Who Else Knows That Ron Paul will NEVER be President?


Well-Known Member
Im older than 16 and you idiots need to get off this dukeanthony thing whatever the hell that means

Edited to add
I forgot
8. They will report any of your anti-Paul content online, to the owner of said site. For example, if you have a Facebook page with anti-Paul content, they’ll report it as abusive to Facebook. Yet they’ll maintain following anti-Obama, anti-Boehner, anti-Bachmann, anti-Franks, anti-Pelosi, anti-Bush pages, because there is NOTHING hypocritical about that.
You act like a kid. This post is an example. Did you get a post of yours deleted on one? Is that why you are mad? aww poor thing keep posting this because we really really care when you get your feelings hurt


Well-Known Member
7 blueberry plants, all have been supercropped (just pinched the main stem to even the canopy out).

i am hoping for a pound, although i will settle for 12 ounces. one of my better grows up to this point. they shared 800 watts with 2-4 other plants during the flower period.
You grow the same thing I do. Looks like you have close to the same lighting and yield that I do too. between 1.5-2 oz per plant
blueberry is the hardest to grow for me by far


Well-Known Member
You grow the same thing I do. Looks like you have close to the same lighting and yield that I do too. between 1.5-2 oz per plant
blueberry is the hardest to grow for me by far
this is my first run with the blueberries and anyone who i have mentioned it to has said the same thing. beginner's luck, these seem to be growing well, although i see the problems. too leggy to support their own weight, a bit longer to mature, and i haven't seen the usual "swell". seems a bit fluffier than other strains i have grown.

and at 1.5-2 oz a plant, this is a good harvest for me. normally i am happy with a solid ounce, but i added some more light.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Ok, yep, you are right, i forgot that the reason natives that live on the rez are so poor is because the white man has you all in boarding schools, how insensitive of me to think otherwise.

I thought your mom was the product of the depression, given a pick and shovel the day she came out of the womb, her life nothing but pure misery as she had to labor to support her family. then she turned 5 and they passed a law making child labor illegal. Wasn't that the story you told us all last week?

the rest of your post is just you venting , because for the most part you are in agreement with me.
Just tell me you want to fuck me and get it over with. You closet homos are a pain in the ass (no pun intended).


New Member
Blueberry doesn't yeild very well outdoors but generally indoor yields dont really vary with any given strain given the same lighting.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Hope its a good one.
The best part of this discussion is me bring up weed and using that as an example in the free market. When in fact it is one of the products that is furthest from the free market ideals since it is restricted by the government.

The regulated unfree market has artificially driven prices high....to say nothing of the draconian policies of jailing people and seizing their homes for using or growing a plant. When government provides that kind of "service" I cannot consent to them or their rationalizations to foist other "services" upon me that I do not want or need.


Well-Known Member
ron paul published a very racist newsletter.
so , using the word "Black man" is considered VERY racist? hmmm, what does someone who uses the "N" word get described as? , armageddonish racist?
I think your use of "Very" doesn't even kind of fit those 3 little sentences amongst millions of other words.

Dan kone used the "N" word the other day, I had it as my sig for a few hours, maybe you noticed. Can i now make the statement that Dan kone is a raging racist hell bent on the wholesale slaughter of all black people? Seems like a bit of embellishment you know what i mean?


Well-Known Member
Just tell me you want to fuck me and get it over with. You closet homos are a pain in the ass (no pun intended).
Doesn't seem like much of a position you have here, when presented with the facts of how you just make shit up and get caught in your own lies all the time you resort to ad hominem. I figured someone in their 60's would know better by now.


Well-Known Member
Just tell me you want to fuck me and get it over with. You closet homos are a pain in the ass (no pun intended).
More group think hate. You closet blacks are a pain in the ass, you closet muslims are a pain in the ass, you closet hispanics are a pain in the ass. You closet everyone different than me are a pain in the ass.


Well-Known Member
I cant wait for another 4 years of obama or any other status quo candidate for that matter, the constitution is the rule of law, you want to go outside it? then leave america.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't seem like much of a position you have here, when presented with the facts of how you just make shit up and get caught in your own lies all the time you resort to ad hominem. I figured someone in their 60's would know better by now.
60's? Wow. Didn't see that one coming.


New Member
I cant wait for another 4 years of obama or any other status quo candidate for that matter, the constitution is the rule of law, you want to go outside it? then leave america.

Right on....They may want to try 1920's italy, 1935 Germany, 1960's East germany, or China...seems a better fit for NDAA lovers... lol


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by NoDrama

I figured someone in their 60's would know better by now.

60's? Wow. Didn't see that one coming.
I hear ya. I would think someone in their 60's and pro marijuana would have learned from the Vietnam time frame about big government involvement and all the harm it does. Communism is gonna get ya if you don't watch out. Now the false flag evil is Muslims.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya. I would think someone in their 60's and pro marijuana would have learned from the Vietnam time frame about big government involvement and all the harm it does. Communism is gonna get ya if you don't watch out. Now the false flag evil is Muslims.
hmmmm I guess thats why some on the right kept wanting to paint President Obama as a Muslim.


Well-Known Member
Becuase only Christian religous schools are bad?
Your posts don't even make sense, you seem unabe to make a coherent point or argument- many of your attempts only prove how you do not understand basic concepts.
I refuse to enter a battle of whits with an unarmed man-
Good day to you sir