The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
OK, details beginning to crystallise... But I'm still paranoid about that smell seeping up through the floorboards of my living-room and me not really noticing (the whole frog-boiling syndrome) and then one day the cops turn up to say my brat has committed its first criminal offence, and as I try to persuade them that I'm a nice posh respectable lady with a human child (and only you lot know the truth), one of the officers starts sniffing the air...
well u need to get sum ply and put it over the rafters in your celler inbetween the rafters? then put sum insulation or cheap duvets inbetween the wood and floor underneath then ul be insulated and no light goinng throu the floor,
my pals grow u could light his lounge up with the amount of light cummin thru his floor boards hes gunna have to panel the floor in his lounge,
i con only semll my gange outside if the breoom window of the room wer the grow room is is open
its good to be paranoid but dont get TOO paranoid i got like that and it was shit and wen i pakdced it away the equipmnet i slept better (part from me foot)
but im just a real parra cunt so yeh in short dont get too parra a 600 aint gunna show up on a flir


Active Member
well u need to get sum ply and put it over the rafters in your celler inbetween the rafters? then put sum insulation or cheap duvets inbetween the wood and floor underneath then ul be insulated and no light goinng throu the floor,
my pals grow u could light his lounge up with the amount of light cummin thru his floor boards hes gunna have to panel the floor in his lounge,
i con only semll my gange outside if the breoom window of the room wer the grow room is is open
its good to be paranoid but dont get TOO paranoid i got like that and it was shit and wen i pakdced it away the equipmnet i slept better (part from me foot)
but im just a real parra cunt so yeh in short dont get too parra a 600 aint gunna show up on a flir
Hmm. I'm crap with suspense. Even as a kid I used to leap out of bed to confront the monster head-on rather than patiently wait for morning/ sleep. I'd have to find a way to acquire a split personality. Dr Jekyll would be the nice respectable lady who wouldn't recognize weed if it tumbled out of her spice cupboard. Ms Hyde would be the weird wild eccentric hermit who sings to her babies in her basement. So long as Dr Jekyll is unaware of Ms Hyde's existence, and Ms Hyde keeps the basement locked, I think I might pull this off in a freaky and psychologically unhealthy way. I'm looking forward to it.


Well-Known Member
Hmm. I'm crap with suspense. Even as a kid I used to leap out of bed to confront the monster head-on rather than patiently wait for morning/ sleep. I'd have to find a way to acquire a split personality. Dr Jekyll would be the nice respectable lady who wouldn't recognize weed if it tumbled out of her spice cupboard. Ms Hyde would be the weird wild eccentric hermit who sings to her babies in her basement. So long as Dr Jekyll is unaware of Ms Hyde's existence, and Ms Hyde keeps the basement locked, I think I might pull this off in a freaky and psychologically unhealthy way. I'm looking forward to it.
lol ur as random and nutty as TTT lmao

SO TTT u going canada and leaving us pal or what?


Well-Known Member
no mate getting worse anytime i try walk anyware round the house i get immence pain like rocking bak and forth in complete agony cant do anything but rive in pain the sleepers r working but im low and dont see doc till friday im seriously thinking of telling them to ake the foot if thats a real option? but i maybe will have to bite the bullet and go to hospital il have to get a mobile dongle from sumwer tho coz cant go with no net or tv lol iuts expensive living in thehispital and il take my own meds fuk ther u can only have this much jargon


Active Member
Sounds shitty. What exactly is wrong with your foot? Apart from the fact that it puts people off their food ;) I've got a few Xanax rolling around if they'd help you sleep or whatever, don't use them myself, too addictive =) Not quite sure why you'd feel obliged to check into hospital - superior pain meds?! The mere thought of a UK hospital makes my teeth water (and I was quite cool with a hospital where they had stood a real human skeleton in one corner of the geriatric ward - I mean, I'm fairly non-judgemental about hospitals on the whole).


