
They quit being US citizens when they decided to visit evil upon the USA

Merry Christmas Bitches
I hope Allah gave you your virgins but they are all fucking you up the A with nail studded strapons
Hey read a fucking history book....