Who Else Knows That Ron Paul will NEVER be President?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it wouldnt have anything to do with him growing up as a muslim or anything... that is just totally a coincidence.
I haven't seen proof. Although I know nothing of his years when he was a pup, as an adult he says he is Christian. I have no reason to doubt him although it wouldn't matter to me.


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen proof. Although I know nothing of his years when he was a pup, as an adult he says he is Christian. I have no reason to doubt him although it wouldn't matter to me.
You can find clips of him pandering to the muslims recalling his childhood being brought up in a muslim country.


Active Member
Ihope ron paul does win somehow....then I hope he drives to your house and dueces on your doormatt like you did hear to rp supporters


Well-Known Member
Ihope ron paul does win somehow....then I hope he drives to your house and dueces on your doormatt like you did hear to rp supporters
we all know that ron paul, if elected, would clean your garage once a month, give you a raise, and fellate you.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I don't understand why anyone is wasting their time even giving a thought to Ron Paul. He has no bearing at all on the actual selection of a nominee, and he will not run as an independent. He has the political significance in 2012 of Grover Cleveland.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why anyone is wasting their time even giving a thought to Ron Paul. He has no bearing at all on the actual selection of a nominee, and he will not run as an independent. He has the political significance in 2012 of Grover Cleveland.
What was insignificant about being against the Housing Bill that destroyed the economy? He told us the exact reasons why the economy would collapse and he was right. What was insignificant about telling us to expect a 9/11 attack since our foreign policy of occupation for 50 years made us less safe?
I don't see why anyone should waste their time reading another one of your posts since in this one you haven't given a thought to Ron Pauls policies. :confused:


Well-Known Member
What was insignificant about being against the Housing Bill that destroyed the economy? He told us the exact reasons why the economy would collapse and he was right. What was insignificant about telling us to expect a 9/11 attack since our foreign policy of occupation for 50 years made us less safe?
I don't see why anyone should waste their time reading another one of your posts since in this one you haven't given a thought to Ron Pauls policies. :confused:
Glenn Beck predicted those too yet you dont want him as president...

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Any idiot including 3 roofers who were discussing what the upcoming election of 2000 would bring predicted an invasion of Iraq and as construction workers we knew the pace we were keeping was unsustainable.
You dont have to be a patriot liberty concious like Ron Paul person to see what was coming if Bush got elected

Any idiot could of predicted it. Including as I say 3 roofers on a roof in july at lunch break 12 years ago
I especially liked the part in the movie The Shawshank Redemption when they were drinking beers on the roof on top of the jail. They probably predicted the Iraq invasion and I missed that part of the movie, I must have gotten up to take a piss or something.


Well-Known Member
when you post the same damn thing in two different threads, that is called "spam".
I think you need to look up the definition of spam because you clearly have no clue what that word means and use it loosely too often.
Your anti ron paul rhetoric always is the same so how about you stop your spam.


Well-Known Member
I think you need to look up the definition of spam because you clearly have no clue what that word means and use it loosely too often.
Your anti ron paul rhetoric always is the same so how about you stop your spam.
you posted the same thing in two threads without replying to anyone or anything in specific.

that = spam.


King Tut
the difference being that i am usually responding to someone, there is no link, and it is an ongoing joke.
Which detracts from the conversation at hand and is irrelevant to the topic being discussed. Pretty much spam imo but everyone has just joked about it and let you have your fun without constantly complaining.


Well-Known Member
the difference being that i am usually responding to someone, there is no link, and it is an ongoing joke.
nice try, the only joke is you thinking we believe your "spam"
I'm going to the turtle pond and telling the turtles they're adopted.