Yellowing and yellow lines on leaves, wtf is this


Well-Known Member
You can tell its yellow compared to the other plants, and I got a close up on it. What is this and how to correct?

Root organic soil
fox farm nutes
I flushed and added nutes like 3 days ago.
Dont know the PH but I water with well water
600w MH bulb

I am thinking a nitrogen def just double checking



Active Member
Without checking the ph in your well water it's hard to tell. I have had a similar problem and found the minerals in the well water actually caused root block. I flushed them with some distilled water and transplanted them. they all survived and produced well. Just a suggestion.


Well-Known Member
While your figuring out the problem give them a foliar feed with MG for eg ,1/2 str only(once per week). They are trace element def and that should at least green the leaves back up.


Well-Known Member
Looks like that one pheno is just a bit hungrier than the rest. I would just up its nutes some. Plants that size should be able to handle 1 to 1 1/2 tsp of Grow Big.


Well-Known Member
Well I meant 1/3 strength which is 1tbsp per gallon, the feeding schedule recommend 3 tbsp

Po boy

Well-Known Member
they look hungry to me - why did you have to flush them? good luck, nice looking grow


Well-Known Member
I use FF nutes, GB and TB with well water also. I have found it helps to add a 1/4 tsp of Epsom Salts to the feeding to help keep calcium and magnesium in balance.


Well-Known Member
Well water is suppose to be one of the freshwater water sources but I know it depends obviously on where you live so I filled up a gallon and taking it to a pool supply store and he is going to test and see everything in the water. I use cal mag so that should take the place of the Epson salt correct?


Well-Known Member
And I flushed because they been in those pots two months so I figured the salt had to be building up. Could have been totally wrong but whatevs


Well-Known Member
Caution: Large amounts of fail detected

So I go outside to feed my plants and I go pour the big bloom and its murky (was always clear like water) and im like wtf and dump it out and look into the container and thats when I see it. The different layers of the liquid, So much fail, shake it up, chocolate milk color and wow. So just gave each big plants 1 gallon of 1/2 strength, and the smaller one a quart. Barely any run off so thats good. Lets hope that turns my plants around


Weed Modifier
I would up the feed on them girls now...they are bigger and can handle the nutrients....just deficient in nutrients...up as required :) the one looks more hungry than the rest...but once you up the feed they should green up again after about a week! good luck hope this helps you. :)


Well-Known Member
Well water is suppose to be one of the freshwater water sources but I know it depends obviously on where you live so I filled up a gallon and taking it to a pool supply store and he is going to test and see everything in the water. I use cal mag so that should take the place of the Epson salt correct?
Good for you getting your water tested. And most well the use of CalMag is not needed. I use epsoms to balance the calcium content in the well water. Once you get your results back you will must better be able to tune your nutes...I wouldnt go chasing a zinc or iron problem, notice how the veins are yellowing with the margins and its the entire plant and not localized at the top of the plant, thats not your issue....and from now on remember to shake those bottles of nutes well before use!


Weed Modifier
A more experienced grower would see this is not the problem....and that chart has many inaccuracies. Since when does a nitrogen deficiency leave the veins green?
I never said it Was the problem? just something to look at to compare it to.

I stated it was nutrient deficient, and to increase nutrients...just like you did!

I'm getting sick of your constant insults.... and putting members down here at you get a kick out of it or something? :finger:


Well-Known Member
If you cant take someones truthful opinion and take it as an insult then I dont what too say. What I find most insulting is the tidal flow of the same inaccurate and poor advice that continues to spread around this site. And posting a sulphur/iron chart were it has zero to do with the issue is poor advice. And you should probably take a close look at that chart you all are spreading around as it contains many errors.........and if you get too tired of it then you could just stop reading my posts, now wouldnt that be simple......