Cemetery as a starting point?

I've never understood how cornfield grows can possibly work out. I don't know where y'all live, but in my part of the country farmers always harvest their corn by mid-September. Unless you have exceptionally courteous farmers who take care to work around your plants, your dope will be chopped down two weeks before you're ready to harvest. What do you guys do - plant really early finishers or something?
Well around here they don't grow corn for people, It's all feed corn for the animals. So they harvest real late so that the corn is partially dried already.
the corn field dirst is good.......so dig some up and move it to a safer location if thats the idea (someone said something about it so thats to him/her)

but ppl are going to be in that corn field FOR SURE @ one point or another......
you dont necessarily know that hikers are going to be in those woods FOR SURE....feel me?
i plant by chance that someone will pass by. If theres no chance in living hell that someone is gonna come by, throw out as many beans/clones as you can get (without overhead flir units detecting the heat radiation). but even if someone MAY pass through there then i only put what the possible passerby MAY OVERLOOK.

too bad no one ever actually came off some of those deformed strains to the seedbanks........sure as hell would make mine and your pre-grow planning a piece of cake.
Well around here they don't grow corn for people, It's all feed corn for the animals. So they harvest real late so that the corn is partially dried already.
they usually still keep the fields well trimmed around them.
all the corn fields near my folks place in alabama is used for gas....

im just trying to think of some factors that may help ya.

me myself id rather plant in a 20ft strech of woods than that corn field bra....

anyone ever go though that stretch of itty bitty woods? other than looking for critters i mean?
No i guess it would be very unlikely that anyone would ever go into the small patches of woods. But damn I have never seen such a dense canopy in my life. I don't think i could get decent sun anywhere IN the woods. And i really don't wanna grow in buckets in trees. So i guess that leaves me the edges of the woods.

And damn did i see alot of dope planes last year. Just kept doing circles over my garden. Saw on the news they were busting people for as little as one plant in there back yard. Even took an 80+ year old lady for a single 8 foot tall plant in her garden. Sad.:cry:

And more then once they used the national guard to search and destroy. They would do weekend missions, fly out in swarms of helicopters and spot the plants from the air, land and cut em down, burn em in a big pile.

Come to think of it i think alot of the footage i saw was in cornfields. So they must target them heavily.

An old timer told me a story of taking a canoe out to a small island in a river. Apparently it's some kind of protected migratory bird habitat so they aren't allowed to fly the choppers over it or some shit. But this seems like a good way to supersize my trouble, And i don't even know how to swim.
No i guess it would be very unlikely that anyone would ever go into the small patches of woods. But damn I have never seen such a dense canopy in my life. I don't think i could get decent sun anywhere IN the woods. And i really don't wanna grow in buckets in trees. So i guess that leaves me the edges of the woods.

lots of strains do not do well i full sun surprisingly. Research a bit to find out what could be available to you as far as a strain that only requires 6hrs of sun a day or so

. Saw on the news they were busting people for as little as one plant in there back yard. Even took an 80+ year old lady for a single 8 foot tall plant in her garden. Sad.:cry:
damnit they got fdd's grandma!

but yeah the shit happens. here if its only 1 plant and they cant prove who was actually taking care of it then it gets killed and usually nothing else happens

Come to think of it i think alot of the footage i saw was in cornfields. So they must target them heavily.
they always have since the oldtimers started using them. if its gotta be a field go with a lowryder in the soy field like you mentioned earlier. itd be gone b4 they cut the field and its short enough to stay with the soy.

An old timer told me a story of taking a canoe out to a small island in a river.
now i HAVE done that on 4 different islands. The first 2 got big as hell and remined a favorite location up untill i moved too far away to use it and the other 2 worked but had a high chance of ripp offs because teenagers typically like to swim to those lil islands and shit. (hope the lil bastards enjoyed smoking wet LEAVES!!! as they werent in flowering and had to swim back with em. a sandbar kept boats from entering cause it reached the surface off the water)

And i don't even know how to swim.
but that really kicks that as an option.

im gonna have to go take some pics of my outdoor location later on to get opinions... I dont have many options either and i have almost like 20 acres of woods that i have enough access to, to plant there.
Wow so are you saying i can plant "IN"the woods? I didn't think there was enough light in there but I would be willing to try it. Thank you for taking the time to break it all down for me, much appreciated.
Wow so are you saying i can plant "IN"the woods? I didn't think there was enough light in there but I would be willing to try it. Thank you for taking the time to break it all down for me, much appreciated.

depending on the individual spot yes. in the woods would generally be the best place for myself but it may not be for yourself.

are there any small plants or folliage along the ground? if so then light has to be getting to them somehow right?
however knowing the folliage would help too. Example:ferns are easy to recognize, but they will NOT grow in a well lit place or even a decent enough place that you could grow bud in.

but siince you say that those woods arent real thick then thed prob get light in there fine enough to do good enough for you. I aint saying your gonna get trees or anything but 1-2ft tall plants aint unfeesable or impossible
Smoke a few bones while you're there.

thats another thing. there is always trash around areas that people frequent. so if its really messy around there in the woods then people probably go around there more often than you would want.

in example deer hunters: mofos are always talking about how bad it is to leave trash in the woods yet i just mosta ll of them piss in bottles while they are out there and then leave the bottles 100 foot away from their stand on the way out........
(not to speak down of all the deer hunters of course. just the lazy sonavabitches who do this)
Well ,we want to harvest before deer season . It gets dangerous in the woods in November where we grow. We seem to always find enough clearings to plant in, they don't need to be very big , 10X10 is a big patch,smaller holes in the canopy are frequent and usable. Again, Good luck!!
Well ,we want to harvest before deer season . It gets dangerous in the woods in November where we grow. We seem to always find enough clearings to plant in, they don't need to be very big , 10X10 is a big patch,smaller holes in the canopy are frequent and usable. Again, Good luck!!

id say he would have to worry about hunters more in the cornfields by the way hes describing the layout of the land, but its still something to keep in mind.

and hes right about small holes being good in the canopy of trees. I usually just climb up the trees and take out a bunch of limbs. lets plenty of light in usually but then I have to move all those limbs so it dosent look so suspicious.

maybe this will give u a good idea? https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/62043-i-think-i-found-next.html#post697514
Kochab that abandoned farmstead looks real good, like nobodys been around in years,and that old still is cool,shows that this may well be a good site. Asfar as the hunters go I just don't think beer and bullets mix well,he,he.
im just trying to show him that theres ALWAYS alternatives. i had already picked out a spot when last fall was here and had the holes dug but the area was clear cut. and that forced me to find that spot. Glad i did too
Well It does sound like a good Idea to plant near the cematary if you make sure your plants will have enough cover so passing people dont stuble across them.
while i was napping today i came up with this. I have family in the cemetary, so i plan to go there and park, go back into the woods a bit with a shovel and hang out a few hours. Should be a good way to see if anyone notices im there. If questioned, i plan to present a roadkill animal in a box, tell them it was a pet and i came to bury it close to my family in the woods. Should be a pretty good cover right? I will actually bury the animal aswell, so that if i'm ever out there there taking care of em and i'm questioned by someone when i come out of the woods, i can tell em i was visiting a dead pet, I'll even have a little marker for it so i can show them if they insist. Hell maybe i'll even transport the clones out there in a box all taped up and say thats the dead pet. Just seems to keep on getting better.
really good idea but u shouldnt have any problems with getting caught just dont use the corn feild or theres a slim chance you will harvest a single plant. my family has been farming for years ... trust me