Active Member
evenin ring stretchers. im back, on ma spunk buckets new chrimbo lap top...its pretty good....she went in the huff with me the other nite for asking for sex....although tbh i did ask if she fancied me giving her fish bucket a little fuckin sense of humour that woman.
Forgot to say (and I'm the last man standing now so basically talking to myself) - mate there are many combinations of many words that can turn a girl into a porn-star sex slave, but that ain't ten of 'em. The fine art of dirty talk: learn it. You'll thank me and send me bouquets of buds and stuff when your bird starts waking you up minutes before your alarm with a blow-job.

I have just rolled a huge joint by accident. I was distracted. What happens if I smoke half of it later - will it taste shite by tomorrow if half-smoked then extinguished?


Well-Known Member
Forgot to say (and I'm the last man standing now so basically talking to myself) - mate there are many combinations of many words that can turn a girl into a porn-star sex slave, but that ain't ten of 'em. The fine art of dirty talk: learn it. You'll thank me and send me bouquets of buds and stuff when your bird starts waking you up minutes before your alarm with a blow-job.

I have just rolled a huge joint by accident. I was distracted. What happens if I smoke half of it later - will it taste shite by tomorrow if half-smoked then extinguished?
sorry was tabbing and eating crnuchy nut ive never tried xenex but ive heard of them? maybe would be good to try :) only if your sure,
well its narrowing of the veins casuins deep ulcers and also
What Is Plantar Fasciitis?
Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the band of tissue (the plantar fascia) that extends from the heel to the toes. In this condition, the fascia first becomes irritated and then inflamed, resulting in heel pain.
The most common cause of plantar fasciitis relates to faulty structure of the foot. For example, people who have problems with their arches, either overly flat feet or high-arched feet, are more prone to developing plantar fasciitis.
Wearing non-supportive footwear on hard, flat surfaces puts abnormal strain on the plantar fascia and can also lead to plantar fasciitis. This is particularly evident when one’s job requires long hours on the feet. Obesity may also contribute to plantar fasciitis.

The symptoms of plantar fasciitis are:
Pain on the bottom of the heel
Pain that is usually worse upon arising
Pain that increases over a period of months
People with plantar fasciitis often describe the pain as worse when they get up in the morning or after they’ve been sitting for long periods of time. After a few minutes of walking the pain decreases, because walking stretches the fascia. For some people the pain subsides but returns after spending long periods of time on their feet.



Well-Known Member
[h=2]London Heel Pain Treatment | Plantar Fasciitis Specialist Clinic London[/h] Heel Pain & Plantar Fasciitis
Heel pain is most often caused by plantar fasciitis, a condition that is sometimes also called heel spur syndrome when a spur is present. Heel pain may also be due to other causes, such as a stress fracture, tendonitis, arthritis, nerve irritation, or, rarely, a cyst.
Because there are several potential causes, it is important to have heel pain properly diagnosed. A foot and ankle specialist is able to distinguish between all the possibilities and determine the underlying source of your heel pain.
What Is Plantar Fasciitis?
Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the band of tissue (the plantar fascia) that extends from the heel to the toes. In this condition, the fascia first becomes irritated and then inflamed, resulting in heel pain.
The most common cause of plantar fasciitis relates to faulty structure of the foot. For example, people who have problems with their arches, either overly flat feet or high-arched feet, are more prone to developing plantar fasciitis.
Wearing non-supportive footwear on hard, flat surfaces puts abnormal strain on the plantar fascia and can also lead to plantar fasciitis. This is particularly evident when one’s job requires long hours on the feet. Obesity may also contribute to plantar fasciitis.

The symptoms of plantar fasciitis are:
Pain on the bottom of the heel
Pain that is usually worse upon arising
Pain that increases over a period of months
People with plantar fasciitis often describe the pain as worse when they get up in the morning or after they’ve been sitting for long periods of time. After a few minutes of walking the pain decreases, because walking stretches the fascia. For some people the pain subsides but returns after spending long periods of time on their feet.

