The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
This country is already fucked, i live in london AKA baghdadistan. Fuck the government for letting so many dirty muslims in. Get told im racist but how is it racist when muslims aint a fucking race!!! aaaaah well, only about 10years of oil left and then it extermination time, no muslims or arabs left in the world.


Well-Known Member
This country is already fucked, i live in london AKA baghdadistan. Fuck the government for letting so many dirty muslims in. Get told im racist but how is it racist when muslims aint a fucking race!!! aaaaah well, only about 10years of oil left and then it extermination time, no muslims or arabs left in the world.

Blood boiling this morning m8. Wakes u up eh. lol


Active Member
This country is already fucked, i live in london AKA baghdadistan. Fuck the government for letting so many dirty muslims in. Get told im racist but how is it racist when muslims aint a fucking race!!! aaaaah well, only about 10years of oil left and then it extermination time, no muslims or arabs left in the world.
You're a faithist.


Active Member
Im only messing, I like women and enjoy their company but hate talking about serious stuff. Women sure like a drama out of fuck all. lol

Where are u from. I get the distinct impression that your not from the UK. Im not either, Im from Scotland. lol

EDIT: Not met her yet but will try and get round to it. Also I see that u were worring about heat sig. Dont worry, Ive got 6 x 600w under a tin roof. lol
I am from the UK - by birth. But sometimes I lie awake and suspect I can actually hear those Irish genes talking to me - and about an eighth of my family visibly carry my Scottish ancestors' apparently un-dilutable blood - otherwise the rest is basically good old colonial English blood (i.e. my grandparents held dinner parties for visiting English ambassadors at their overstaffed colonial villa and exploited natives and stuff - and got rich off it). But I'm weird and eccentric so I spent my late teens and most of my twenties living and working abroad in various sunny countries (which is why my living family members won't really give me the time of day - they somehow seem to feel that I insulted England by preferring not to live there for so long - or something).

On the other hand, I suppose I don't really feel very English sometimes. I've picked up foreign ways :D I keep standing in the wrong queue, or not realizing that the two shifty-looking characters loitering near an ATM are actually queueing (and then wondering why I nearly get knifed for sauntering up to the ATM in front of them). I read international news before I read UK news. I put garlic in all my food. I even smile too much for this country - in public, too! *gasps of horror* It's like my mind and body are vibrating at a slightly different frequency from everybody else, and I often catch somebody giving me this narrow-eyed look, like "OK, she looks English, she sounds English, her name is English... But she can't fool me, the imposter! She has a sneaky foreign twinkle in her eye..."

Good luck with my sister :D I'm going to enjoy this more than you could possibly guess.

Just trying to work out the logistics, and also if I can keep the paranoia under control. I've never had anything interesting to hide before, never had any reason to jump at the sound of sirens before.


Well-Known Member
Sibling rivalry eh!!!!! Everyone gets bouts of para when growing(anyone says different is a liar) but you got to have the most important attitude. The "FUCK IT" attitude. How many plants r u thinking of doing???? Have u got a good front???


Active Member
Sibling rivalry eh!!!!! Everyone gets bouts of para when growing(anyone says different is a liar) but you got to have the most important attitude. The "FUCK IT" attitude. How many plants r u thinking of doing???? Have u got a good front???
Whoa whoa. Haven't got to the numbers and technicalities yet. Still working on the self-motivation and the general concepts. Also: Landlord comes for "visit" every coupla months, and tenancy agreement up for renewal in three months. Thinking of waiting to see if I get evicted or the rent gets put up or something before I start converting TTT's room. How many months should I have "guaranteed"?


Well-Known Member
Why not get a mother plant on the go just now(ask some kind gentleman for a cutting of a great strain) Then when your ready take clones and do your grow. Your 2 weeks ahead of seeds and you know its going to be a cracking plant???


Well-Known Member
Mother plants r easy. Get yourself a blue 250 CFL light(bout £50 off flebay) 11l pot, coco and perlite to fill pot(about 70/30 ratio) and some nutes(canna coco a + b) then give her 18 hrs of light per day. When and if the day comes, take clone(countless videos on youtube on how to do it) If you aint going to grow you could always sell clones?? Grow a set and get growing girl. lol


Active Member
Mother plants r easy. Get yourself a blue 250 CFL light(bout £50 off flebay) 11l pot, coco and perlite to fill pot(about 70/30 ratio) and some nutes(canna coco a + b) then give her 18 hrs of light per day. When and if the day comes, take clone(countless videos on youtube on how to do it) If you aint going to grow you could always sell clones?? Grow a set and get growing girl. lol
Hah if it were just about balls then I'd have been growing years ago mate. My brat is only 3 and I don't want it to be taken away by social services because its mother is in jail. When that happens, I want it to be because I called them myself, to give myself a holiday.

But I've noted the shopping list. How aromatic are the mothers? I had one of those heart-stopping moments a few days ago over the delicate perfume of my teeny stash. I have the perfect hiding-place: inside a little recycled Dried Oregano Flakes shaker, among a dozen similar herb/ spice containers, inside an unnecessarily pungent spice cupboard (fenugreek is fabulously stinky but I never use it in food, for example). Anyway, a bloodhound-like visitor paused metres away from the cupboard, sniffed the air and smirked "How lovely, such an unusual smell, what is it again that I can smell, it reminds me of my teens...?" She DID smirk, it WASN'T paranoia, and it WAS because of that incident that the little green men colonizing my ceiling were whispering and giggling last night.


