I hope that you didn't send it special delivery to me

that could be complicated for me to get hold of thanks to work and other things.
Today, first day back at work and i am utterly and royally pissed off. I'm no walking mop and bucket, but i keep my kitchen at work in good shape, i throw out old stock, i keep things clean, and i wash up everything that is used, at the end fo every day. So naturally i come into work today, every single item of cookware, dirty, riddled with bacteria, every quiche tin caked in burnt mixture, every saucepan burnt beyond use, machinery full of putrid rotting vegetables. The owner of the business, she is something else, it's like she's making it her life mission to get her shop closed down. Instead of it taking 2 minutes to clean each quiche tin, it took me an hour to do 4, so now all of the rest of that cleaning and washing is now waiting for me when i get in in the morning, during the period where i'm meant to be cooking. I cannot fucking wait to get out of that place and boogie over to canada. ANGRY!