To arrive at a diagnosis, the foot and ankle surgeon will obtain your medical history and examine your foot. Throughout this process the specialist rules out all the possible causes for your heel pain other than plantar fasciitis.
In addition, diagnostic imaging studies such as x-rays or other imaging modalities may be used to distinguish the different types of heel pain. Sometimes heel spurs are found in patients with plantar fasciitis, but these are rarely a source of pain. When they are present, the condition may be diagnosed as plantar fasciitis/heel spur syndrome.
Non-Surgical Treatment
Treatment of plantar fasciitis begins with first-line strategies,:
Orthotic devices. Custom orthotic devices that fit into your shoe help correct the underlying structural abnormalities causing the plantar fasciitis.
Injection therapy. In some cases, corticosteroid injections are used to help reduce the inflammation and relieve pain.
Removable walking cast. A removable walking cast may be used to keep your foot immobile for a few weeks to allow it to rest and heal.
Night splint. Wearing a night splint allows you to maintain an extended stretch of the plantar fascia while sleeping. This may help reduce the morning pain experienced by some patients.
Physical therapy. Exercises and other physical therapy measures may be used to help provide relief.

When Is Surgery Needed?
Although most patients with plantar fasciitis respond to non-surgical treatment, a small percentage of patients may require surgery. If, after several months of non-surgical treatment, you continue to have heel pain, surgery will be considered. Your foot and ankle surgeon will discuss the surgical options with you and determine which approach would be most beneficial for you.


Active Member
that i dont know mate i think the said celulitus or summet im not even 100% sure whats wrong i dont thhink they are tbh maybe im diabetic?
OK well maybe you should sort of, umm, I dunno, find out?! Cellulitis sounds like a disease invented by manufacturers of gimmicky thigh creams. Can't google simultaneously while posting on this phone. Stupid phone. Otherwise I'd google it. And if you're diabetic surely you should be on the appropriate diet and/or medication? You know, to stop you from dying and such?


Active Member
Enlighten me please on the secret of getting a blowjob as an alarm clock.(apart from the obvious one of getting yourself a fat bird that plays for the jersey. 110%. lol)
You won't like it - too much hard work :D

But ok. You take the trouble to talk to her like a lady in public, to sweet talk her in private and to dirty talk properly (no fish buckets) in bed or [insert relevant location].

That's why English girls turn into such sluts on their annual all-inclusive booze-up abroad. Foreign waiters all know this secret.


Well-Known Member
You won't like it - too much hard work :D

But ok. You take the trouble to talk to her like a lady in public, to sweet talk her in private and to dirty talk properly (no fish buckets) in bed or [insert relevant location].

That's why English girls turn into such sluts on their annual all-inclusive booze-up abroad. Foreign waiters all know this secret.
How about you just don't talk to them and fuck their brains out. I would prefer that. I like you. Your humour makes me giggle. Long may it continue


Active Member
How about you just don't talk to them and fuck their brains out. I would prefer that. I like you. Your humour makes me giggle. Long may it continue
Omigod! *girly squeal of hysterical excitement* Supersillybilly likes me! I've got to tell the other girls!

:D Not talking would work sometimes too, but my point was that one of the first things I noticed when I got back home was how fucking rude English blokes are to their wives/ girlfriends/ potential shags. Yeah sure, it's an intrinsic part of Englishness, a grand old tradition (my ultra-posh colonial old granddad used to call my beyond-posh gran "silly old bag" on a good day and "stupid cow" on an average one). But in today's age of multi-culturalism and stuff, English girls are realizing that they can shag blokes who are skillful with their tongues - and that's just down the telephone :D Never underestimate the power of words - it's how those bollock-ugly blokes manage to seduce gorgeous women.

You all owe it to your country if you're seriously worried about it being taken over by foreigners ;)


Well-Known Member
Oh, so you've met my sister then?
Im only messing, I like women and enjoy their company but hate talking about serious stuff. Women sure like a drama out of fuck all. lol

Where are u from. I get the distinct impression that your not from the UK. Im not either, Im from Scotland. lol

EDIT: Not met her yet but will try and get round to it. Also I see that u were worring about heat sig. Dont worry, Ive got 6 x 600w under a tin roof. lol