Well-Known Member
Hah if it were just about balls then I'd have been growing years ago mate. My brat is only 3 and I don't want it to be taken away by social services because its mother is in jail. When that happens, I want it to be because I called them myself, to give myself a holiday.

But I've noted the shopping list. How aromatic are the mothers? I had one of those heart-stopping moments a few days ago over the delicate perfume of my teeny stash. I have the perfect hiding-place: inside a little recycled Dried Oregano Flakes shaker, among a dozen similar herb/ spice containers, inside an unnecessarily pungent spice cupboard (fenugreek is fabulously stinky but I never use it in food, for example). Anyway, a bloodhound-like visitor paused metres away from the cupboard, sniffed the air and smirked "How lovely, such an unusual smell, what is it again that I can smell, it reminds me of my teens...?" She DID smirk, it WASN'T paranoia, and it WAS because of that incident that the little green men colonizing my ceiling were whispering and giggling last night.

I really don't know your situation. 6 plants or less they aint going to fling away the I grow for the money and take a bit of a risk. I look to pull between 10-20k every 2 months. As for the mother plant and smell, well my SLH stinks, as do most good stains in veg so mibby not a great idea with bloodhound like visitors. lol

You can purchase a 1.2mx1.2mx2m, 600w light, 2 oxypot(DWC), nutes, carbon filter, 8inch fan and ducting and air mover for about £400 max. No smell and very little heat sig. Grow 2 plants, 4 weeks veg and pull about 15oz's. 3k every 2 months sound good???


Well-Known Member
Morning all, thought id chuck this up for you lot that like epic guitar solos lol



Well-Known Member
Fenugreek is great in Indian food and is also one of the many parts of Garam Masala.

Perhaps you should just stash your weed in an old jam jar, then people will never smell it.

Growing with a 3 year old child doesn't sound very chicken soup to me, brat or not, I am sure you would miss the little tike while playing the part of Madge in Prisoner Cell Block H.

Since you possibly have some Turkishness in your sole, perhaps you should move to Amsterdam, you'll get lots of their lovely sweets here! Then you can grow 5 plants and never fear of loosing a little tike (well until they change the law).

DST, aka. "the old para fart from the continent!"


Well-Known Member
yeh we all get paranoid when doing a grow but atm im doing the fuk it attitude as in the nuse says shes reported me for so called dealing but im stil gunna get one on the go only the 1 tho like i dscussed aiming for 16 oz (seriously) be fun trying rite!

well the doctor actually came to see me today shes appalled at the district nurse team for what they are doing and luckily i was riving in pain on the cold leather sofa when she arrived, shes put me on gabbapentium? 300mg menna be hella cool
managed to mod my psp now so impressed with my skills:)
how is everyone today?


Active Member
You NEED the fuck it attitude to get started, but your soon asking yourself why you didn't do this 10 years ago.
No idea on the rules with a little un in the house too (but I'm pretty sure you'd be fine with 1 or 2 plants)


Well-Known Member
You NEED the fuck it attitude to get started, but your soon asking yourself why you didn't do this 10 years ago.
No idea on the rules with a little un in the house too (but I'm pretty sure you'd be fine with 1 or 2 plants)
yeh dont hotwire anything and make sure its all fused and plugged in properly and paid for lektricicy and a lock on the door otherwise they could have you for child endangerment
but only a couple plants your fine


Active Member
Fenugreek is great in Indian food and is also one of the many parts of Garam Masala.

Perhaps you should just stash your weed in an old jam jar, then people will never smell it.

Growing with a 3 year old child doesn't sound very chicken soup to me, brat or not, I am sure you would miss the little tike while playing the part of Madge in Prisoner Cell Block H.

Since you possibly have some Turkishness in your sole, perhaps you should move to Amsterdam, you'll get lots of their lovely sweets here! Then you can grow 5 plants and never fear of loosing a little tike (well until they change the law).

DST, aka. "the old para fart from the continent!"
Funny you should say that. I have an old turkish friend living in Amsterdam. But he went for the weed and the ladies, not the sweets, I think.

Hmm. Now I have a little scottish demon on one shoulder and a continental angel on the other. To grow or not to grow...

(P.S. I only call it a brat. I am of course like all mums a loving, maternal, nurturing type, besotted with my own offspring, growing my own chickens and milking my own cats and stuff. Speaking of brats... WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?! I'll be back in 5 seconds with my cross-bow...)

(EDIT - P.P.S. - I got the fenugreek just after the brat was born - was very much into herbal medicine and stuff back then - it turned out to be unexpectedly potent but my voice is already trailing away as I realize this is totally the wrong forum to be posting this on... umm... Fenugreek always reminds me of those gloriously stinky slabs of "cured" meat in the middle east that they cut into pastrami-like wafer-thin slices. Your sweat pongs for a week but YUMMMM it's delicious. It's also a really good way to make use of those dead dogs lying at the sides of motorways.)
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