Highlanders cave
Well-Known Member
Hey Voidman just a thought...I know that your moving at some point from the house that your renting, but what about a little renovation in the bedroom closet and then patch things up when you leave there. Cut a hole in the ceiling, you could put your inline in the attic and vent out of there somewhere. My first growroom was my bedroom closet...a couple of hidden screws to keep the door locked is what I did. I met my current girlfriend about a month into that grow but of course did not tell her about it. Lots of scented candles towards the end, I was growing WW and it stunk! The closet is less than a yard from the bed and she never knew about the grow lol. Towards the end once she remarked that it "smelled like a skunk in the bedroom". I pulled 9 oz of super dank from that grow in a 5.5 sq ft area. Never come close to replicating that yield in there and that was five years ago lol