Yellowing and yellow lines on leaves, wtf is this


Weed Modifier
A more experienced grower would see this is not the problem....and that chart has many inaccuracies. Since when does a nitrogen deficiency leave the veins green?
If you cant take someones truthful opinion and take it as an insult then I dont what too say. What I find most insulting is the tidal flow of the same inaccurate and poor advice that continues to spread around this site. And posting a sulphur/iron chart were it has zero to do with the issue is poor advice. And you should probably take a close look at that chart you all are spreading around as it contains many errors.........and if you get too tired of it then you could just stop reading my posts, now wouldnt that be simple......

then you should complain in this sticky thread too? ....that is where i got it from...


Well-Known Member
Ok I got my test results back and I am going to make a post about it in the indoor growing section! Hope to see yall tgere