Cemetery as a starting point?


New Member
So how do you guy get into the bush as it may be. My best idea so far is to go to a cemetery a few towns away and park. Theres a small woodline behind the cemetery and a small creek past that. Looks like beyond the creek is farmland, Corn and soy i believe.

So i figure i can go to the cemetary [which itself is in the middle of nowhere] Park in the back where nobody can see the car, Then i can run back through the trees, cross the creek and plant em in with the corn and hope the farmers don't notice / take care of em. I also plan to put a few plants on the south facing part of the tree line.

Any suggestions on my plan, Or does anyone have a better plan they would like to share?

Planting in corn is a bad idea,easily spotted by air and prone to disappearance when the farmer notices it. Bush country is a lot better for outdoor growing.Find a clearance with water ( low and damp) and plant there.It's safer,but there are still no guarantees of a harvest,cops ,thieves and other predators can always strike. Good luck.
i hope you get attacked by ghosts, when passing through the cemetery, have some respect for the passed
i hope you get attacked by ghosts, when passing through the cemetery, have some respect for the passed

And what part of my plan do you find disrespectful ? Shit i give my full permission, When i die plant trees on my ass. Hell I'm not even gonna be embalmed, Just stuffed with Perlite to make it easy for ya. LOL
Hey..you got the plan..do it...cemetaries are soo not worried about..unless tomb stones start coming up missing...I had the poo po at my door one morning..cause my sone found a tomb stone but..whole nother issue..they seem pretty safe , if the corn grows behind them..been there..done that.....................
well, in my experience I have seen a lot of corn growers, but the only successful ones were the ones that also owned the corn, otherwise the farmers stumble across it and whatever they do with it you lose it....
Well if i wanted to plant in a happy place where everyone goes i would go to disney and put that bitch on top of space mountain. If people are scared, Great, I want as few of em as possible. And yeah it is kinda scary too, They have a really old run down part in the back. Saw a freshly dug grave there today, still had the shovel laying next to the hole.

Just seems like an easy place to get in and out of on a semi regular basis, When i harvest i'll go late at night and take my girl, anybody shows up we tell em some story about when we were young we used to come out here to make out, blah blah blah, couples therapy, blah blah, Save my marriage, blah blah. Seems easy.

See the prolem is im in farm country, bigtime. So almost all the land has been cleared and farmed, Just small treelines 30 feet deep or so and 100's of feet long that mark the property lines. So where do i park to get in? Thats when i thought of the cemetery.

I do have a state park about 30 miles away but that seems risky doesn't it? Seems way more likely that a hiker in a state park finds my shit then the grounds keeper at a lil country cemetary seeing it from 20+ feet away.

But as always i am very open to suggestions.
And what part of my plan do you find disrespectful ? Shit i give my full permission, When i die plant trees on my ass. Hell I'm not even gonna be embalmed, Just stuffed with Perlite to make it easy for ya. LOL

lol i was joking anyway :blsmoke:
Don't forget the farmer can get in trouble if the 5-0 find the plants. Also, pork-choopers know to look in corn fields. god luck
i haveee my ladies flowering next to my tomato crops
55 days from seed
(First Girl)
Well if i wanted to plant in a happy place where everyone goes i would go to disney and put that bitch on top of space mountain. If people are scared, Great, I want as few of em as possible. And yeah it is kinda scary too, They have a really old run down part in the back. Saw a freshly dug grave there today, still had the shovel laying next to the hole.

Just seems like an easy place to get in and out of on a semi regular basis, When i harvest i'll go late at night and take my girl, anybody shows up we tell em some story about when we were young we used to come out here to make out, blah blah blah, couples therapy, blah blah, Save my marriage, blah blah. Seems easy.

See the prolem is im in farm country, bigtime. So almost all the land has been cleared and farmed, Just small treelines 30 feet deep or so and 100's of feet long that mark the property lines. So where do i park to get in? Thats when i thought of the cemetery.

I do have a state park about 30 miles away but that seems risky doesn't it? Seems way more likely that a hiker in a state park finds my shit then the grounds keeper at a lil country cemetary seeing it from 20+ feet away.

But as always i am very open to suggestions.

made me laugh...:mrgreen:
Why So against the corn? I admit i don't know shit but alot of the old timers around my way have great tales of planting in the corn.
Thats exactly the reason why. It is widley known that people have used corn fields to grow. Thats like saying I'm thinking about hiding a bomb in my shoe. Ever since that nut job terrorist did it, everyone gets their shoes checked. Once the DEA caught on that people used corn fields, thats a regular spot to look.


LOL, I'm sorry man but at first I didn't even see the tomatos. It looks like a pot plant with red ornaments on it.
So what can i do to make my plants less likely to be noticed from the air if i plant In a corn field? I mean there are corn and soybean fields EVERYWHERE around here, maybe i hide some LR#2's in with the soybeans, there about the same height. What cha think?
ive spent a lot of time in the country and always thought that along the brush line on the outskirt of fields would be an okay place to grow (nothing but weeds there already). id scout it out and see what you think. the folks i know only scan the brush line if they are looking for a deer or turkey...not mari plants.

be sure not to plant them uniform AT ALL and spread them/try to blend them with the brush as best you can...meaning the greener the better (check it out during the day).

i will say that i have no experience at this particular method but always thought it would work in the right area.